Thinking of this, Grandma An secretly thought, if she had known that An Rui would become a fool, she should not have collaborated with An Rui and treated An's mother so badly. If she had a good relationship with An's mother at that time, she would not have to worry about An Rui's relationship with An Rui a hundred years later. Rui's business.

After An Rui's accident, one or two people said they knew it earlier, but unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, and no one can know it earlier.

An's mother didn't care about An Rui's affairs at all at the moment. She was more concerned about An Ran and Ma Xiang's affairs. Seeing that Ma Xiang had invited several times after they separated that day, but An Ran didn't accept the invitation, An's mother couldn't help but become anxious. Tian then called An Ran.

Of course, she didn't dare to offend An Ran now, so she didn't dare to say anything to blame An Ran. She just asked An Ran politely: "Ranran, that pony asked you out again. You rejected him several times, but this time it always... Is it time to agree?"

"No, I found out that the man has AIDS." An Ran was ready to resolve the matter, so this time he didn't just refuse, but stated the reason directly.

An's mother was shocked when she heard that the other party had AIDS, and she turned pale when she heard about it. After a while, she calmed down and said, "Is this a random excuse for not wanting to go? But we can only say this ourselves." "You can't say this outside, lest others say you have bad conduct and ruin other people's reputations."

"Of course not, I found out. After I went back that day, I thought it was strange that An Rui would be so kind to introduce me to a man with such good conditions, so I asked someone to check it out, and then I found that Ma wanted to be promiscuous. Come on. The AIDS thing.”

In fact, it was not investigated by anyone at all, but Enron used his powerful hacking skills to hack into Ma Xiang's computers, mobile phones and other technological products and found out.

Since that person had AIDS, it was impossible that there were no relevant records on his mobile phone or computer. Sure enough, not only did they find out which hospital he had been to for treatment all year round, but they also found out some records of his promiscuity. This man has been ill for more than two years. During this period, he has never stopped having sex. God knows how many people he has harmed.

An Ran has sent these materials to Chu Fei, who said that he will not be in seclusion for the time being, and asked him to see if such a person who is suspected of spreading an infectious disease should contact the relevant departments to deal with it. He cannot let the person continue to spread it. Go down.

She thought Chu Fei would be able to handle it, so she wouldn't have to take action herself.

When An Ran's mother heard what An Ran said, she began to believe that An Ran was not making excuses for not going to the appointment, but she was still a little skeptical.

Until a week later, An's mother, who had been paying attention to Ma Xiang's situation, heard that Ma Xiang had been arrested. The neighbors around his house spread the news that Ma Xiang had AIDS, deliberately infected many people, and was suspected of endangering the public. It was safe, so I believed it.

After believing it, An's mother became anxious. You must know that Anran didn't pay much attention to Ma Xiang that day. In order to show her closeness, she sat next to Ma Xiang and kept talking to Ma Xiang. The two of them sat so close that there were droplets when talking, and When eating vegetables, Ma wants to use chopsticks instead of public chopsticks, but directly inserts his own chopsticks into the vegetables. Isn't it possible that he will infect himself with AIDS?

An's mother felt that AIDS was like a scourge. She was worried that she might be infected with AIDS. Could she not be anxious? She was so anxious that she ran to get checked. Fortunately, she checked in several hospitals and found no infection. Then she patted her chest and relaxed. Take a breath.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel happy for An Ran. It wasn't that I cared about my daughter, but I thought that fortunately An Ran was cautious and didn't get fooled. Otherwise, if she really got infected with AIDS, don't think she was the one who introduced her. If she was the first one to cause trouble for her, she would be doomed.

No, no, it was not introduced by her, but by An Rui. Even if An Ran knew about it, if he wanted to cause trouble, he should go to An Rui...

An...An Rui? !

Thinking of something, An's mother suddenly turned around and looked at An Rui, who had become a fool. The hair on her neck stood up involuntarily.

This... this, An Rui has become a fool. Could it be An Ran's fault?

Although there is no evidence, An's mother always feels that this is the case.

Thinking about it like this, could Mother An not feel her hair standing on end? I thought that if it was really An Ran who did it, then...then I can avoid contacting him in the future, so I might as well not contact An Ran. This is too scary.

So An Ran's mother, who originally thought that An Ran had forgiven her and could "care" about her daughter's life-long events, became depressed again and did not dare to "care" anymore. She thought that An Ran would be older when she was older, even if Others knew that her eldest daughter was still unmarried, so she didn't care. After all, face was not as important as life.

Because An's mother was not here again, Luo Zao Anran was at peace again.

After taking care of An Rui, An Ran continued to practice.

The New Year will soon be here, and An Ran went to Grandpa Qiao’s house to celebrate the New Year as usual. No accidents happened, and the staff of the Cultivator Alliance that Chu Fei mentioned did not come to see her. It was considered a peaceful New Year - I guess the people of the Cultivator Alliance I am also celebrating the New Year, or I feel that it is inappropriate to come to her to ask about such things during the New Year, so I won’t come for the time being. However, for her who has to use her brain in the mission world, fewer surprises are obviously what she looks forward to.

As for the cultivation, before entering the mission, as expected by An Ran, he had reached the Great Perfection of the Qi Refining Period.


Enron is now in a state of soul.

Because when he entered this mission, his original body was already dead.

It's a shame that the original body died. Otherwise, she really couldn't do it if An Ran and the family of the enemy who killed the original body had to make a fuss.

In fact, there are other more interesting mission worlds to choose from. The reason why An Ran chose this world where the original body was full of resentment was because he saw the original body's experience and became angry for a moment before deciding to help the original body.

Her original name is Lu Anran, who may be a standard urban peacock girl. Her parents both work and have good jobs, so her family is well off. Her life has been smooth since she was a child, and she has never experienced any big storms.

When you get married at the age of twenty-four or five, when you choose a husband, you are very pure. When choosing a husband, you never consider whether the man has money or a house like some people do, but only whether you like him or not. , and finally married Xu Weibin, a man she thought was very good.

If she is a standard urban peacock girl, then Xu Weibin is a standard rural phoenix man.

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