Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 503 The Desolate Apocalypse 16

Currently, there is only one person in County Q who has a higher power level than An Ran, but that person has a single power level, and it is not a wood power, but a metal power. He cannot produce rice and vegetables. Although he can practice very quickly - listen It was said that the man had level 6 supernatural powers after turning over the New Year - but it had little effect on the current desolation, so An Ran was the person with the highest wood-type supernatural powers.

There is also a fourth-level wood-type superpower at the same level as her, but that person is also a single-type person. Unlike her who has other four-type abilities, he can attack and defend, so his combat effectiveness is not as good as hers.

Therefore, from the perspective of the entire county, she is the only one who can both fight and produce rice and vegetables.

Therefore, although she is not the only person with the highest wood power, nor is she the person with the highest power level, her popularity in the county is getting higher and higher because of her all-round ability to attack, defend and produce rice. , even the city knew something about her, and many people who were preparing to form a force came to win her over.

However, no matter who came to win over, An Ran said that he did not want to leave the mountain, and just wanted to live in the small mountain village - in fact, he did not want to get involved with those ambitious people.

Those people are unaware of safety, some are angry, and some are wary.

Needless to say, those who are angry feel that An Ran does not give them face, so it is normal to be angry.

The one who is wary is thinking that An Ran doesn't want to leave the mountain. Isn't he trying to form his own power? In this way, thinking that An Ran's cultivation speed is very fast and she may be their opponent in the future, they are not very wary of her.

An Ran doesn't care what they think, no matter how angry or vigilant they are, as long as they don't cause trouble to her in Qingshan Village, she won't take the initiative to find them. Trouble, after all, one less thing is worse than one more thing.

She wanted to do more than to do less, but her original sister Yu Xinran was eager to do more. Seeing that many people were resentful or wary because An Ran ignored their attempts to win over them, Yu Xinran quietly contacted those people and wanted to Let's see if there is anyone who has the ability to deal with An Ran in the future - in fact, it means starting to do what he did to his original self in his original world.

Although this supernatural world is not like the world of mental power or cultivation, where mental power or spiritual consciousness can scan and understand the situation of the people around her, An Ran can use traditional methods to monitor Xinran's movements, like putting cultivation by her side. The world's puppets, puppets, etc., so they also understand Yu Xinran's situation.

Seeing that Yu Xinran frequently came into contact with people who were dissatisfied with her, An Ran did not take action immediately, but was prepared to say that if Xin Ran really persuaded anyone to cause trouble for her, then everyone would get the stolen goods, and it would not be too late to deal with Yu Xin Ran. After all, Even if the incident is not committed, even if it is caught, because the incident has not been committed, it will not be convenient to deal with Yu Xinran severely, lest outsiders say that he is making a fuss; but when the incident is committed, and there are facts that attack him, Yu Xinran will be dealt with severely. No one will say anything.

As time goes by, the country has not developed a method to restore plant vitality, and the reserve has dropped to a dangerous level. After all, after a year, except for the harvest from various official farms, there is almost no harvest. The national reserve supplies so many people across the country. How can we bear it for a long time? At this time, the top management had to cancel the already pitiful ration supply to the common people across the country, and only provide rations to various staff who maintain the operation of public facilities and institutions.

The supply of rations has been cut off, and now the people are in a rage. Although some people can barely survive by buying rice and vegetables from wood-type people, most people actually still rely on the rations issued by the state. Now the state does not With their food rations gone, these people feel that they can no longer survive. How can they not become angry?

But no matter how turbulent the situation is, the country has no other choice but to explain over and over again that reserves are at their lowest, so they have no choice but to do this.

When rations were still distributed in the past, many people began to rob because of the small rations. Now that rations are simply not distributed, the outside world has become increasingly chaotic. Some people with better character have no choice but to work hard. Do various tasks issued by the state, earn points, and exchange them for food. However, most of the people with average or even bad character have no patience to look for food honestly and join the robbery team, so there are more refugees outside. , some poorly defended villages were looted.

——Most of the refugees are former urbanites. Because many rural people save food at home and save food, it is not a problem to survive for a year or two, so there is no big chaos yet. But the people in the city are different. Many of them are I only bought a bag of rice and ate it quickly. After eating, the state stopped issuing rations and there was nothing to eat. Those who have average or even bad character and don’t want to do all the hard tasks issued by the state, Naturally, he embarked on the road of robbery.

In the past, the villagers of Qingshan Village still dared to go out, but now they basically dare not go out. According to the villagers who went out recently, they went out to buy some daily necessities. They also knew that there was a lot of chaos outside, so they invited a few people. They went out alone, but within three kilometers of the town's defensive wall, they were robbed by a gang and robbed all their valuables, causing these people to return without success.

After listening to their introduction, other villagers did not dare to leave the defensive circle at all. Even after An Ran reminded them to train every day to prevent the enemy from attacking, resulting in a much better combat effectiveness than before the apocalypse, they did not dare to go out.

In fact, these people were not killed by the robbery gangs. It was because the robbery gangs knew that there was a powerful fifth-level superpower in Qingshan Town and did not dare to provoke them. Therefore, they only robbed and did not kill anyone to avoid being approached by the fifth-level superpowers. revenge.

Yes, shortly after the Dragon Boat Festival in the new year, An Ran's superpower reached level five.

Because it reached level five, Anron included the entire Qingshan Town in its defense.

Qingshan Town is a small town. The entire Qingshan Town currently has about 35,000 people. Although Enron’s current ability is not enough to supply rice and vegetables for so many people, fortunately, most of the people in Qingshan Town are rural people. Even if they are not Rural people are also relatives and friends of villagers in each village, so they still have some staple food and borrow it from each other. They have agreed to buy and return rice when the Enron level is higher, and they can make do with it. But if they are only responsible for supplying vegetables, Enron can still supply it. After all, as long as the staple food is available, as for vegetables, it doesn't matter if everyone doesn't eat them every day.

Although it was very chaotic outside, Anron still followed the agreement and went to the farm arranged by the Superpower Management Center once a month to do work.

Don't worry about not being able to go, because there are military vehicles to pick you up and deliver you - now every farm has troops deployed to ensure that the harvest can be delivered to the destination and not be robbed.

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