Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 494 Desolate Apocalypse 7

But there is no need to worry yet, because for the time being, those people are just short of food. Rice is generally available in everyone, and it can last for a while. Since it can last for a while, naturally they will not take the risk of grabbing it; when the rice and vegetables are gone, it is estimated that Someone will come to rob their home. At that time, she will take additional precautions, such as raising the height so that the ladder cannot be climbed; thickening it, and then building a lookout on it. Once someone is found climbing up, Just take measures - it's definitely not possible to install a camera, as it can easily be knocked off, so you can only observe it manually.

In addition, her powers should be even more powerful by then, and some welfare measures will be introduced for the villagers in the village, such as organizing the villagers in the village to do some things for her, paying points, and then letting the villagers use the points to buy vegetables and rice from her, guaranteed As long as you have points, you will definitely be able to buy rice and grain, so that the villagers in this village can stop other hungry people coming over because of this benefit; when the ability becomes stronger, it will be expanded to nearby villages or even the entire town. Such a step-by-step promotion must not be like The original person was like that, fighting alone, and ended up waiting for the enemy to come, and was captured and forced to work for his life, and finally died because of it.

An Ran worked all night to build the wall around his building. In order to make it easier to get rice and vegetables in the future, An Ran also left a lot of open space in front of and behind the building. Outside the wall, to prevent something from being planted in the ground outside and being out of sight and easily taken away.

It stands to reason that with the wood-type superpower, vegetables can grow without soil. Why do we need land? The reason is that some vegetables, such as green vegetables, can indeed grow without soil before leaving seeds; but some things, such as For staple foods such as wheat and rice to bear fruit, they must be pollinated after flowering before they can bear fruit. It is impossible for a rice seed to grow from flowering to fruiting automatically without pollination.

Since they need pollination, they naturally need land to let them stay on the land for a period of time. This is why Anron has left some land within the fence at this time.

Looking at the strong and tall wall that was erected overnight, Yu's father and mother couldn't help but be stunned, secretly thinking that their daughter was really amazing.

Of course, as stunned as they were, there were also people who wanted to come and clamor for free food.

Listening to the soft and hard words from the loudspeaker again, I was even more stunned.

In fact, the main reason why they dared to come here to make trouble was because they had heard that the eldest girl of the Yu family, Yu Anran, was famous for her good temper. They thought that as long as they came to make trouble, they would definitely make trouble - in fact, in the original world, , they did make a fuss, but An Ran was by no means the easy-to-compromise character of his original self, so they couldn't make a fuss at all.

Now look at this Yu Anran, who is completely different from the legendary good character. Not only is he not good-tempered, but he is also fierce. In addition, I heard from the loudspeaker that whoever is the leader in this matter in the future will be remembered, and he will be rich in the future. Not selling it to them either, some people couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

After all, An Ran also talked about her future plans in it. When her powers improve and she can grow more fruits and vegetables, she will sell them to everyone cheaply so that everyone can afford them. After hearing what An Ran said, some people After all, if Enron manages enough vegetables in the future and they have money to eat, it is obviously inappropriate to offend her like this now.

So except for a few rogues, most of the people retreated.

And in every village, there are always a few scoundrels, and An Ran doesn't matter.

After settling this matter, An Ran concentrated on practicing.

Two months later, An Ran was promoted to the third level of superpower.

And half a year has passed, the outside has become more and more chaotic, and the country has also begun to control. Materials are distributed in limited amounts per person, so that the limited materials can be used as long as possible, so as to last until the Academy of Sciences develops a solution.

In Qingshan Village, except for the lack of vegetables, the staple food is fine. After all, rural people, except for those who do not farm, and those who farm, at least have more than one year of food. They will not die of hunger, but life is difficult due to lack of vegetables.

At this time, An Ran had reached the third level of superpower and could exert influence on a four-meter radius, which is about 50 square meters. When it comes to vegetables, based on a yield of 2,500 kilograms of green vegetables per mu, he could probably get 375 kilograms, and there are more than 400 households in Qingshan Village. Although Anran's daily output does not reach the level of one kilogram per household, fortunately some families do not buy vegetables every day, so the daily quantity can basically meet the consumption of the whole village.

Since the vegetables that could be supplied to the whole village were consumed, Anron lowered the price so that everyone could afford it, so that some people would not be able to afford it and would make a fuss. Anyway, the reason why the price was high before was because there were not enough vegetables to sell, so she Only the one with the highest price can get it. Now that there is enough food, there is no need for the one with the highest price to get it. Anyway, her food is easy to do, so there is no need to set too high a price to avoid boiling public complaints.

But if the price is low, it will naturally attract people from other surrounding villages to buy. In this case, her vegetables will definitely not be enough to sell, so she can only tell those people that people in this village will buy first, and only those from other villages will be sold unless there are too many. people.

As soon as she said this, the people in Qingshan Village would naturally defend her. After all, with her here, they could eat cheap food. If something happened to An Ran, they would have to walk long distances to other places like people in other villages. Shopping for groceries is definitely expensive.

Because Anran Village treats people differently from outside the village, it naturally has the support of most villagers, unlike the original person who provides free food and is thankless.

Enron has formed a community of interests with the villagers, and their relationship has become better. However, just because they are united, it does not mean that there is peace outside.

Because in the entire Qingshan Town, only An Ran and one other person are superpowers, and the other person only has a first-level superpower, not a third-level one. What they can supply is limited. Even their own village cannot afford to supply it, let alone provide it to other villages. This is also the case in most towns and cities. Because supply and demand cannot keep up, villagers from other villages have begun to steal or even rob these villages that have vegetables and rice because they have no food or rice to eat.

Especially in cities, due to the large population in cities, the food supplied by the state is limited. If there is not enough food, what should we do if there is not enough food? We can only go to the countryside. After all, everyone knows that even if rural people have no food, they always have rice and noodles. of.

And Qingshan Village is not far from the city. It is usually only half an hour's drive to the city, so it is natural that there are robbery gangs in the city.

After An Ran heard the villagers talk about this, without waiting for anyone to urge her, she said that she would immediately build a wall on the road into the village, leave a gate, and use a metal gate made of metal powers. The village would send people to guard it to prevent anyone. Come to the village to rob, so as to ensure everyone's safety.

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