Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 985 The Daughter of Educated Youth 2

There was nothing she could do about it. Entering the mission world so early, at the age of seven, and having to learn it all over again was very annoying, but there was no way. The time of entering the mission world was not decided by her, but was randomly determined by the system.

However, she thought that the reason why the system let her enter the mission world so early was probably to prevent her original father, Sun Dahu, from dying prematurely.

Yuan Shen's father, Sun Dahu, passed away due to overwork not long after Yuan Shen graduated from junior high school.

And this disease caused by overwork will definitely not be formed in a short time. The roots must have been planted very early. Therefore, if she had not entered this world earlier, I am afraid she would not be able to stop it. Who made this body unable to cultivate? There is no way to use spiritual power to help Sun Dahu repair his body.

However, from An Ran's point of view, Sun Dahu's current health is not bad. Except for some damage to his body functions caused by heavy physical labor, there are no major problems.

Therefore, not only should he be a top student, but he should also be able to make money so that Sun Dahu would not have to work so hard.

His original grades were mediocre, and he was not among the best in Shengli Brigade Elementary School, but could only be considered in the middle or upper reaches.

In this era, entrance examinations were required to advance from primary school to junior high school. Unlike later compulsory education, junior high school did not need to take the exam and was required to attend. The admission rate of Shengli Brigade Primary School was not very good among the ten primary schools in Shuangjing Town. It was only about one-third. The talent that passed the exam turned out to be a sideline at first.

After entering Shuangjing Town Junior High School, in this era, junior high schools and high schools also had to take exams, and Shuangjing Town Junior High School's admission rate among junior high schools in the county was worse than that of Shengli Brigade. On a good day, it was considered good to get ten in the exam, but not In good times, only zero students have passed the exam. Such a poor enrollment rate is certainly due to the poor quality of education in rural middle schools. On the other hand, it is also related to the low enrollment rate in junior high schools in this era.

Since the original person's academic performance was average and he didn't go to high school, it was normal that he only had a junior high school diploma.

Poor academic performance was also one of the original problems. Later, I found my grandson, and her subsequent children had very good grades. Her grandson and stepfather were still college students, but she was a junior high school student. She felt very low self-esteem, so she kept thinking about herself. If my grades are better, my mother will like me more.

So An Ran wanted to get better grades to satisfy the original person's wish. Of course, she wanted to make the original person happy, not to please her grandma.

In fact, she felt that the original person's memory was unreliable, and based on her analysis, her grandmother's subsequent children's grades were not as good as the original person imagined.

There are many reasons why their grades are better than those of their original parents. First, the quality of education in the city is not comparable to that in the countryside; second, because the grandma and his wife are well-educated and can teach their children; third, they give back to their children I went to a remedial class, but I was in the countryside. Let alone a remedial class, my family was so noisy that I didn't even have a good environment to do my homework. How could this compare?

Unless the other party is really stupid, his/her results will be good, at least on the same basis, he can be better than the original person, so the original person really doesn’t have to feel inferior, she just has less experience and doesn’t understand this principle, so That’s why I feel so inferior. If I understand, I won’t feel so inferior anymore.

When Sun Dahu saw his daughter coming back, he smiled and stepped forward to take his daughter's schoolbag. Then he took out a handful of salted peanuts and asked An Ran to eat them to fill his stomach first and stop him from getting hungry.

Grandma Sun, who was choosing vegetables, looked at it and said nothing.

Most people in this era have the mentality of favoring boys over girls, and Grandma Sun is no exception.

Although the Sun family has more knowledge than ordinary families because Grandpa Sun is the captain of the brigade, they allow all boys and girls to go to school. However, in general, girls are only allowed to go to school until they graduate from elementary school, and only boys are eligible to continue to go to school. She was able to study until junior high school because Sun Dahu wanted her to study. Considering that the third son Sun Dahu said that he did not want to get married anymore, in that case, Sun Dahu would only have this one child, so Grandma Sun also let her study. After all, she only had one child. If so, Sun Dahu would probably have to raise the girl as a boy, so if he wanted her to read it, it would be hard for Grandma Sun to object.

Fortunately, the original person went to junior high school. Otherwise, the original person did not even have a junior high school degree. If she wanted to meet her mother, she would probably be disliked by her mother. After all, the original person's education was too low and she found it embarrassing. This is An Ran's reading According to the original memory, the original person didn't find that her mother thought she was embarrassed, she just felt low self-esteem.

Like now, when boys and girls come home from school, Grandma Sun usually lets the girls hunt pig grass, herd cows, and feed chickens, but for An Ran, she was lenient and let her do her homework.

According to An Ran's thinking, there are two reasons why Grandma Sun was lenient to her. First, she felt that her third son was pitiful. His wife ran away, and she was determined not to get married again. Without a wife in the future, one person would be too pitiful. ? Second, she felt An Ran was pitiful and had no mother, so she turned a blind eye and didn't have so many demands on her.

An Ran guessed that not only did she think so, but she had also told the other daughters-in-law that otherwise the other daughters-in-law would be unhappy if she treated them differently. According to Grandma Sun's wisdom in housekeeping, even if she treated her differently, she did not want to affect the stability of the family. .

The reason An Ran had such speculation was because the second aunt once shouted unhappily, saying why she didn't have to do things without a mother and let her daughter do things.

——Of course, this was said in private. She did not dare to say it publicly because she was afraid that others would say that she bullied a motherless child.

Although Grandma Sun doesn't let her do anything, An Ran won't really do nothing. Others don't let you do it, which is to take care of you. But if you don't know what to do, you really don't do anything because of it. What others say If you don’t say it, you will definitely not be happy in your heart. If you are not happy, the other party will not say anything about you. After all, this is arranged by Grandma Sun, but they will definitely find fault with you in other aspects and look at you with a magnifying glass. Sage, as long as you want to find fault, let alone you accidentally made a mistake, even if you are right, others can find fault if they want to.

And as long as she does a little bit of work, even picky people like the second aunt will still find trouble, but sensible people like the eldest aunt will feel that she is quite sensible, and then think about herself as a motherless child. It is really pitiful. , you won’t find fault with yourself.

Although An Ran was not afraid of their criticism, it would be better if she could prevent it and lighten the burden on herself. After all, she didn't want to waste too much time on competing with them.

The original person is a real child, and she is not very smart, so she naturally does not have this awareness. Grandma Sun asked her not to do it, but she really didn't do it. Therefore, in the original person's memory, she has a very weak relationship with her uncle's family. Later, Sun Dahu passed away. Because the Sun family was divided, she was the only one left in the family after Sun Dahu passed away. After all, she was still young and really couldn't survive, so she went to the city to find Sun's mother.

Thank you Zhao Yilin and Zi Yan for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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