The two sides are strangers, so it's okay for them to be cautious.

This annoying guy is really cautious.

But Su Han thought about it. He had almost spent the hundreds of millions of funds, all of which were used to build shelters and buy various materials.

Now there is only 200,000 left in his bank card.

And this factory was also a whim for him, and it was the last one he planned to buy.

Both parties are strangers, so it's okay for them to be cautious.

"But don't ruin my big plan." Su Han's eyes were cold.

He represented an individual, without the endorsement of the company, and he couldn't give a capital verification report, so he could only take out the treasures in the space.

After he obtained the space, there were some treasures in it, all of which were jade, antiques, calligraphy and paintings.

He felt that the things in the space must be extraordinary, but in this doomsday period, he didn't care too much, supplies and shelter were the top priority. So he took out and sold a few paintings and jades, and got nearly 100 million yuan in funds.

Later, he got tens of millions of funds through loans, so he didn't think about it. The money was enough for him to buy a large amount of supplies, but now he could only take it out for emergency.

So, he carefully took out a perfect ice-green jade bracelet, put it on the solid wood table in the reception room, and said to him: "I will pledge this bracelet to you to offset the remaining payment. I will give you the money at the end of next month, and you will return the bracelet to me. Do you think it's okay?"

"These are all mine, and they will return to me sooner or later. After the extreme cold end of the world, I will come to take the bracelet back." Su Han thought fiercely in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but flash a trace of cruelty.

As for whether to take it with money or with a gun, it is naturally self-evident.

Lin Zixuan glanced at the jade bracelet on the table and thought to himself, "Su Han is quite wealthy. This jade bracelet is fine. The market price is at least over eight figures."

However, he doesn't lack an ice green jade bracelet, although this thing is indeed top-grade. But after all, it is just an ordinary item.

He has too many good things in his small world, and there are many more valuable things than this one, so he doesn't care about this bracelet at all.

Moreover, Lin Zixuan can't let him finish it so smoothly as he wishes.

"Our factory doesn't like to hold things, and I don't know what jade is... I don't understand this. Our factory only accepts Xia Guo currency." Lin Zixuan said with a look of disdain.

"This is an ice green jade bracelet. It costs at least tens of millions in the market. If I didn't have enough money now, I wouldn't use it as collateral." Su Han looked at Lin Zixuan's petty look and couldn't help but explain out loud.

"This is the legendary jade bracelet, but why is it so similar to a beer bottle, and there is a little white cotton wool, and the transparency is not as good as a beer bottle." Lin Zixuan said in surprise.

"And I don't know whether this thing is real or not. What if it is fake, then I will lose a lot?"

Su Han's face was instantly covered with a layer of frost, and he couldn't help twitching at the corners of his mouth when he looked at the ignorant factory director Xiao Lin in front of him.

He is still the boss of a factory, how come he has never seen jade? How can he become a factory director with such an ignorant mind?

But when he thought of the situation he had inquired about this factory, he suddenly realized and couldn't help showing a little arrogant look.

"I heard that your factory's performance is very poor... It will soon go bankrupt..." Su Han reminded in a deep voice.

"Who cursed our factory? Our factory's performance is good." Lin Zixuan pretended to be proud, but he never dared to look at Su Han, which made people clearly see that he was guilty.

Su Han laughed in his heart: "Little guy, do you think I will not take advantage of you?"

"Oh? I can transfer 200,000 yuan to you directly, and the rest will definitely be given to you next month. After all, we have to sign a contract, and this money can at least alleviate the urgent needs of your factory."

"This is cash, I can't cheat you."

"If you don't do this business, I'll leave." After saying that, Su Han wanted to get up and walk out.

Seeing that he didn't stop himself, Su Han's face suddenly became ugly. He could only get up reluctantly and walk slowly out the door.

Lin Zixuan looked at Su Han with a smile on his face, and even opened the door for him, smiling and asking him to go out.

Su Han:...

"I can guarantee that this guy will definitely keep me after I count to three. After all, I am the life-saving straw of their factory." Su Han felt that this guy was

He was showing off, and couldn't help but say in his heart.



"Two point five... Two point four..."

"Why doesn't this guy play by the rules? No wonder such a big factory is going to close down." Su Han's confident expression was a little bit stretched, and he thought angrily in his heart.

In the end, due to Lin Zixuan's deliberate disruption, the deal still failed to be concluded.

"I tell you, you will definitely regret it and come to beg me obediently." Su Han turned around and said harshly.

Su Han left the Happy Biscuit Factory with a gloomy face, thinking angrily: "When the end of the world comes and the social order collapses, I will let you look good and taste the taste of rejecting me."

Lin Zixuan couldn't let Su Han take the biscuits in the factory. This is the survival basis of his family and factory workers after the end of the world, and he can't let him get away with it.

Although he has a small world with him, it is impossible to bring people in directly and let people live in the small world.

He also has a sign-in system. He can't just take out the countless supplies he has accumulated. He still needs to think of a convincing reason.

The best situation is to create a complete set of survival methods that can produce, plant, and breed in the extremely cold world. This is the long-term way.

In a hundred years, relying solely on existing materials, it is impossible to support the endless consumption of billions of humans for a hundred years, although there are not many humans who can really survive.

However, after a long period of heavy snow, the soft snowflakes have experienced countless melting and freezing. Before they are completely melted, heavy snow comes again, and they can't be cleaned up at all.

The bungalows, factories, cars on the streets, etc. across the country are also buried by the ice, and most of the supplies are buried under the frozen layer.

Buried underneath is human civilization.

Only some high-rise buildings can still be seen, indicating that humans once lived here.


Outside the office, Uncle Li has been wandering back and forth, obviously he has something to say.

Lin Zixuan finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he invited him in and asked gently, "Uncle Li, what do you want? You can tell me directly."

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