Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 499 The Desolate Apocalypse 12

An Ran could hear the sense of superiority in this person's tone. In fact, she saw many people with superpowers on the Internet who had this kind of superiority tone. That's right. Others are ordinary people. They have superpowers and know how to do it. It’s normal to feel superior.

There are even some extreme ones who think that people with superpowers should be called new humans, and their relationship with ordinary people is just like the relationship between humans and monkeys in the past. Didn’t humans in the past say that they were higher animals? People with superpowers feel that they are, By analogy, it should be called advanced humans.

At this time, after An Ran heard what this superpower said, the others agreed, and secretly thought, this is probably the reason why the world will be in chaos in the original memory? It is normal for people with superpowers to look down on those who were officials in the past, or because some of the officials in the past were not good, and they do not want to work for such people. For various reasons, it is normal for them to become kings on their own.

Although An Ran wanted to maintain order and prevent the world from being chaotic and affecting ordinary people, she didn't mind changing the people at the top if they were out of tune. As long as the chaos remained, it was impossible to protect anyone's official position. Drop it, she has no obligation.

Although it was a busy day at the farm, everyone was very happy because they shared a lot of information they knew with each other, and An Ran also felt that it would be good to get together once a month to exchange information.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was the Chinese New Year, and at this time An Ran also received good news, reaching the fourth level of supernatural power, with stronger abilities and wider coverage.

But at this time, it was getting more and more chaotic outside.

It’s no wonder that the outside world is getting more and more chaotic. Almost ten months have passed since the great changes.

Ten months is really too long. Even if the country has reserves, it cannot afford to have so many people across the country doing almost nothing. They can only sit back and eat. After such a long time, the country's reserves have been almost exhausted. In order to prevent it from happening soon. The country could not afford the expenditure, and officials had to reduce the number of supplies distributed every day.

However, the original distribution was not enough for everyone to eat. Now there is even less distribution, which is not enough to fill the stomach.

Once people are extremely hungry, they will do anything. Therefore, even though the state tries its best to control it, robberies and thefts occur one after another outside, and the state cannot control it.

Moreover, many people have formed large gangs, and unlike in the past, which were basically cold weapons, some people in these large gangs obtained guns and ammunition, and began to loot everywhere like locusts.

An Ran looked at the news uploaded on the Internet and thought that this might be the prototype of future warlord separatism.

Qingshan Village also encountered such armed looting for the first time.

This group of armed gangs heard that there was a person with supernatural powers in Qingshan Village. Although they heard that there was a third level - An Ran had just upgraded to level four, and people outside didn't know it yet - they didn't take it to heart at all, because they had a few people. With a gun, I thought that no matter how powerful the third-level superpower could be, I would beat her to death, and then snatch the food she had given birth to, and they would be able to live a prosperous year.

As for the wood-type superpowers who are killed one by one, if everyone thinks like them, the number of wood-type superpowers that are not enough will decrease sharply, no one will produce food, and ordinary people will become more and more unable to survive, then it is not their fault It's within the scope of their thinking. Of course, they will ask the superpower's opinion. If she is willing to join them and produce food for them, they can let her live. If she is not willing, she will definitely be killed. After all, she cannot be kept. Giving it to others makes it easier for others, right?

If An Ran knew their self-righteous thoughts, he would probably scold them.

The battle started at night. Those people thought that Qingshan Village must be unprepared and that a night attack would be easier to succeed.

But they didn't know that An Ran, who had gone through countless worlds and had been in the army in many worlds, even though he was not a genius, still understood some basic defense principles, so the village had already given her the plan as she had thought earlier. Points, some patrol teams were recruited and patrolled day and night.

At the same time, we should publicize that once the village is invaded, life will be unbearable, so ordinary people, as long as they have time, can take a look and pay more attention to it.

The people in Qingshan Village have gone out and learned about the terrible conditions outside, and they also know about some troubles outside from the Internet or TV. Therefore, Enron's propaganda is naturally easy for the people to accept. Many people are afraid that the patrol team will not be careful in their work. I discovered that the enemy was invading, so I checked more often.

Therefore, the security level of the entire Qingshan Village is actually very high. Everyone knows about the slightest sign of trouble. Therefore, when those people attacked at night that night, they did not pay attention to coming quietly. They thought that Qingshan Village would not be prepared. Even if it was prepared, Qingshan Village would not be enough. Out of fear, they drove several heavy trucks roaring towards them. The person in charge of the lookout in Qingshan Village had already alerted the village when they saw them entering Qingshan Town from high on the mountain.

When they arrived, the men, women, and children in the village were waiting behind the city wall built by An Ran, which became stronger as the level of An Ran's abilities increased. They were waiting with defensive weapons that had been prepared long ago.

How did that group of people know the situation in Qingshan Village? When they arrived outside the wall of Qingshan Village, someone raised a loudspeaker and asked the villagers to open the door.

They raised the rifles and pistols in their hands and said: "Open the door quickly. If it doesn't open, we will use a bulldozer to knock down the wall later. Once you get in, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

There was silence behind the wall. The person calling and the leader of the robbers all felt that they had been insulted. Seeing that no one responded, the leader waved his hand to the transport truck behind him in annoyance and said: "Come on! Get this The wall was bulldozed for me.”

Bulldozers and excavators slowly walked down from the transport truck, ready to dig and push.

At this moment, rocks suddenly fell like rain on the city wall. If someone didn't pay attention, someone was smashed into meat pies by the rocks.

It turned out that An Ran had arranged for the villagers to make trebuchets long ago. She had stayed in ancient times and fought in wars, so she naturally knew how to defend a city - even if she was not the most powerful in ancient times, she had certainly never been better than these. Modern humans are much more proficient - they even know how to make a trebuchet. After it is made, there is no need to worry about the stones. Not to mention that there are stones everywhere in the village, but there are none. An Ran has the earth element ability and can make stones in batches. Very simple things, such as the stones used by the villagers now, are manufactured in batches by Anron from time to time. Not only are the quantities amazing, but also manufactured by Anron, it is much more convenient than having the villagers work hard to move the stones, and they are absolutely the same size. There is no need for masons to change the stone twice, which is convenient to use.

The robbers thought that there were not many stones in the village, but they did not expect that every time they stopped and stepped forward, stones would always fall like rain, causing heavy casualties once again. It seemed as if the pause was to attract them to come forward.

Seeing that the other party's stones seemed to be endless and obviously rich in reserves, some of the people who came to rob would inevitably want to back down. They discussed with the robber leader: "Brother, why don't we change the village? There is another superpower in this town. It’s okay to rob him, so as not to chew on this hard nut and cause heavy casualties to our brothers.”

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