Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 984 The Daughter of Educated Youth 1

Not long after moving into the new house, it was time to do a mission. Because An Ran had a strange feeling about the world in his heart, he chose the mission this time and was ready to test it.

In order to prevent the world from being too difficult to test, Enron chose a blue mission to test.


An Ran walked on the country road of the Victory Brigade in the gentle spring breeze. The warm sunshine was shining, the breeze was blowing slightly, and the soil and unknown wild flowers on both sides of the road gave off a faint fragrance. It was really refreshing.

In order to find a suitable task, An Ran had to use the task search function that she always had but rarely used. After searching several times, she decided to take this task.

The plot according to the original memory is as follows:

Her original name was Sun Anran, the daughter of an educated youth. However, since the college entrance examination resumed, her mother took the exam and left her in the countryside.

The original body's father was both a father and a mother, and finally raised the original body. Unfortunately, he became ill due to overwork and passed away. Before his death, he told the original body about her mother's situation - this matter had always been taboo in the Sun family. , from the time the original body can remember, she is not allowed to mention it - if the original body can't survive, she should go to her mother to see if she can help her.

In fact, since she was a child, Yuan Shen has seen that other children have mothers, but she does not have one. She has long wanted to find a mother, so Yuan Shen has always remembered her father's words. When her father passed away, she went to find her biological mother, hoping to feel maternal love. care.

Sun's mother saw the original person coming to the door. Although she was not very enthusiastic about her, she did not kick her out.

Although she was not kicked out, she felt very uncomfortable living in her stepfather's house because her grandmother was very cold to her, not to mention her stepfather's family, who definitely didn't want to have multiple spoilers in the house.

By chance, Sun's mother talked to her about the past, saying that it was very hard to go to the countryside back then, but she also met Sun's family, a village tyrant. Sun's father threatened her to stay with him because his father was the captain of the production team. Otherwise, arrange the most painful and tiring work for herself. She has no choice but to submit.

Fortunately, the college entrance examination was resumed and she was admitted to university, freeing herself from the prison and living a new life.

After listening to Sun Mu's words, the original person understood why she was obviously Sun Mu's daughter. When Sun Mu came to see her, she was not very enthusiastic. On the contrary, she was a little cold. So that's it! At the moment, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed, embarrassed, and sympathized with her mother. At the same time, she was a little angry at her father and other family members. She thought about how they could do this. Not only did they harm her mother, but she also had no position now and continued to expect her mother to do so. Love her.

I was originally an honest child, so after hearing what my grandma said, I felt that if I kept showing off in front of my grandma, my mother would dislike me more and more, so I went to live outside.

Grandma didn't stop her either, but it was okay for her, at least her living expenses were not missing.

But it doesn't matter, because grandma is quite rich, so it won't be short of her money.

But she has never been liked by her grandma, who only likes the children she had with her later husband and is very cold towards her.

Therefore, the original person made a wish, hoping that the person who took over the task could help her gain the love of her grandma and gain her attention like her other children.

An Ran chose this task because she felt that the original person's memories were not necessarily correct. The reason why she thought this way was because many of the original person's memories were what her grandma said to her after she went to the city to find her. It's a one-sided statement.

Her original personality, to put it nicely, has the unique simplicity of a country person, but to put it worst, she is silly and sweet, so her memory, An Ran feels, needs to be discounted.

As Sun's mother's daughter, Sun Anran could believe whatever the other party said, but she didn't.

Therefore, if she discovers that what happened back then is not what the original mother said, then if she doesn't follow the original's request, how will the original choose? Should she consider herself to have passed the mission, or say that she has failed the mission?

Logically speaking, if you are a normal person and you do this, as long as it is reasonable and reasonable, the other party will consider your mission a success. After all, what normal person would want to run to win her favor after discovering that her grandma is not good? , to get her attention?

So this time, An Ran wanted to test the idea after failing the task, and took on the task that was selected after careful selection.

In fact, after she entered this mission world for a month and observed it carefully, An Ran felt more and more that what she thought might be right.

The original father, Sun Dahu, has five brothers. His father is the captain of the Victory Brigade. The brigade will soon be abolished and turned into a village. Grandpa Sun will most likely become the village chief of Victory Village. In a place like the countryside, there is really no one. They dare to provoke existence, so it is true that they are village tyrants.

But as far as An Ran was concerned, although no one in the village dared to offend Sun Dahu, Sun Dahu was not domineering. After observing for a month, she did not see that he would force his mother to marry him.

There is another powerful aspect that proves this point of view - when Sun Dahu said that he would get divorced and go to college, although Sun Dahu was unhappy and reluctant, he still agreed. It was the agreement that allowed Sun Mu to spread her wings smoothly and fly high. Yes, if Sun Dahu is really a bad person, can Sun’s mother get a smooth divorce, go to college and leave? impossible!

And this is why An Ran suspected that the memory of the original person might be wrong before entering the mission world, because at that time she looked at the memory of the original person and wondered about this matter.

But these can be understood gradually. Anyway, she entered this world earlier and is still a little carrot who has just entered elementary school. She doesn't need to worry too much, as long as she studies well.

Although I have read books in several worlds, the content of the books and mathematics are a little better, generally similar, there are no problems, and I can do it; but as for Chinese, it is not exactly the same in different periods, so I can’t be lazy now. , otherwise you might not be able to memorize what you should memorize, and if you can't get double hundred in elementary school, you will be embarrassed. Who said that in this world, the original body can neither cultivate nor cultivate spiritual power and other supernormal abilities? , As a result, the brain development is limited, and reading will naturally be much more difficult.

Fortunately, no matter how difficult the primary school books are, there is a limit. As long as you memorize them, you can basically do it. I think it will not be a problem to get a double hundred in this summer final exam and shock the Sun family's jaws - I don't blame the primary school students for getting a double. A hundred would shock people's jaws. The teaching quality here was average. She had seen it and there were no children who could get double hundred. A hundred in one subject was considered good.

As for the original person, he is only in the first grade. His final exam results in the last semester were not good, and he did not pass the double hundred exam.

However, An Ran is not afraid of others being suspicious of the double hundred test this time, because children cannot learn no matter how hard they learn when they are not enlightened. Once they become enlightened, they can make rapid progress in learning. It is normal to get a double hundred in the exam.

Yes, no matter what grandma said is right or wrong, she will act according to her own ideas in this world, and her current idea is to strive to be a top student and let herself live a different life.

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