Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 462 The Killed Daughter-in-law 1

Xu Weibin, who comes from the countryside, was admitted to a university in the capital with excellent grades, and found a good job after graduation. Unfortunately, the housing prices in the capital were too expensive, and he failed to get the down payment. come out.

The housing prices in this capital of the world are just like the real Beijing. They are extremely expensive. Not to mention the central area, even in slightly remote places, it costs 50,000 square meters. A three-bedroom apartment with 80 square meters is a little more expensive. The house costs 4 million, and the 40% down payment costs 1.6 million.

Although Xu Weibin found a good job after graduation, with an annual income of 200,000 yuan. When he returned to his hometown, he would definitely have a high salary that would be the envy of his fellow villagers. But in the capital, after taking out the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, housing and transportation, plus the subsidy to his family, it would take a year Despite the odds, he could only save 100,000 yuan. This was the result of Xu Weibin's saving.

So after working for five or six years, he only saved 500,000 yuan, which was still far away from the down payment. According to his income level, it would take at least ten years to afford a house. This would also require house prices not to rise, but house prices in the capital How is it possible if it doesn't increase? Even if his salary increases, it won't be able to keep up with the increase in housing prices. The final result will be that he will no longer be able to afford a house.

So when he met the original person and found out that the original person liked him, he accepted it, and then the two quickly fell in love and prepared to get married.

Lu's father and Lu's mother were naturally unhappy that their beloved daughter would marry such a person. They were afraid that she would suffer hardship, so they naturally stopped her.

But the original person, who was confused, insisted, and Xu Weibin showed great sincerity. He said that he could buy a house before getting the marriage certificate. In this way, the majority of their family's income would be lost if he and the original person did not get together in the future. Let their family suffer any loss.

When Xu Weibin spoke like this, he seemed quite honest. After all, some people who hide adultery may think that if they don't have much money and the woman has more money, they will buy a house after marriage. In this way, the large down payment paid by the Lu family will be shared property, and the two will be separated in the future. Now, you can make money by sharing the house equally with the other person.

Don't say that as long as there is a source of payment, the money paid after marriage cannot be joint property. As long as people's hearts are greedy, they can always do tricks to make their parents' money become the joint property of their young couple.

It is a bit difficult to turn pre-marriage money into joint property.

So at that time, Father Lu and Mother Lu saw that the young man was quite honest, so they agreed. After the marriage, they found out that the marriage was indeed good, and they even issued a coffin book and paid the full payment for the house.

Who would have thought that just such an agreement, such a kind deed, would send her daughter to hell - the other party has long been greedy for their property. It is true that normal methods cannot turn it into marital property, but what if they kill the person? Of course, for If Xu Weibin was found out, he would be shot. It was impossible for Xu Weibin to kill him, but he had a seventy-year-old mother who killed people. In this way, if they were not discovered, that would be fine. If they were discovered, they could tell others that it was not good for their daughter-in-law to do this or that. No, the person she killed just because she was angry would be old, had a family dispute, and was still ill. The court would definitely not sentence her to death, because both mother and son of the Xu family had seen the news in the past. , there is this kind of news, the old lady has not been sentenced to death, and maybe she can be paroled for medical treatment, so that she can kill someone as if she has not killed someone, and still live a good life outside.

However, their luck was obviously very good. They killed the original body without being discovered by anyone. Although Father Lu and Mother Lu were sad that their daughter died unexpectedly, they still had to go on living. For the sake of their grandson, Father Lu and Mother Lu did not When the money to buy the house is returned, the millions will become Xu Weibin's - originally according to the law, Lu's father and Lu's mother Xu Weibin still has children, and the four people will share the inheritance equally, but now, Lu's father and Lu's mother don't want the money, and those hundreds of millions will belong to Xu Weibin. Wan's real estate naturally fell into the hands of Xu Weibin.

As for the child's share, Xu Weibin said on the surface that the house will belong to the child from now on, but in fact, when he remarries and has children, not to mention giving it all to the child, the child's share will be Under the instigation of his newlywed wife, coupled with Xu Weibin's hostile response to the child whose mother he killed, there is no chance.

Although Lu's father and Lu's mother also had this worry, fearing that Xu Weibin would not give the house to their children in the future, they did not dare to fight for it, so as not to offend Xu Weibin. In the future, not only would they not give their children a house, but they would also treat them badly. After all, Xu Weibin is a child. They want to take the child back and raise it themselves, so that they can fight for the house openly and give the house to the child in the future. However, the law is like this. They can't take the child away. Since they can't take it, they naturally don't dare to fight. house.

With a fully paid-up house in a high-priced place like the capital and a good income, Xu Weibin became very popular in the marriage market. Soon he got married again. His second wife was young and beautiful. It can be said that Xu Weibin got married once. Become a winner in life.

This is because the Lu family didn't find out that their daughter had been killed. In fact, even if Lu's father and mother found out, Xu Weibin would still have the right to inherit the inheritance, because it was his mother who killed her, not him. When the time comes, the Lu family will start to argue, and he still has the right to inherit the inheritance. If there is a child threatening, for the sake of the child, the Lu family probably won't dare to do anything, lest Xu Weibin does not treat the child badly. If Father Lu and Mother Lu dare not ask for money, the multi-million dollar real estate will still be lost. If Xu Weibin falls into the hands of Xu Weibin, even if it is exposed, social news will be published and it will have an impact on them. But now they generally pay attention to privacy. As long as Xu Weibin did not kill him, the media will not dare to expose his appearance. Otherwise, if he accuses the other party, the other party will He has to sacrifice his life. Since others don't know his true appearance, the worst he can do is change his name, sell the house in the original community, buy a house elsewhere, get married, and still live a good life.

It was Xu Weibin who had planned everything, calculated mentally but not intentionally, which was why the Lu family and the original body suffered such a big loss.

I have a good height and a good personality. Although I have been spoiled since I was a child, so I am a little bit shy about it, but my family can afford it and I can just hire a nanny for housework. This is not something I must kill. The big question is why Xu Weibin doesn't want to live with the original person, he just wants to kill her and find someone else. In the final analysis, it's just a matter of self-esteem.

From the countryside to the city, although his grades are good and he can be proud in front of his peers in his hometown, he is not worth mentioning in front of the young lady in the city where he comes from, because although he earns a lot, he has a house and it is not as good as his current status. According to the standard, he would have to earn for decades before he could earn the value of a house in the other person's home. Such a situation made him feel that he couldn't hold his head high in front of the original person, so he never thought about dating the original person from the beginning. Go down and deceive the house from the beginning, then kill the person, and then find a better person who will not make him feel inferior and live a life of being treated as a boss.

What makes the original person feel helpless is that the other party really did it.

Thank you Xia Jinyao for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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