Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 502 The Desolate Apocalypse 15

The people in Xiaoyang Village thought that as long as they had rice and vegetables, who would be afraid of Yang Liang? As for them going to Qingshan Village to buy rice and vegetables, Yang Liang would be unhappy because of this and dare to do anything to them. They told Yu Anran, let Yu Anran Take care of him and make sure he doesn't go crazy; or if you are really afraid, just leave Xiaoyang Village and go to Qingshan Village. In the past, Qingshan Village restricted people from entering because they were afraid that there would be too many people and not enough food. Now that there is enough food, they go Qingshan Village will definitely not refuse. If it weren't for the restriction on the number of people, who wouldn't have many friends in Qingshan Village? After all, they are all from the same town, and everyone has a few relatives and friends.

The smile that Yang Liang had not yet taken away could not help but solidify after hearing An Ran's next words.

He really didn't expect that An Ran would dare to poach him! It's still the kind of digging method that kills with one blow. If An Ran really does this, who will buy rice and vegetables from him? Not only will other villagers in the village who have long thought that his rice and vegetables are expensive will not buy from him, but also The villagers he had lured over with a lower purchase price were afraid that they would also run away. After all, who asked him to offer those people a lower price that was higher than the price Enron offered to the villagers in Qingshan Village? ——Yang Liang is a greedy person. If he wants to make more money, he will naturally not offer a low price. After all, he only has a level one superpower and has few things to offer. If he does not offer a high price, he will have to offer it as low as Enron. Price, how much he can get.

After hearing An Ran's words, Yang Liang felt in danger, so he shouted, "It would be great if she can manage Qingshan Village with her special powers, but how can she control you! She is deceiving you."

When the villagers in Xiaoyang Village heard what Yang Liang said, some of them looked suspicious.

Yang Liang looked at it and was secretly proud. He secretly thought that Yu Anran knew how to deceive people. Fortunately, he was smart and thought of this. Let's see how she can exploit him!

At this time, Na Yu Anran smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone, my power was upgraded to level four three days ago. Now even if I can't control the rice and vegetable supply of three or four villages, I still can't control the rice and vegetable supply of two or three villages." It’s a problem. Please feel free to come to Qingshan Village to buy.”

After hearing An Ran's words, the villagers in Xiaoyang Village felt relieved, but Yang Liang's face became even more ugly.

Before he could say anything, An Ran continued: "In fact, because I can supply more people, we are planning to expand the defense of our village to the surrounding four villages. Xiaoyang Village shares a road leading to the county with us. The main highway in the town is naturally included in it. When the time comes, I will build a wall on the main road from the town to the county, imitating Qingshan Village. No matter what the chaos is outside, I will try my best to keep our villages My fellow villagers, live a peaceful life."

These words made the villagers in Xiaoyang Village even more excited. At that moment, some people were no longer afraid of Yang Liang's existence and cheered loudly, which made Yang Liang very angry.

You know, in the past, the villagers in each village were worried that the outside world would become more and more chaotic and that robbers would come into the village and loot the village. Now with the safety measures of Enron, everyone can be safer, which naturally makes everyone excited.

After telling the villagers of Xiaoyang Village about her next plan, the villagers of Qingshan Village had already arrived. At that moment, Anron no longer cared about Yang Liang, and counted the loot with the villagers of her own village.

When the villagers of Qingshan Village saw that An Ran had seized guns and ammunition, they couldn't help but be happy, especially many young people. After all, what man doesn't love guns? In peaceful times, they couldn't touch them, but now they have the opportunity to touch them, so they are naturally excited.

After An Ran and everyone counted the loot, they were ready to leave. Before leaving, An Ran said to Yang Liang: "I hope you won't cause trouble to the villagers just because they come to Qingshan Village to buy vegetables. If you dare to do this, what will happen to these looters on the ground?" Bandit, this is your fate."

She threatened like this because she was afraid that Yang Liang would bully the villagers due to his own powers, so she said this.

At the moment, Yang Liang hasn't killed anyone yet, so she can't deal with him because of this, so she can only give this order. If this person has someone killed, it will be easier. If he directly handles him, the hidden danger will be solved.

After hearing An Ran's threat, Yang Liang became angry and ugly, but because he heard that An Ran had level four powers, he couldn't do anything to An Ran. He could only watch An Ran leave with the villagers of Qingshan Village.

After returning to Qingshan Village, An Ran told the villagers of Qingshan Village what he had said to the villagers of Xiaoyang Village before. When he heard that the defense was going to be pushed forward to the main road from the town to the county, everyone was naturally willing. After all, it was like that. Come on, the first line of defense will be safer if it is further away from Qingshan Village.

From the next day, An Ran arranged for people to practice marksmanship while contacting the heads of several other villages to talk about this matter.

Except for Xiaoyang Village, which has a little defense, the defense of the other two villages is even worse. When I heard that Anron would expand the defense scope and include their village in the rice and vegetable supply list, I was naturally happy. Who wouldn't want to? Soon Anron would A new defense was built on the main road, with the same five-line defense setup. The village chiefs of the four villages met and began to deploy manpower on this common defense wall.

Since there are more people in the four villages, there are naturally enough manpower. An Ran also equipped everyone with trebuchets and stones, as well as some metal bows and arrows. Now the safety situation of the four adjacent villages along the main highway in Qingshan Town has greatly improved. Let everyone have a peaceful New Year, but also a prosperous New Year - before, there was nothing to eat except rice, but now with Enron's vegetable sponsorship, everyone's life will naturally be much better, and we can have a prosperous New Year - Of course, this is not a comparison with previous years, but a comparison with places without vegetables.

The inclusion of four villages brings another bigger benefit - these four villages include the village where the town is located, and there are many shops in the town. In the past, shopkeepers did not dare to open them for fear of being robbed. , now that they have entered the defensive circle, the shopkeepers sorted out the remaining goods and opened the store again. Now, everyone has a place to buy some things. Compared with before, when they only moved in the village, there were fewer goods in the village. , the shortage of supplies has become much better, allowing everyone to gradually live a normal life. Except that supplies are a little less than before the apocalypse, everything else is almost the same as life before the apocalypse.

And that Yang Liang, after hearing An Ran's shocking words, he really didn't dare to do anything to the villagers of Xiaoyang Village, fearing that those villagers would complain and An Ran would come to deal with him. Even after the Chinese New Year, he finally broke through the first level and rose to the second level. , and did not dare to cause trouble, because he knew that An Ran could not defeat him at level 4, so he just kept practicing in the hope that one day he would be higher than An Ran and cause trouble for An Ran in the future.

After the Chinese New Year, the news that An Ran had reached the fourth level of superpower gradually spread, and many people came to woo or inquire about the news.

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