Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 493 Desolate Apocalypse 6

However, An Ran would naturally not agree, at least not for the time being, but she would not say anything to death. What if there was a chance to cooperate with this person someday, so she immediately said: "I'm not interested at the moment, wait until I If you are interested someday, I will contact you again, do you think this is okay?"

Boss Zhang saw that An Ran was really not interested, so he had to give up the idea, but he still warned: "If Miss Yu changes her mind, please consider our company."

If Miss Yu's cultivation speed has been very fast, and if she reaches the third level soon, it will be even more incredible. Taking down her alone is equivalent to taking down sixteen first-level superpowers, which is more than all the people in the county. There are still many first-level superpower users. Then he will only have to go to An Ran's house to buy groceries. How much gas money will he save? So it is no wonder that this person wants to keep in touch with An Ran.

An Ran nodded and said: "If necessary, I will definitely contact Boss Zhang first."

After sending away Boss Zhang, An Ran continued to practice.

Because An Ran exists in the Yu family, life seems to be the same as before. Anyway, if they have rice and vegetables, they can live a good life.

But other families in the village are different.

A few months have passed. These people have eaten all the fresh vegetables and dry vegetables. They can no longer grow vegetables as before and have to spend money to buy vegetables.

When it comes to spending money to buy food, the price is too expensive. Some people are reluctant to buy it, while others cannot afford it.

Instead of eating vegetables, if you only eat staple food, you will not be able to bear it, and you will easily suffer from nutritional deficiencies.

Those who couldn't stand it came to An Ran and asked for food, of course, for free.

Enron certainly would not comply with their demands.

Yuan Shen satisfied these people's requirements, causing others to know that there was free food here, and countless people came to ask for food. People who were originally willing to spend money stopped paying because Yuan Shen was serving it for free. This is even more outrageous. Yes, just give him the poop. If he doesn't, or because there are too many people to feed him, he will start beating and scolding him.

The original behavior is like distributing food to the victims in a disaster year. Unless you have enough food, you will not be able to satisfy everyone. Your final end is not to be thanked by others, but to be beaten to death by the hungry people.

Although An Ran is unwilling to give it away for free, lest it cause a terrible food-grabbing trend like his original self, he cannot simply show weakness, because once you show weakness, others will think you are easy to bully, and they may organize more people to come and rob you. Of course, he will not be simply tough, which can easily intensify conflicts, so An Ran follows the principles and uses hard fists, so that he is not afraid of those people either emotionally or with force.

So at that moment, An Ran recorded a paragraph. If someone came, he would use the loudspeaker. The content was probably that he didn't have many dishes, and he only had so many dishes every day. The one with the highest price would get it, and there was no point in arguing because there were no more dishes.

Then she warned that if someone comes to make trouble in the future, she will remember the leader. Even if she spends money in the future, she will not sell vegetables to him - this is just scaring, and the effect is unknown. , anyway, it’s always right to scare someone.

In addition, she discussed with her parents that more and more people were noisy around her door, so she had to build a wall, otherwise sooner or later, those who had no food to eat would rush into their house and rob them.

In fact, Yu's father and mother have been annoyed by those people in the past few days. Some people became angry, and their ferocious looks made Yu's mother a little scared, so now An Ran said that she was going to build a wall, and Yu's father and mother Of course I am willing.

"But, how to build it? We don't have enough bricks and cement at home." Father Yu said worriedly.

Although some people in the same village had no food to eat, he couldn't bear to see it, but he was even more afraid of the dire consequences if it was provided for free and crowds of people would come and his daughter couldn't afford it, so he still I accepted my daughter's suggestion and still charged money. It would definitely not be provided for free, at most it would be cheaper than other places.

An Ran smiled and said: "Dad, you forgot, I have earth-type powers and metal-type powers. Don't worry, the wall is easy to build."

When the father and the mother heard their daughter mention the supernatural power, they realized what was going on. They thought, yes, their daughter has the earth power. If she wants to build a wall, she doesn't have to worry about the lack of soil at all, so she couldn't help but Relax.

At that moment, An Ran smiled and said to her daughter Yueyue: "Come on, Yueyue, let's watch mommy perform a magic trick for you."

Yueyue was only two years old, when she was curious about everything. After hearing An Ran's words, she smiled and clapped her hands and said, "Oh, let's see the magic, let's see the magic!"

Although An Ran only has level two superpowers at this moment, her energy usage is almost the same whether it is superpowers, mental power, or cultivation. She had earth spiritual power before, but now she can use it naturally. He was very skillful, so soon his father and mother Yueyue built a half-meter-thick wall on the ground, and they couldn't help but marvel.

An Ran said while working on it: "My current power is not powerful enough and can only affect a radius of two meters, so for the time being I plan to only make it two meters high and half a meter thick. When I reach the third level of the power, I can exert influence on a radius of four meters. If it is affected, then we will raise the height of the wall to four meters and thicken it to one meter. It is estimated that it will not be a problem to cope with the impact of the surrounding villagers. If necessary in the future, we will make it higher, larger and stronger."

The original reason was because he didn't concentrate on training. Of course, it was mainly because of the poor method of cultivating his superpowers. His superpowers were at level one for a long time and did not break through to level two. In addition, there was no wall built to protect the villagers. Later, when I thought about it, When it was being built, the power was too low and it couldn't be built overnight. The villagers found out that it had been torn down. The villagers also accused her of wanting to build a wall to isolate them. Her conscience was greatly damaged and she suffered a lot.

But An Ran now has level two superpowers, and overnight, the Yu family has become impregnable, so it won't be a problem.

In fact, it's not that those villagers are too bad, but that the human heart in the apocalyptic world is like this. If you do a good deed, not only will you not get good rewards, but you may also cause big troubles, so if you don't become strong, you are not afraid at all. How to deal with the public sentiment before the siege of these ordinary villagers is also one of the things that needs to be considered. Otherwise, it should be a person with super powers that ordinary people dare not mess with, but he died in the hands of these villagers instead of fighting with other people with super powers. In your hands, the boat capsizes in the gutter. Isn’t this going to make a big loss?

After hearing An Ran's arrangement, Yu's father naturally had no objections.

At that moment, An Ran quickly built a wall and reinforced it with metal-type powers. At the same time, to prevent people from climbing on it, the outer wall was turned into an inverted ladder-like slope.

This is the simplest precaution.

Most rural households have ladders and can climb the two-meter-high fence, so Anron's situation is not the easiest.

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