Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1003: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (4)

So, part of why she is so flamboyant in the capital is because of the beautiful mother next to her who keeps saying she wants to be "low-key and low-key".

But seeing that Sheng Yuzhi was wearing clothes from their store, Jiaoyang was still in a good mood. After all, these limited-edition clothes were so expensive.

When she thought that the money ended up in her pocket, she almost burst into laughter looking at Sheng Yuzhi.

Jiaoyang bent her eyes and looked at Sheng Yuzhi with a smile. The more she looked at it, the more pleasing she became.

"Didn't Auntie say that Jiaoyang has been sleeping for a long time?" Sheng Yuzhi squinted her eyes and looked at her beautiful mother. At the age of twenty-eight, she had already developed an aura that was not inferior to that of the prime minister.

Jiaoyang grabbed his hand, and the latter was stunned. She had already pulled him out of the door.

"Brother, don't waste time. Since you came to see me, let's go outside for a walk."

Jiaoyang ignored the warning look in a certain lady's eyes and got into the carriage with him despite the latter's uncontrollable look that wanted to kill her elder brother with her eyes.

He vowed to take Sheng Yuzhi, who was stupid and rich, to a shop on a street in the capital to spend wildly.

Jiaoyang and Sheng Yuzhi walked back and forth outside like this. The two of them had already picked up a lot of things, but she still had no intention of stopping.

Sheng Yuzhi was a little ashamed. He had carried a lot of things in his hands. In addition, the sun was shining brightly outside. They were in such a hurry that they didn't have many servants with them. It was a bit difficult to walk around.

He looked at the young man in front of him who was jumping with empty hands. He seemed to have no intention of going back, and he began to feel anxious.

"The sun."

Sheng Yuzhi couldn't help but walked forward, came to her side, and said, "We've almost finished our shopping now, why don't we go back?"

"Okay." Jiaoyang agreed readily. Anyway, during this trip, she also found a lot of money on him, so she was already satisfied.

I didn't expect him to agree so quickly. I was originally thinking about how he would deal with it if Jiaoyang got playful and didn't want to go back.

Sheng Yuzhi's slightly frowned eyebrows relaxed and he was a little stunned. After he realized what he was doing, he smiled slightly.

"That's it." He walked towards the carriage, feeling his sore arms, and he felt like he was being forgiven.

"Wait a minute, there's one last thing I haven't bought yet." Halfway through, Jiaoyang seemed to suddenly remember something, her eyes lit up, and she walked towards a house on the street without looking back at Sheng Yuzhi. Run to the store.

Sheng Yuzhi's expression froze, and the next moment he saw the back of the sun, the young man who had been pampered since childhood was inevitably a little unhappy, but he still endured it. In almost an instant, he stopped in front of Jiaoyang, pursed his lips, and carried several bags of heavy things. He looked a little funny, and his voice sounded a little laborious.

He took a breath and said to Jiaoyang: "Go back."

Jiaoyang raised her eyelids and glanced at him. The next second she showed a bright smile again: "Brother is tired. Do you think I deliberately wanted to enslave you all the way? Wrong! Big mistake! "

Sheng Yuzhi was stunned. Before he could react, he suddenly stretched out a hand and put it on his shoulder. He came over mysteriously and said, "Brother, you have been pampered since you were a child. You lack exercise and have never suffered much." , not only prone to physical weakness, but also prone to many diseases of wealth. Nowadays, exercising more can promote perspiration and effectively consume body fat on your body. Brother, I seem to be hanging out with you, but I actually have good intentions. ah!"

As Jiaoyang spoke, she cast a glance at Sheng Yuzhi. When she saw that the other person's body looked even thinner and frailer than hers, she couldn't help but twitch her lips slightly.

So she hurriedly continued: "Even if you don't see it on the surface, those potential dangers are not easy to detect."

"But." Sheng Yuzhi thought for a while and explained doubtfully, "It's not that I don't exercise on weekdays. I often compete with the masters who train martial arts. Martial arts and sword practice are compulsory courses every day. In comparison, Looks like the seventh brother."

"you shut up."

The corner of Jiaoyang's mouth twitched for a while, "Brother, you don't believe me."

Sheng Yuzhi looked at her and nodded, then shook his head.

Jiaoyang twitched the corner of her mouth and snorted coldly: "If you don't believe it now, you can put down the bags in your hands now and take a look. Do you suddenly feel as light as a swallow and as ethereal as a fairy?"

Sheng Yuzhi was hesitant and did as she said.

The next moment, he opened his eyes wide and looked at her in disbelief.

Jiaoyang raised her head proudly: "You saw it, Sixth Brother didn't lie to you. What you feel now is that the impurities and dirt in your body were eliminated from your body when you couldn't see it. That's why you are now. This feeling of being as light as a swallow, after great suffering, there must be great sweetness."

Sheng Yuzhi was immediately delighted: "Thank you, sixth brother."

"Just thank me."

Jiaoyang raised her chin, and as she spoke, she followed Sheng Yuzhi's money bag hanging on her clothes and walked towards the jewelry store in front of her, thinking that sixteen-year-old Sheng Yuzhi was really easy to deceive.

So why didn't she trick him a few more times before he turned into the calculating old fox he would become?

The moment Jiaoyang turned her back, she weighed the money bag in her hand, feeling the heavy weight inside, and her eyes lit up.

"Shopkeeper, I will cover this, this, and that!"

She looked rich and wealthy, with her hands on the display stand and her calves shaking.

After all, it is your own business, so of course you have to take care of it. Sheng Yuzhi deliberately made Sheng Yuzhi wait in front of the store in the sun, and even the dignified young master of the Prime Minister came to patronize the store. Are you still worried that the business will not be prosperous in the future? Using other people's money to patronize your own business is such a beautiful thing in this world.

"Okay." The shopkeeper looked at Jiaoyang and turned back quickly, preparing to put the jewelry into the package and pack it.

During this interval, Jiaoyang walked around the store to see if there were any new products on the market.

At this moment, a delicate white jade hairpin placed in a jewelry box attracted her attention.

Jiaoyang opened her eyes wide, blinked, and continued to look at the hairpin.

I saw that the whole body of the hairpin was white, crystal clear, finely made, and exuding a faint light. At first glance, it was the best quality.

"Shopkeeper, how do you sell this white jade hairpin?" Jiaoyang pointed forward, focusing on the hairpin without looking back.

"Here," the shopkeeper was packing and took a moment to take a look, "two hundred taels of silver."

"Okay, sir, I bought it."

She didn't even say the price, she just paid the two hundred taels of silver. This wealthy look made the other customers in the store look at her.

After seeing the famous bully Sheng Jiaoyang, they all turned their heads back, not daring to take another look.

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