The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

"Tanghulu, sour and sweet tanghulu!"

"White steamed buns, white and big white steamed buns!"

The streets of the capital are always bustling with people coming and going, the hawking of street vendors, and the coming and going of people in the shops and restaurants on both sides of the street, full of fireworks.

Feeling the lively atmosphere, I casually asked someone and found out that the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon.

On that day, Lin Zixuan moved into a three-story house.

It turned out to be the house that Lin Yi bought for him in the capital.

Lin Zixuan walked into the house and looked around. He saw the wide courtyard and the simple buildings, which revealed an elegant atmosphere.

The backyard is a quiet garden, full of flowers and plants, but since it is October, it has shown some signs of decay.

This courtyard is a little far from the central area, not a prosperous area, and there is not much noise, it is much quieter.

Although there is still about half a year before the examination, many Juren are staying in major inns in the capital to participate in this examination. If you don’t book an inn in advance, you may have to live in a big bunk bed.

Although most Juren are not short of money, after all, after reading to this level, buying various books and participating in various literary and poetry gatherings all require money.

What’s more, Juren can also receive subsidies from the court.

But even if you have money, you can’t resist the large number of people participating in the examination, and there is no room in the inn.

And that kind of big bunk bed can accommodate more than 30 people in one room.

In addition, everyone’s living habits are different, which will inevitably cause friction, affect the mood of preparing for the exam, and waste preparation time.

A feeling of emotion surged in his heart, it is better to live in a house by himself.

Life in the capital is much better than life in Jizhou City.

Lin Zixuan was very satisfied with this house, and he decided to live here.

He felt that this puppet subordinate did a good job, saving him a lot of energy and time.

The next day.

Lin Zixuan was playing in the streets of the capital.

"Host, the one in front is the current prince."

The voice of the system sounded in his mind, and a virtual arrow pointed to a man in gorgeous clothes.

Lin Zixuan looked closely, and a gentle man came into his sight. He was wearing a white robe, with warm and white Hetian jade hanging around his waist, holding a folding fan in his hand, and dressed like a nobleman.

There was a companion walking with the prince, and there were two guards behind each of them, carefully observing the abnormalities around them.

Lin Zixuan walked over slowly, and it turned out that the prince and his party were at the door of a restaurant.

This restaurant is called Zuixianlou, and it is holding an activity of guessing lantern riddles. Those who guessed correctly can get a pot of nectar for free at Zuixianlou.

Qiongjiang wine is the signature wine of Zuixianlou. Only about a hundred pots are produced every month. It is very valuable. One bottle costs twenty taels of silver.

In this wealthy capital, this little money is nothing, but the production is limited, so you can only make an appointment in advance.

Lin Zixuan looked at the various lanterns in front of him, with riddles written on them for people to guess.

He glanced at the riddles on the lanterns, thought about it silently, and understood it in his heart.

"Shopkeeper, let me guess one."

Lin Zixuan walked up and pointed to a lantern and said.

I saw that the lantern was written with "White Snake crossing the river, with a red sun above its head", and there was a row of small words next to it "Guess a daily necessity".

"What is the name of this young man?"

The shopkeeper looked at the young man in front of him. He was dressed in ordinary clothes, but he had an extraordinary demeanor and spoke calmly and forcefully. Naturally, he did not dare to underestimate him.

"I am Lin Zixuan."

Lin Zixuan politely bowed with both hands.

"So it's Mr. Lin, you can tell me the answer to this riddle."

The shopkeeper also bowed with both hands and replied.

"The answer to this riddle is oil lamp, I wonder if what I said is correct?"

"Why is it oil lamp?" Some people still don't understand.

"Oh, it turns out to be oil lamp, the answer is so simple, I knew it earlier..." Some people regretted it after they figured it out.

Upon hearing this, the shopkeeper took out the answer to the lantern riddle, slowly unfolded it, and shouted loudly: "Congratulations to Mr. Lin for answering it correctly, you can get a pot of wine from Zuixianlou for free."

"This Mr. Lin is not only quick-witted, but also very good-looking."

"Mr. Lin, another one, another one."

Someone said in a teasing voice.

"Okay, then I'll show off my ugliness and solve another riddle."

Lin Zixuan pointed to a lantern and said: "The answer to this riddle is a scale."

On it was written "Black dragon climbs the wall, covered with thousands of golden stars", and next to it was a row of small words "Guess a daily


"Congratulations, Mr. Lin, for guessing another lantern riddle."

The shopkeeper saw that Lin Zixuan was still planning to solve the lantern riddle, and hurriedly pulled him back in a hurry, whispering: "Mr. Lin, please show mercy, please show mercy."

He didn't want the event to end before the Mid-Autumn Festival even started.

Lin Zixuan smiled indifferently and let the shopkeeper invite him into the restaurant.

He followed him to the restaurant.

The shopkeeper said: "Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your kindness. This time, our restaurant will give you a table of good food and good wine for free."

"Thank you, shopkeeper."

Lin Zixuan sat at the table and waited.

"My name is Zhou Wen. Can I share a table with you?"

It turned out that the prince came over, made up a pseudonym, and asked him.

"Of course. "

Lin Zixuan looked at the empty tables around him and did not expose him.

"I just heard that you are solving a puzzle downstairs. I think you are a master of guessing puzzles. I wonder what you think of the puzzle king downstairs?"

After the two sat down, the prince asked again.

He knew from the plot memory that the prince liked to guess puzzles, so he showed off his skills in the scene just now to leave an impression on the prince, so that it would be convenient for him to contact him when he came down.

Unexpectedly, the prince came up to block him directly.

"Is it the one that says 'If you don't wash it, it's really clean, if you wash it, it's not clean, if you don't wash it, someone will eat it, and if you wash it, no one will use it'?"

"Yes, that's it."

Zhou Wen said hurriedly.

"Of course I know it, but why should I tell you?"

"Do you know..."

The young man in brocade clothes who was accompanying him said immediately.

But he was interrupted by Zhou Wen halfway through his words.

Zhou Wen opened his folding fan and asked with interest: "I wonder how you can tell me the answer to the puzzle? ”

“Haha, I’m just kidding, but you can’t tell anyone else.”

“Of course!”

Lin Zixuan dipped his hand in water and wrote on the table: “This is the answer.”

Zhou Wen looked down and smiled: “I see, thank you for telling me!”

“Haha, you’re welcome.”

“Brother Zhou, the boss will bring their wine over later, why don’t we drink some together?”

“Okay, I feel very cordial when I see Brother Lin on this trip, so let’s drink some together.”

Zhou Wen smiled and responded.

“Brother Zhou, just call me Lin Zixuan. I’m a student who will take part in the imperial examination next March.”

“It turns out that Brother Zixuan is also a juren, no wonder he is so knowledgeable. "

Zhou Wen looked at the smart boy in front of him in surprise. He intuitively felt that the boy was not very old, but he did not expect that he was already a juren at such a young age, and even surpassed the students in Jizhou to get the position of Jieyuan.

Zhou Wen's companions looked at him in surprise.

The few of them chatted happily. Before leaving, Lin Zixuan invited them: "Two brothers, why not continue to have a drink at my residence. I have several kinds of delicacies there, not even this Zuixianlou."

"This Zuixianlou is the most famous restaurant in the capital. The chef of Zuixianlou is the best chef except for the imperial chef. Brother Zixuan, don't brag."

"Haha, Brother Zhou will know after trying it."

"Then I will be disrespectful to refuse it."

After that, several people got up and went to Lin Zixuan's residence.

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