Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1002: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (3)

Sheng Yuzhi laughed and shook his head. He was only two years older than her, but he looked much more mature and steady.

"Zhiyang, follow me."

"Eh? Eh." Jiaoyang blinked, and then immediately followed him happily, walking side by side with him.

"Do I look like I can eat people? Why do I look so scared?"

Sheng Yuzhi smiled and joked: "Where did the street bully attitude of the past go?"

It should be said that he is worthy of being a wise prime minister. Even now, staying with his obviously restrained brother can make him not feel uncomfortable.

"I'm hiding it in my heart," Jiaoyang muttered as she rolled her eyes in circles, but her next words were, "My mother-in-law often told me that there is a difference between a direct concubine and a concubine. Although they are both young masters in the Prime Minister's Mansion and live in the Prime Minister's Mansion, the clouds and mud are really different. When the mud on the ground sees the clouds floating in the sky, it naturally avoids it, lest it be stained by the dirt on the body. I'm afraid that this may lead to death."

Jiaoyang secretly thought in her heart: Auntie, Auntie, although you have never said this to me as a new century woman, for the sake of your daughter's future happy life, please take the blame. It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree, I’ve said it anyway.

Sheng Yuzhi frowned. After hearing his words, although they were true, they were inevitably harsh.

In his opinion, the young man in front of him was like an eagle that should have soared in the sky, but it had shrunk its wings and stayed in his own cage.

A legitimate son is born noble, but a bastard has a hard time getting ahead. This is exactly the status quo he wants to change.

"As for the scene just now, brother, you have already seen it. Jiaoyang knows that you have good intentions, but you helped me this time. What about next time? What about next time? Will they let it go? Or is it just because of you, brother? If they helped me this time, they will hold a grudge and use a more sinister way to retaliate against me next time.”

Jiaoyang lowered her head and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

So, help people to the end, send Buddha to the West. Since you want to be a good person in front of me, then you can do it for the rest of your life.

She is such a despicable and shameless bad person. Now that you choose to reach out your hand, she will grab it and climb up, so that you will never be able to escape.

"So if there is a next time, please pretend not to see it and ignore the scorching sun like everyone else. After all, no matter who you are, you can't protect another person for your whole life. Since God has given We fend for ourselves, so there is a natural reason for it. Maybe God wants to see us drive out the fittest, and whoever climbs out in the end will become different. After all."

The corners of Jiaoyang's lips curled up slightly, and she looked at the immortal-like Sheng Yuzhi in front of her: "In this world, not everyone is as lucky as my brother. They have everything since they were born."

So, after having a brother who has everything, does it mean that she also has everything? Now that she has money, the ability to commit murder and arson, and a reputation as a villain, she lacks power.

As for the "Second Young Master" who poisoned the original owner to death in the original plot, although Jiaoyang could easily do it and let him die without anyone noticing.

But since she wanted to counterattack, she thought it would be better to get rid of him with the help of her eldest brother.

After saying this, Jiaoyang turned around and walked away without hesitation. Sure enough, as soon as she took a step, she was stopped by her brother behind her.


The corners of her mouth curved slightly, and the moment she turned back, she looked confused again.

Sheng Yuzhi walked up and looked at him with complicated eyes: "It was not good to be the eldest brother in the past. But from now on, I will also shoulder the responsibility of being an elder brother."

After saying this, Sheng Yuzhi took Jiaoyang's hand and held her hand firmly in his.

Jiaoyang smiled impeccably at him.

What is the responsibility of an elder brother? She is not his younger brother. Does a legitimate son still need to take responsibility for a concubine? To this day, this was the first time she heard such a funny joke!

But Sheng Yuzhi, you remember, words spoken are like water thrown out. If you decide to be responsible for me now, then you will have to bear the responsibility for me for the rest of your life.

Jiaoyang smiled brightly and also stretched out a hand and placed it on Sheng Yuzhi's hand.

The next day, Sheng Yuzhi came to the backyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion. He was worthy of being a true gentleman. Even Jiao Yang gave him a thumbs up for his efficiency.

When he came, Jiaoyang was finishing the spicy tomato and mandarin duck hot pot made by her mother, and was lying on the couch with a full stomach.

She put her hands behind her head, crossed her legs, and almost closed her eyes sleepily.

Having said that, although my mother's family is extremely wealthy, the total amount of money in the treasury may not be half of my mother's property. But my mother is still relatively low-key in her daily life.

Although the courtyard where the two of them lived could not be said to be abject poverty, it definitely had nothing to do with luxury.

Jiaoyang was about to fall asleep, covering her mouth and yawning lazily.

It was hard for Sheng Yuzhi to condescend to come to their little courtyard.

Vaguely, she seemed to hear the conversation between her brother and her mother outside the door. There seemed to be a hint of rejection in her mother's words. Although she said so, she always stood firmly in front of the door and refused to let Sheng Yu. Knowing that there is an opportunity to take a step forward.

Sheng Yu knew he had no choice but to leave.

After sensing all this, Jiaoyang suddenly woke up and opened her eyes.

How can this be done? All the things she had finally accomplished were about to be disrupted by her cheap mother again.

A trace of anger flashed through Jiaoyang's heart, and she quickly flew out, opened the door, and shouted loudly: "Brother, are you here to find me? Let's go!"

Sheng Yuzhi was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Jiaoyang and smiled at her.

He was wearing a long blue coat, made of fine silk, embroidered with elegant bamboo leaf patterns and snow-white piping, which complemented the mutton-fat jade on his head. His long hair was scattered like ink, and the young man's handsome face was like A piece of flawless white jade is generally comfortable, neither warm nor hot, suitable for both cold and warm.

With just one glance, Jiaoyang knew that his clothes were a new limited edition from "Huapinge" on a street in the capital. They were priceless.

As for why she knew it, it was because the store was opened by the lady next to her. Every year before a new model came out, her beautiful mother would tailor a suit for her. It was bound to be so that women's clothes couldn't be worn, and men's clothes were better than those in the capital. of all people.

Whenever those nobles and nobles saw her wearing beautiful limited edition items that they couldn't grab, they would get very angry.

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