The old man was very worried.

Uncle Li no longer concealed his worried look and asked in a deep voice: "I know it's not good to ask about the factory, but I still want to ask Director Xiaolin, did you negotiate with that customer this morning?"

"Uncle Li, I know you are worried about the factory's profits, but don't worry, I have a good way to develop the factory." Lin Zixuan comforted.

"Just now, a foreign friend of mine has helped me get a large foreign order, and now the factory can open up foreign sales channels."

"But during this period, you still need to keep an eye on it. The factory must do its best to supply this order." Lin Zixuan said to him with a smile.

"That's good, it's okay for me to be busy, as long as our factory can get better." Uncle Li said with relief.

He was finally able to put down his worries.

"I'll tell my co-workers about this good news right away, so they can cheer up." Uncle Li said as he walked out.

Uncle Li was nearly ten years older than the original owner's father. He had worked with the original owner's father for a long time and watched the original owner grow up. He was considered his elder.

Uncle Li had a deep affection for the factory, no less than the original owner, so it was normal for him to worry.

But he couldn't say directly that he had tried every means to drive the customer away, otherwise Uncle Li would complain to his father, so he still needed to be more tactful.

After sending Uncle Li away, Lin Zixuan immediately instructed the relevant personnel of the factory to start taking action today, stop the sale of all products, immediately purchase a large amount of raw materials for the products, and start the crazy processing mode in three shifts throughout the factory.

Yes, their factory not only has biscuits, but also bread, small cakes and other products.

And his reason was that there was a large order from abroad, and the factory needed to go all out to supply this order.

He also promised that after this period of busy work, he would give everyone a considerable bonus.

With his instructions and the incentive of bonuses, the enthusiasm of the employees was instantly mobilized, and they began to produce at full capacity that day.


[CCTV News: Recently, several cold airs from the Arctic have suddenly hit, and the temperature in northern my country has dropped significantly. Please pay attention to your clothes to prevent colds. ]

[A provincial meteorological bureau: In the summer of 2055, my country will usher in an unprecedented drop in temperature. This summer, the average temperature in our province has been declining. At present, the average temperature in July in my country has reached 10 degrees Celsius, which is the coolest summer in my country's history. ]

[National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: On July 11, 2055, it was announced that the "China Sky Eye" FAST observed an 80% reduction in the number of sunspots and solar flares, and the world may enter a small ice age. ]

[Phoenix News: ... ]

Father Lin was resting at home, holding his mobile phone and watching the news pushed by major platforms. Unexpectedly, all major platforms were reporting on the abnormal temperature conditions this summer.

"What's wrong with the weather recently? It's summer, and the temperature is going to drop sharply?" Lin's father was puzzled. He had never seen such an abnormal situation.

"This is really something I have never seen before. I have not lived in vain for so many years. I can learn a little more." Lin's father joked.

Lin's father's name is Lin Aiguo. He is a gray-haired old man in his sixties. He was sighing to Lin's mother: "Especially this year's weather is a bit strange. Look at the weather forecast in Heilongjiang Province. The temperature is getting lower and lower every day. It will reach 18 degrees Celsius in six days. This is a rare weather in summer."

"These days, even our summer in the south is not so hot."

"Why think so much? Wouldn't it be nice to be cooler? We don't have to go to the north to escape the summer heat. And it can't snow in the south in the summer." Lin's mother comforted.


Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lin's mother turned around and saw that it was her son who came back. She immediately said with a smile: "Son, you are back. Yesterday, your aunt Wang said that she introduced you to a girl for a blind date. She said that the girl has a good education and is very beautiful. After seeing your photo, she agreed to the blind date directly."

Lin Zixuan looked embarrassed. He just wanted to leave immediately after entering.

Now he is 25 years old. After graduating from university, he joined a state-owned enterprise in Shanghai.

But when Lin's father encountered a serious car accident, fortunately, God favored him and his father was not seriously injured. After recuperating at home for a period of time, Lin's father's health was not as good as before.

, can no longer work endlessly at high intensity.

It is said that there is a great terror between life and death. After experiencing life and death, Lin's father also became more open-minded. He thought that he had been busy with his career all his life and had no time to accompany his family, see the world, and have a good rest, so he simply announced his abdication and let Lin Zixuan take over his own business.

When he was free, he planted flowers and fish at home, accompanied his wife and children, and took his wife to play from time to time. His life was so moist.

Lin Zixuan had to quit his job in Shanghai and turned back to his own factory as the director.

Lin Zixuan also has a sister who is four years older than him, named Lin Zilin, who had married to another place a few years ago.

At the beginning of the extreme cold apocalypse, the mobile phone could still be used normally, and the two sides had contacted each other.

However, at that time, they did not think about returning here. After all, there was also a family of three there, and there was no reason to rush so far in such severe ice and snow weather.

People still thought that it was just a temporary weather change and it would get better in ten days and a half months.

No one would have thought that the long and extremely cold era was about to come.

Lin Zixuan returned to the bedroom, picked up his mobile phone, and called his sister: "Hello, sister, my parents have been saying that they miss you these days. It just so happens that you didn't come back during the Chinese New Year. You can come back with your brother-in-law and Xiaodong tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

Xiaodong is their son, that is, his little nephew.

"Okay, I miss our parents too. It's just right to come back these days." Lin Zilin said with emotion.

"By the way, Xiaoxuan, do you have a girlfriend now? Do you need me to introduce you to one?" Lin Zilin's teasing voice came, leaving Lin Zixuan speechless for a moment.

"I have a girlfriend, and I asked you to come back this time to meet her." Lin Zixuan said perfunctorily.

As for a girlfriend, the original owner did have one. He talked about it when he was in college in Shanghai, but he never told his family.

Because his girlfriend said that they were still in a relationship and didn't want both parties to have too much psychological pressure, she asked him not to tell his family, so he never told his family.

After he returned to this third-tier city, their contact gradually became less and less, and his girlfriend did not want to come to this third-tier city, let alone meet his parents.

Although his family has a factory and a net worth of nearly 10 million, there will always be people who yearn for life in big cities and do not want to stay in small cities.

Moreover, his ex-girlfriend is a native of Shanghai, has several houses in the local area, and her family is not bad. Naturally, she does not want to leave the prosperous Shanghai and go to a third-tier city.

Naturally, the relationship between the two gradually faded, and a few months ago, the two officially broke up.

Now he can't stand his sister's teasing, so he can only use this ex-girlfriend as a shield. Anyway, it's just fooling her.

"Let's trick my sister here first." Lin Zixuan thought to himself.

"Oh? Xiaoxuan, where is she from? Is she pretty? How long have you been dating?" Lin Zilin asked a series of questions, which directly confused him.

Lin Zixuan wiped the nonexistent cold sweat from his forehead and said directly: "I'll tell you when you come. By the way, you must bring your brother-in-law and Xiaodong back as well!"

Lin Zixuan emphasized it again and quickly hung up the phone.

"It's finally over." Lin Zixuan breathed a sigh of relief.

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