Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 500 The Desolate Apocalypse 13

Facing the tall, solid and seemingly indestructible city wall, and looking at the few rifles he thought could play a big role, but which were completely useless in front of such a solid city wall, the robber leader also lost his patience and said: " How is the defense of that village?"

"Anyway, according to what the brothers have heard, it's not as difficult as this one. Although the opponent's power is lower and there are fewer things, low power also has the advantage of being low. At least it's easier to deal with."

"Then, let's go to another village."

The leader of the robbers thought that if he couldn't get it here, he might as well go over there to avoid wasting bullets.

So he nodded in agreement immediately, and the large group of people began to evacuate.

When the people in Qingshan Village saw the robbers running away, they couldn't help cheering. At the same time, they also looked at An Ran with admiring eyes, because these things were all arranged by An Ran. Everyone thought, this little girl is really capable. Not only He has superpowers and can fight. So many times when people come to cause trouble, they are either repulsed or scared when they see the city wall. Will this make everyone worship An Ran more and more?

An Ran felt relieved after seeing them retreat.

In fact, she expected these people to retreat.

You must know that the defense she designed is impossible to break through without long-range firepower such as rocket launchers. With just a few rifles and pistols, she wants to break through such a thick and strong wall, and there are so many stones and stones behind the wall. It is not an easy task to attack with arrows (yes, An Ran also used the metal power to get a lot of bows and arrows).

Even if she breaks through one level, there are still four more. In addition, she has to face her own fire attack, and she is actually equivalent to a hot weapon. With level four superpowers, she is always more powerful than their broken guns. , so I just wanted to rob someone with a few broken guns. It was too simple to think.

However, although the enemy retreated, the direction in which they retreated was not towards the city, but from a branch road to Xiaoyang Village where another superpower user in this town was. An Ran frowned as he looked at it. I thought, with their posture, they probably wanted to rob Xiaoyang Village, but Xiaoyang Village was not as well prepared as I was, and the superpowers in Xiaoyang Village were still at level one and had not yet reached level two. Level, the superpowers of the first-level superpowers are too weak, and they are no match for the guns in these people's hands. If I just watch and ignore them, Xiaoyang Village will probably be attacked and bloodbathed.

Just thinking of this, An Ran frowned.

They were all fellow villagers. Seeing that they were going to suffer, An Ran felt that she couldn't sit back and do nothing, so she thought about it and called the head of Xiaoyang Village and the superhuman to remind them that the two of them had After making arrangements, An Ran also followed, thinking that if Xiaoyangcun survived, he would not show up, and if he did not, then he would show up and help.

Although the head of Xiaoyang Village and the superpowers received a reminder from An Ran and said that arrangements had been made, in fact, in such a short period of time, there was no time to make proper arrangements. At most, they could only call for some young and strong laborers to come out to hold up the wall. .

To put it another way, Xiaoyang Village didn’t even build a wall at first, but then people kept coming in to steal and rob things. Someone told me what Qingshan Village did, and that the superpowers in Xiaoyang Village started to build it. , but due to the low level of the opponent's ability, An Ran was not able to build the wall well in terms of both its strength and height.

Logically speaking, as long as they were talking in the same town, it wouldn't be worth anything for An Ran to go over and help. However, Yang Liang, the superpower in Xiaoyang Village, always felt that if An Ran wasn't so powerful and stole his limelight, he would Now in Qingshan Town, it feels great to be like a local emperor, but because of the existence of Enron, others like to mention everything that Yu Anron does, and talk about how Yu Anron did it. There is some machismo, and then they feel that their colleagues are enemies. Yang Liang didn't like hearing this the most, so even though the walls in Xiaoyang Village were not as good as those in Qingshan Village, he didn't ask An Ran for help. He even threatened that if anyone looked down on him and thought Qingshan Village was good, then go to Qingshan. The village is well, don't eat the vegetables he made - not to mention, there are really many people with relatives and friends in Qingshan Village who came to Qingshan Village. After all, who made Yang Liang's vegetables so expensive? He should start selling to his relatives and friends first. After he has bought enough food for his people, he will let others buy. The price of relatives and friends is still different from other people. He should use his own ability to produce rice and grain, and rely on this method to fight against dissidents and build himself up. Ordinary people can't stand the power, so it's normal for them to run away.

And these people ran away, making Yang Liang increasingly unhappy with An Ran.

Not only did Yang Liang and An Ran suffer from male chauvinism, but they also thought that their colleagues were enemies. Maybe they also had trouble with the head of their village.

It turns out that after Yang Liang discovered that he had special powers, he had always been ambitious and wanted to seize the village chief's position. However, the people did not like the things he did in daily life, so they never wanted him to be the village chief. If you are a long-term leader, the common people just say that they want to choose, and whoever chooses will be elected. It is not something that can be done just by saying something.

If it weren't for the fact that he only has level one superpowers and produces very few rice dishes, so the number of people he can win over with these things is also limited. Otherwise, if he upgrades in the future and produces more rice dishes, he can only use this method to capture people. I am afraid that Xiaoyang Village will really fall into his hands. He is already a bit domineering and bullying men and women. I am afraid that he will be even more arrogant by then.

Although Yang Liang doesn't like An Ran, and this time, if An Ran goes to save the people in Xiaoyang Village, Yang Liang will probably be even more angry - he feels that An Ran has stolen his limelight - but no matter how Yang Liang doesn't Be happy, An Ran couldn't just ignore the people in Xiaoyang Village, so An Ran followed him, ready to show up to save the people in Xiaoyang Village when they were really in danger.

An Ran's worries were not false. Xiaoyang Village was not as well-prepared as Qingshan Village. The walls were not as strong as those in Qingshan Village, and they were not as tall as Qingshan Village. There were no stones behind them. They used trebuchets to smash down the defenses, so soon , it was broken open by the excavators and bulldozers driven by the robbers.

And that Yang Liang is of no use at all. With his first-level superpower, facing rifles and pistols, not to mention protecting the people of Xiaoyang Village, he can't even protect himself. When he saw that the wall was breached, those people still had guns. I was so frightened that I surrendered immediately when I heard that those people were trying to persuade me to surrender, saying that if I didn't surrender, I would be shot to death.

Those people got Yang Liang, completed the first step of their goal, and then prepared to loot Xiaoyang Village.

"Brothers, go ahead and grab women and supplies!"

An Ran saw these people preparing to loot Xiaoyang Village, so he stood up.

The reason why she didn't stand up before was because those people threatened Yang Liang. Before she could help, Yang Liang was afraid of being killed, so she surrendered as soon as she was persuaded to surrender. She didn't have time to save them, which left people speechless.

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