Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 986 The Daughter of Educated Youth 3

The original person never knew why she had a weak relationship with her uncle's family, which led to her father's death. None of them were willing to take care of her, which made her unable to survive and had to go to the city to find her grandma. However, after An Ran analyzed her memory, she felt that it might be Ever since she was little, she has always been able to open her mouth, open her mouth, and stretch out her hands. Others, whether they are children older than her or children younger than her, do things, but she does nothing, which makes her unpleasant, unlovable, and offending. Because of my uncle's family, I changed my approach now. Seeing that my uncle's family still hates me, if he still hates me, it shouldn't be because of this, but other reasons.

However, judging from her efforts over the past month, An Ran felt that her eldest aunt and younger aunt were treating her better. An Ran felt that her guess might be correct. The original person's uncle's family should really be because the original person did not do anything. I feel like she doesn't hurt anyone, so I stay away from her.

So now, after An Ran gave her schoolbag to Sun Dahu, she consciously took the basket and went out to hunt pigweed.

She usually goes out to shoot pigweeds so that she can be alone, unlike at home where there are many people talking and making a lot of noise. She doesn't like too much noise and thinks it gives her a headache, so she would rather go out and shoot pigweeds. I don’t want to do things like feed chickens and pigs.

She is only seven years old now, and is not yet old enough to work, so she can just make some random things and go home to complete the task. The task is not heavy, but if she did a lot, it would make people feel strange.

So An Ran was hunting pigweed while thinking about ways to make money.

She is too young now and can't make money from anything. Even if she can make money by writing articles, it's not suitable for her at such a young age. This method will take at least five years, but she is very worried that in five years, Sun Dahu's body will have been severely damaged. Don't do it again. Just like in the world where he originally lived, he will still get sick and die.

Finally, An Ran decided to go to scenic spots on weekends, winter and summer vacations to sell cuteness, oh no, handicrafts or mountain goods.

The Victory Brigade is located near a scenic spot. Although it is only 1982 and there are not many tourists, An Ran, who can't think of a better way to make money, can only go there and try his luck.

Thinking of this, An Ran started to rush home.

The weekend is coming soon, and she has to prepare goods. She can't go empty-handed. She is really just looking cute.

She didn't worry about how to make crafts because she had never done them before, because the system mall had everything in the world, including crafts, and she could choose a few easy ones and make them simply.

An Ran browsed the handicrafts in the system mall while walking. By the time she got home, she already knew what she wanted to sell—pen holders, bamboo pen holders.

The materials are simple and the production method is simple, which is especially suitable for her as a novice. Moreover, even if she makes this kind of thing, others will not be surprised. If it were those complicated handicrafts, others would be surprised by how she, a little girl from the mountains, knew about those things. , and the pen holder, at least people have heard of it, it is not a strange thing.

The Victory Brigade is rich in bamboo. If you cut a piece of bamboo, you can make multiple pen holders, and you can sell each of them one by one.

After thinking about it, we got home. When we got home, An Ran mentioned this matter to Sun's father.

If it were someone else's family, he would probably not pay attention to what the child said, but Sun Dahu has always doted on his daughter. After listening to his daughter's words, he did not say that she was whimsical, but said: "Today is late, I will come back from work tomorrow and cut it for you."

Although the Shengli Brigade has not yet been transformed into a Victory Village, the Shengli Brigade has already assigned household quotas to each household, and the fields, land, and mountains have been divided, so An Ran can let Sun Dahu chop bamboo. If it had been last year when the household quotas were not guaranteed, she would All methods of making money will not work, because everything belongs to the brigade and cannot be taken.

But even if it is your own mountain, you can’t chop it down if you want, because although the household quota has been guaranteed to each household, the old Sun family has not divided the family, so the mountain is not distributed to everyone, but is shared by everyone. Sun Dahu also Don't cut too much, or other people in the other houses will start talking about it.

Fortunately, as long as you don't cut too many, An Ran only needs to make a few pen holders and a small bamboo, so there will be no problem, and the second aunt and others will probably not say anything.

An Ran saw that Sun Dahu agreed and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief - she was originally worried that Sun Dahu would not listen to her as a child and would not cut it for her. Now that Sun Dahu was willing to listen to her and cut it for her, she was naturally relieved. In a tone of voice, he said happily: "Okay."

Then I thought to myself that the more I looked at Sun Dahu, the less he looked like the kind of person Sun's mother said would force an educated youth to marry him.

Sun Dahu kept his word. When he came back from work the next day, he brought back a piece of bamboo that was neither thick nor thin and suitable for making a pen holder. He cut it into small tubes as An Ran said. There are some words engraved on it - Although An Ran started practicing martial arts as soon as she entered this world, and now her strength is not too weak, she can carve if she wants to, but in the eyes of outsiders, she is still a person with no hands. A child with so much strength would definitely not be able to carve it, so she naturally asked Sun Dahu to help her carve it.

Sun Dahu was the only one who obeyed his daughter. He would do whatever his daughter said. He would do it if he was asked to do it. He did not ignore it or object. On the other hand, the second aunt on the side looked at him and shook his head and said: "Third brother, you don't care about your child either." It’s too doting and everything is left to the child, which is not good.”

Sun Dahu smiled while carving: "My child wants to make money for me to spend. How filial. Such a child is not good, so how can I be good?"

The second aunt was speechless and said: "You can take the child's words seriously. I think she just thinks it's fun and wants to play. You also take the child's words seriously and accompany her to fool around. Let me talk about you and so on. good."

Sun Dahu chuckled and said, "She can play if she wants. She didn't do anything bad, so she doesn't need to be so serious, right?"

Seeing that Sun Dahu was completely like his daughter, the second aunt retreated in defeat, curled her lips and said nothing more - it was all in vain anyway.

An Ran, who was letting Sun Dahu carve words on the side, clearly understood what the second aunt meant, but pretended not to understand, did not argue with her, and just continued to let Sun Dahu get a pen holder for her.

Sun Dahu soon got a dozen pen holders, and An Ran packed them in baskets, preparing to go to the scenic spot tomorrow - tomorrow is Sunday, and there are no weekends yet, only single days off.

Early the next morning, An Ran took the pen holders and prepared to go to the scenic spot. However, he saw Sun Dahu picked up the basket and said with a smile: "You are too young, it is not safe to go alone, and the road is too far. Xiao, I don’t know how long it will take yet, so I’ll send you there and I’ll pick you up in the evening.”

An Ran hesitated and said, "But you have to go to work! You don't have time to send me there, do you?"

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