Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 987 The Daughter of Educated Youth 4

Sun Dahu is a mason. The life of the people in the village is getting better day by day. The result of this day is that there is an endless stream of people building houses in the village, so Sun Dahu is busy day and night, sometimes very busy. Not only was he busy during the day, but he also had to work overtime at night. Although he was making money, it was also very hard. An Ran felt that Sun Dahu's early death might have something to do with being busy day and night like this.

Sun Dahu said: "It's okay, it's still early, I can send you back to work in time."

It was indeed very early at this time, only after five o'clock. The reason An Ran got up so early was because according to what she knew from her original memory, it took an hour to walk from Sun's house to the scenic spot, and she had to get up too early. If she is late, she will miss the time for tourists to enter the mountain. Once the tourists have entered the mountain, she will have to wait until the tourists come down from the mountain in the afternoon to sell things. Naturally, she wants to come back after the goods are sold out or almost sold in the morning. , I don’t want to be bored until I come back in the afternoon.

An Ran heard what Sun Dahu said and thought that it would take two hours to go back and forth. It would be just past seven o'clock by then, and it was still too late, so she let him go. After all, it was more convenient to have Sun Dahu send her. Although she was not afraid of danger, her small arms and legs were difficult to walk. It was indeed too hard. Who told her that she was still just practicing martial arts and couldn't use Qing Gong? When she gets Qing Gong in the future, it wouldn't be so hard.

Anran would be much happier if Sun Dahu gave An Ran a gift - Sun Dahu would take her things, and when she got tired, he would carry her on his back, how nice it would be.

Arriving at the scenic area soon, Sun Dahu said hello to the acquaintances around him. Some villagers opened a shop in the scenic area, so there were acquaintances that Sun Dahu knew - he asked them to take care of his daughter and then went back.

An Ran saw that Sun Dahu had left, so he started to take things to the mountain gate, put them on the grass beside the mountain gate, and shouted at people who came.

Although there are not many tourists at this time, fortunately, it is a good season for tourists to go out in spring, so there are still people coming to visit, but most of them are residents of the county. After all, transportation is inconvenient in this era. Except for residents of the county, Foreign tourists really have to be very interested to come here. After all, although this local scenic spot is somewhat famous, it is not famous nationwide, and it does not know how to advertise. Foreign tourists may not know that such a scenic spot exists. How come?

Because they are residents of this county, many people come here just for fun on weekends, and few of them know how to buy anything. After An Ran yelled for a while, he only sold three of them for a dime each.

At this moment, several foreigners came, walking and taking pictures with cameras, and chattering nonstop. An Ran listened roughly and found that they were speaking a language she could understand - English. She didn't know where they came from. But definitely coming from an English-speaking country, this is an opportunity! After all, in so many mission worlds, although she has learned many languages, the foreign language she is most familiar with is English. Although the other languages ​​​​are not bad, because they are rarely used, some can read and read, but communication is difficult.

It happened that those foreigners also saw An Ran selling pen holders.

A child selling things is so eye-catching and very cute - An Ran is not lying when she says that she is selling something cute. After all, she knows that under the same conditions, cute and well-behaved children are more likely to attract attention and things are easier to buy. I sold some, so today I dressed up in a cute and well-behaved way. I combed my hair into cute little pigtails, put on the only cute pink gown I wore, washed my face and hands cleanly, and walked around In the gray and plain environment, it is eye-catching and eye-catching.

These foreigners may be from developed countries. Seeing such cute children working hard to sell things, and thinking about the happy lives of children in their own countries, they inevitably felt sympathy. Someone came up and asked An Ran how he sold this thing. If the price is right, do her a favor and buy a few back.

An Ran saw them coming up to ask, and seeing that there was no one else around, he stepped forward and started talking to each other in fluent English.

If there were people around, especially acquaintances, she would be afraid that others would wonder why she knew English, so she would not dare to come forward. But now that there was no one around, she could naturally talk to people. Anyway, she was afraid that they would not talk to them in the future. She's dealt with it, so what does it matter if she speaks English?

The foreigners found it strange that An Ran could speak English, and they couldn't help but become more and more interested. They immediately gathered around An Ran and asked him the price of those pen holders.

Originally, Enron sold these pen holders for a dime each - no wonder Enron sold them so cheaply, there was nothing we could do about it, money was so valuable these days, and a dime each was not cheap anymore.

But at this time, listening to these foreigners asking about the price, An Ran said: "One piece per piece."

For the natives, no one will want one piece for one piece, but for these foreigners, one piece for one piece is too cheap and they can probably be sold. After all, there are not many sellers of tourist products in this scenic area, so they sell them anyway. There is no pen holder. This is her only one. If she sells it for a dollar, she should be able to sell it. If she can’t, it’s okay. The worst is to sell it to her family for a dime. But if she can sell it, she can sell it for a dollar. Selling one was almost equivalent to selling all ten bamboo tubes, so Enron naturally set a price to give it a try.

And just like hers, the other person didn't think it was expensive for one dollar, so he immediately took out one dollar and bought one.

Several other foreigners saw their companions buying it, and each of them also bought one. After all, it was hard to come to this place, and there were no tourist products for sale. After looking around, they only found this pen holder, which is very local. It can be bought back. As a souvenir, everyone bought it.

An Ran was overjoyed when he saw that eleven of them were sold in one go. He smiled and waved goodbye to the foreigners.

If they weren't tired from climbing the mountain, or else she would recommend herself as a tour guide to take them on a mountain tour. She would probably give them a tip, but when she thought of climbing a mountain of one or two thousand meters, An Ran had not yet mastered her martial arts. My body couldn't bear the load, so I was frightened and didn't mention it anymore.

However, An Ran has put this matter on the agenda as one of the ways to make money. He thinks that after a while, when he has almost practiced martial arts, scored double hundred in the test, and become a top student, he will give it a try if foreigners come again. Can I be a tour guide? I don’t have to worry about people knowing that I work as a tour guide for foreigners. How can I learn foreign languages? I just say that I have met foreigners before and learned slowly from them. Anyway, she is young now and can’t learn the language. It's normal to learn fast. Plus, if you're a top student, it's even more normal to learn fast. And it's not easy for others to take away your job in this kind of thing. After all, it's not easy to know a foreign language well enough to be a tour guide for foreigners. It's not like selling pen holders. After you sell it a few times and someone buys it, someone will probably learn from it and compete with you for business.

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