Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1001: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (2)

She curled her lips and put down her bow and arrow.

After a brief silence, the audience cheered.

"Third brother, this guy is the one who stole our limelight."

Behind her, three men in rich attire looked at Jiaoyang's back, and followed her when she left in the middle, with vicious eyes.

"You're just a bastard. He doesn't know how to avoid the limelight. Who is to blame for his misfortune?"

When some people saw this scene, they didn't stop it, they just sighed and shook their heads.

Knowing that someone was following her, Jiaoyang deliberately turned left and right, letting several men follow her to a dead end.

The men were delighted to see this, and it took no effort at all.

They winked at each other, planning to attack from behind and teach this kid a lesson today.

But what they didn't know was that Jiaoyang in front was also happy. She lowered her head and looked at the shadow on the ground. Her face gradually became covered with a layer of darkness, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

From this angle, she waited for them to pounce, then quickly moved to the side, just in time to go around behind and kick them three times in a row, all in one go.

Just when the shadow on the ground was getting closer and closer, at the critical moment, they suddenly stopped and shouted behind: "Mr. Sheng."

Everyone lowered their heads and looked timid.

Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, then she quietly loosened her clenched fists under her sleeves, blinked, and looked up.

The person who came was the legitimate son and eldest son of their huge prime minister's mansion - Sheng Yuzhi.

He is the direct descendant of the prime minister's wife Zheng'er. He is born noble and proud. He is the only young master in the prime minister's house. It is reasonable for them to be afraid of him.

Sheng Yuzhi was dressed in splendid green clothes, with black hair like black jade and skin like white porcelain. He was also extremely handsome. There seemed to be a faint smile on his lips, which was unpredictable but felt like a spring breeze. The moment I met him, I understood what it means to be "a humble gentleman, as gentle as jade" in this world.

Jiaoyang glanced at it, quickly lowered her eyes, looked at the ground, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Therefore, we really can't blame her for acting arrogantly. It's because of her current status. If she acts less ostentatiously, how can she meet those powerful figures from the aristocratic families above.

After all, the identity of the original owner this time was just a concubine in the Prime Minister's Mansion. In the original plot, the original owner’s mother wanted the original owner to dress up as a man and grow up peacefully, and then when she was eighteen years old, take a fake death drug and escape, escape from the Prime Minister’s Palace, marry an ordinary man as his wife, and live this life in an ordinary way. lifetime.

It's a pity that things didn't go as planned. Even though the original owner acted in a low-key manner, he couldn't resist the jealousy of others. Just because the original owner was good-looking, a prostitute named "Hongluo" in Baihua Tower fell in love with "him", so he was jealous of the second son of a concubine who came to the prime minister's house and secretly murdered him.

After all, what's the use of having money? In this world, power is supreme. Gold, silver, jewelry, and wealth are nothing in front of power.

The original owner just died at the age of sixteen without anyone paying attention.

But now, she's here.

To change this ending, how could she be willing to live an ordinary life? Now that she has come to this prosperous age, she will be the number one playboy in the capital.

Even if everyone calls for beating, even if he has a bad reputation, at least in this life, it is enough to be vigorous.

"I have something to discuss with my sixth brother. If nothing happens, can you give way?"

The words Sheng Yuzhi said were quite polite, but his dark eyes were filled with coldness, implying a warning.

Several young masters from aristocratic families have never seen this attitude before. Although they are different from their legitimate concubines, the relationship between the two of them is not necessarily that good on weekdays. But when they see outsiders bullying their own family, Sheng Yuzhi, as the eldest son, has no reason not to protect him. With.

They turned pale with fright and bowed, and then they all turned around and ran away.

Those people all fled, leaving only Jiaoyang and Sheng Yuzhi. Sheng Yuzhi had gentle eyes and nodded slightly to her.

He usually didn't pay much attention to the concubine sons and ladies in his father's backyard, but he still had some impression of the name of Master Sheng Qi.

It's not that he wants to remember it. In fact, his younger brother's name is so popular among the people that even when he goes to a teahouse to have a cup of tea, his name can be heard in his ears.

Why didn't he go to a brothel today instead of doing his job? Why did he rob a girl from a house yesterday and the girl was still determined to marry him? Why did he burn down a commoner's house in a few days just because he was on the road? When he was shopping, he suspected that people would roll their eyes at him. There are countless such rumors.

Not to mention him, even his father had noticed this incompetent son early on. He hated him and tried to educate him several times but it didn't work. After he had no choice but to do anything, he had to let it go.

This was the rumor outside. Sheng Yuzhi heard it and laughed it off.

Jiaoyang smiled at him, lowered her head and saluted, and sweetly called out: "Brother."

Sheng Yuzhi glanced at her, nodded slightly, and walked ahead.

Seeing Sheng Yuzhi turn away, Jiaoyang followed him at a distance.

Speaking of Sheng Yuzhi, he can actually be a good brother. He is gentle, upright, and aboveboard, but for him, as the son of the prime minister, he still has too many important things to do in his life, and of course he will not focus on the fight between the bastards in the backyard.

His eyes are clear, his hands are clean, and his clothes are clean and free from dust. These things, compared with his full ambition to govern the country and the turbulent situation in the court, to be honest, they are not enough to be taken seriously by him.

Jiaoyang followed Sheng Yuzhi, looking at the back of the young man who had just reached his crown, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: He is indeed the one who will stand tall in the court in the future.

However, you once ignored me, but now I want you to give me everything you have to shield me from wind and rain and protect me.

The midday sun shone down, and the dark shadows of the two people were also reflected on the ground. Jiaoyang blinked her eyes and looked at the shadow of the boy so close to her eyes. She couldn't help but chased him half a step forward and stepped on it without hesitation. .

One step was not enough, so she stepped on him a few more times. The boy was still moving forward, so she quietly followed him, continuing to chase and step on his shadow on the ground.

It seemed as if just like this, she could pull him down from that high position and crush his pride bit by bit.

Sheng Yuzhi's footsteps walking in front suddenly stopped.

As if he was aware of it, there was a strange sound of footsteps coming from behind. So he turned around and looked at Jiaoyang.

Jiaoyang had already returned to her original position and was standing there. When she saw him looking over, she instantly raised her face.

The beautiful little face as big as a palm was raised, she put two fingers on her chin, and showed him a bright smile in the sun, looking bright and innocent.

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