The old man was very rich.

"Brother Zixuan, what does your family do? The houses in the capital are not cheap."

Zhou Wen looked at Lin Zixuan in confusion.

"Haha, Brother Zhou, I was born in a peasant family in Yuncheng, Jizhou. My family is not rich. Only when I passed the examination of the scholar can my family be a little richer."

Looking at Zhou Wen's puzzled expression, Lin Zixuan explained: "This is because I was traveling abroad last year and met several overseas people. I helped them a little, and they gave me a glass bead as a thank you."

"After I sold the glass bead, I have some money now."

Zhou Wen suddenly realized.

"This is a rare delicacy. It was obtained from the overseas people. We don't have it in Daxia."

Zhou Wen heard Lin Zixuan's explanation and became more curious.

After a while, Zhou Wen saw Lin Zixuan take out a large plate. It turned out that there were several baked sweet potatoes in it. There was an attractive caramel color on the skin of the sweet potatoes, which looked very tempting.

The sweet aroma in the air made people salivate.

"Come on, one for each person, sweet and delicious baked sweet potato."

"Be careful, it's a little hot."

Lin Zixuan handed a sweet potato to each person and said casually.

The two looked at each other tacitly, then carefully picked up the sweet potato, peeled the skin and tasted it slowly.

"It has a delicate taste, melts in the mouth, sweet but not greasy, and tastes really good."

Sweet and soft, there is also a peculiar fragrance. This taste is something he has never tasted before. It is so delicious just by simply baking.

Although he had just eaten at Zuixianlou, he still finished a big sweet potato.

Zhou nodded and said, "Yes, this thing is really delicious, sweet but not greasy, sweet and soft."

Zhou Yuansi is the name of another companion of Zhou Wen.

"Brother Zixuan, I have a sister who likes to eat this kind of sweet food. I wonder how much this sweet potato yields per mu? Are there any left?"

Zhou Yuansi asked embarrassedly.

"Haha, Brother Zhou, don't worry, there are a lot of this stuff."

"But it may take some time."

"Although the yield of sweet potatoes per mu is as much as 50 stones, there are not many on hand at present. Most of the sweet potatoes are still planted in my hometown, and seeds are still being cultivated."

Lin Zixuan received a letter from his teacher a few days ago, telling him that the corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes at home have been successfully cultivated, and the yield per mu is very considerable, which is more than he said before.

Lin Zixuan can feel the teacher's excitement between the lines of the letter.

"How much? Brother Zixuan, how much do you think the sweet potatoes can produce per mu?"

Zhou Wen, who had been careless just now, reacted immediately and asked hurriedly.

"Fifty shi."

Lin Zixuan said firmly.

The two were a little frightened. You know, the current grain output is only about three shi per mu, which is 300 jin, and this brother Zixuan, who just met, actually said that sweet potatoes can produce 50 shi per mu.

That's 5,000 jin of grain per mu, which is more than ten times the original.

"In fact, there are two more kinds of grain, one with a yield of 10 shi per mu and one with a yield of 30 shi per mu."

Lin Zixuan's voice came out slowly.

"This sweet potato can only be eaten occasionally and cannot be used as a staple food, but the other two are different. They can be used as staple food for daily feeding."

Looking at Zhou Wen and Zhou Yuansi flirting with each other, Lin Zixuan smiled slightly in his heart and knew that the fish had taken the bait.

As expected, the two announced their identities.

Lin Zixuan showed a surprised expression on his face. He quickly bowed and said to the Crown Prince and the Prince: "Your Highness, Your Highness, I'm sorry for offending you just now."

"Haha, brother Zixuan, don't do this."

Zhao Haowen smiled and waved his hand, indicating that Lin Zixuan didn't need to care, and then the few people continued to talk.

Although he was the crown prince of Daxia, he was humble and not proud of his status at all. He communicated with Lin Zixuan like two friends.

With Lin Zixuan's knowledge and experience, he was naturally relaxed and at ease in dealing with the two people's questions, and each had his own unique insights.

"Brother Zixuan, why don't you hand over these three crops to the court? There are professional agricultural talents in the court. With them, the grain can be cultivated quickly and promoted to the entire Great Xia Kingdom."

Lin Zixuan smiled and replied: "Zixuan is thinking the same thing, and it just so happens that I met the prince."

The prince laughed and said: "It's my luck to meet brother Zixuan."

After returning, the prince took out Lin Zixuan's letter, pondered for a moment, and called from

Ji's personal guards ordered soldiers to be sent to Lin Zixuan's hometown to protect Lin Zixuan's family and grain fields.

In the past few days, the atmosphere of communication between the three people was harmonious and pleasant, and the relationship between them became closer.

Time passed unknowingly, and the friendship between them was further deepened with each communication.

"Brother Zixuan is knowledgeable and far-sighted. He is the best I have ever heard of in my life. If he can serve as an official in the court, he will surely achieve something and benefit the people."

"I don't have anything to help you now. You said you want to participate in the joint examination next year. I know a great scholar who was the champion and now lives in the capital. You take this token and go to him. He will definitely give you some help."

After speaking, the prince took out a jade pendant and put it on the table.

The jade pendant was not of good quality, and there was some obvious cotton wool, but it still had a trace of body temperature. I think it was often played in his hand.

Lin Zixuan took the jade pendant and glanced at him silently.

"Thank you, Prince."

Lin Zixuan sighed when he thought of the prince's experience.

The prince was kind-hearted, diligent and loved the people. He was originally the most likely candidate to receive the throne, but after his original body was harmed, the male protagonist joined the Sixth Prince's camp, and the two fabricated various incidents among the people to damage the prince's reputation.

In ancient times when there was a lack of information, the direction of public opinion could be easily influenced.

These public opinions even spread to the court. Although everyone knew it was false, the prince was also greatly affected.

There was a major flood later, and the prince took the initiative to go to the disaster area to deal with the disaster.

A major disaster must have a major epidemic, but the prince contracted the epidemic in the disaster area and eventually died.

You must know that the prince never lacked imperial doctors around him. Even when he went to the disaster area, he called several imperial doctors to accompany him.

In this case, he was still infected, which was obviously premeditated.

And this epidemic was the conspiracy of the Sixth Prince and the male protagonist.

Next, he planned a series of events to eliminate all the princes who posed a threat to the Sixth Prince, and the Sixth Prince finally ascended the throne.

After Lin Zixuan's understanding of the prince during this period of time, he knew that he could be a good emperor.

His mission was to make the hero and heroine die miserably, but the Ninth Princess and the Sixth Prince were biological siblings, so the Sixth Prince must not be allowed to ascend the throne, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with the Ninth Princess if she gained power.

If the prince was allowed to ascend the throne safely, there would be no such concerns.

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