Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 386 No money and not short of money 6

What An Ran said was not a lie. Her clothing store was not profitable at all, so she took advantage of this and closed it down.

Mrs. He Er and others opened it and took a look, and saw that it was indeed filled with pieces of cloth. Because each piece of cloth was quite heavy, it was impossible for them to turn it all the way down, so naturally they didn't find that only the top two layers were made of materials. , there are all copper coins underneath.

At that moment, An Ran said again: "The quality of these materials is average. I don't know if you like it. If you like it, each of you can pick one."

Mrs. He Er and others couldn't help but be overjoyed after hearing this, and said hurriedly: "These materials are quite good, I like them, I like them."

They all like free things, no matter how bad they are. Besides, the materials are not really bad. Even if they are made into clothes that can be worn outside, they can be made into clothes that can be worn inside. Anyway, they can be worn inside. No one sees me, so I don’t care what I wear.

So except for Mrs. He Wu, the other three people each picked a piece of cloth and took it back. Mrs. He Wu naturally looked down on such poor fabric, so she didn't pick it.

After dealing with Mrs. He Er and the others, Concubine Ji came to inquire - in fact, they heard that Mrs. He Er and the others had obtained fabrics from An Ran, and wanted to take advantage and take some fabrics back - An Ran was too lazy to deal with this. , ignored them at all.

Although An Ran's obvious way of treating her differently made those concubines feel that An Ran was too shameful and looked down on them. However, because he complained to the prince, Prince Zhongyong was too lazy to take care of the affairs between women, so he could only let it go.

As the saying goes, rumors only stop at the wise. It didn't take long for the rumors outside to slowly subside. The reason is that some sober people knew that the amount of silver and copper coins coming in was limited. Even if the silver and copper coins of the Wei Dynasty were devalued, they would not be devalued to the level of It was so powerful now, so gradually, everyone realized that silver and copper coins were not so worthless, so the prices gradually recovered. At this time, An Ran asked Liu Lu to exchange the nine thousand copper coins into gold. With these two entries and exits, An Ran's money has doubled several times from the original one thousand taels (including money borrowed from her parents' family, money taken from the eldest husband, and a small amount of her own private property). It turned into six thousand taels of silver. After paying back what was taken from the father-in-law and what was borrowed from her natal family, there were still more than five thousand taels. An Ran used 5,000 taels to buy 500 acres of land, and kept the fraction for daily expenses.

This is an account on the surface. Secretly, she also borrowed one thousand taels from usury and earned six thousand taels. Although the interest was a lot, it was almost negligible due to the short period of borrowing.

If An Ran was not afraid that the original person's memory would be wrong and she would borrow too much and not be able to pay it back, otherwise she would not only borrow a thousand taels according to her own capital, but would borrow more and complete the original person in one go. task.

But it's not bad now. At least I have 500 acres of land on hand, and there are still 6,000 taels of silver in the space.

Seeing that his wife made a net profit of more than 5,000 taels of silver between one entry and one exit, Liu Lu couldn't help but admire her. At the same time, seeing that the silver and copper coins had really increased, Liu Lu really regretted it. I thought that if I followed my wife's footsteps and exchanged the one hundred taels of silver in my hand for copper coins, the one hundred taels of silver would now be converted into two hundred taels.

But there's no point regretting it. After all, I didn't know what was happening now. I was afraid that the copper coins and silver would fall all the way, so I didn't dare to exchange them.

After getting rich, An Ran asked Liu Lu to buy some genuine jewelry according to the style of jewelry she currently wore. She had sold all the jewelry before, and was afraid of being discovered and asked, so An Ran asked Liu Lu to buy some gold-coated copper ones. Impersonation was okay for a short period of time, but people would definitely find out over time. So now that he had money, An Ran replaced some of them with real ones, but not all of them. Anyway, it didn't matter if some of them were fake. After all, who doesn’t know that they have spent almost all their money that day and have no money to use, so it is normal to use real jewelry as money or use fake jewelry to pass it off. As long as not all of it is fake, there will be no suspicion. .

Although she only has more than 10,000 taels of silver in her hands at the moment, which is still far from the goal that her original body asked her to achieve, An Ran can cultivate her mental power, not to mention extending her life span, but at least living a hundred years is not a problem. Now she has just In his thirties, he had plenty of time to accumulate this amount to the original goal he wanted, so An Ran was not in a hurry. Anyway, the original person had no time limit and how long it would take to save so much money.

With money, An Ran can improve the lives of his original children.

The original person is now thirty-two years old and has two sons and one daughter. The eldest child and the youngest child are both boys, and the middle one is a girl.

The eldest child is fifteen years old, the girl is twelve years old, and the youngest child is eight years old.

No matter how big or small the child is, as long as they see good things in other people's homes but not in their own, they will always look at them eagerly. If they don't make a fuss, they will all be good children. The same is true for these children. Although they won't make a fuss about it, they know it. My own family has no money, so every time I see good things in other houses, I always look at them with eager eyes. But in the past, when I was here, the money was always given to those concubines, so I had no money to buy food for my children, but now It was An Ran. Now that the temporary money-making thing has come to an end and he has some money on hand, An Ran will naturally not suffer for the children anymore. He immediately asked Liu Lu to buy some food and fun for the children, especially for the little ones. Girl, buy some more jewelry.

Liu Lu agreed, and then hesitantly said: "Would you like to buy one for the other three young masters and ladies?"

Prince Zhongyong's son naturally had three children, and his concubines also gave birth to three more. Because of the tradition of Uncle Zhongyong's family having more boys than girls, these three children were also two boys and one girl.

Liu Lu was asking about these three people at this moment.

An Ran remembered silently that she was their aunt, and according to the rules of this era, she was their legal mother. She was too lazy to make superficial remarks, but considering that in order to reduce the trouble of these few mothers coming over to quarrel, she had to say : "Then don't take all the money from my private house. Use a sum of money from the public fund to buy some food, drinks and entertainment. Everyone has these. Then take some money from my private house and buy them for the girl." Set up jewelry, buy a jade pendant for the eldest young master, buy a longevity lock for the young master, and don’t worry about theirs.”

She didn't want to be taken advantage of like her original self and give her private room to her concubines. Even if they wanted to say this, it didn't make sense. But they had children and their children had nothing, so their aunts would probably quarrel. After all, if she doesn't give rewards to her aunts, those people can't say anything. After all, she's not one of theirs, but if she doesn't give something to the concubines and concubines, according to the rules of this era, they can have something to say. Who can let them? She holds the title of aunt-in-law, so she doesn't want to be quarreled, so naturally she has to do this.

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