Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1087: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (88)

He had heard rumors somewhere that her relationship with the two Xie brothers was unclear.

Those two brothers, of course, also included Xie Beixi. Nowadays, the relationship between Jiaoyang and Niutoulian is made public. Almost everyone in the capital knows about it and they dare not say anything about it.

The matter with Xie Beixi is still relatively secretive. Not many people know that Niu Tou Lian is a little uncertain, so why not bring someone here specially to declare sovereignty to him.

Did you see it or not? The person you have been thinking about has a master! Since you are about to leave, don't think about a woman who doesn't belong to you, and give up your evil intentions as soon as possible! If not for this, he wouldn't even bother to come here!

The bull-headed man made a stinking face, and stretched his arms from behind to wrap his arms around Jiaoyang's shoulders. Seeing Xie Beixi's eyes wanting to be glued to Jiaoyang, he snorted coldly.

He also said that the person who is most reluctant to leave the capital this time is himself. He must think that Ling has his own person!

Jiaoyang laughed a little. She had already seen the red and dazzling sun very early on. How could she see the light after that?

So lights, you go to the night, that's where you are really needed. In the day, we already have the sun.

"Scorching sun, you."

Xie Beixi's eyes were a little red, and he subconsciously wanted to apologize. He was drunk that day, and he remembered what he did to him one after another. He didn't mean to offend. In his heart, he was the moon that was out of reach, aloof and could not be blasphemed. He was a natural match for his brother, but he was destined to be in this life. An insurmountable miasma.

The apology was interrupted before she could say it. Jiaoyang glared at him secretly: Didn't you see that she and Niutoulian were in a passionate relationship? Why are you talking about this? He really doesn't know how to look at people's faces. No wonder he has been in the capital for so long and still can't please his brother!

The bull-faced man's suspicious eyes glanced over the two of them repeatedly.

Jiaoyang pretended to be concerned and said a few words to Xie Beixi: "When your brother saw you were leaving, he insisted on dragging me over to see you together. In fact, your brother is a man with a sharp mouth and a soft heart. Don't talk about you, he is the young master I was with at the time. When we first met, he was so angry with your brother that he backed away from him. Later, as we grew up, we slowly discovered the goodness of each other.

So when you get to the border, you must not speak ill of your brother to the soldiers. You are all members of the Xie family. Even if you are not in the same place, fate has already linked you together. You will both prosper and suffer, do you understand? "

The bull-headed face looked at her, his face gradually warmed up, and his memory returned to a few years ago, when he first met her, and the days and nights he spent with her after that.

His eyes gradually turned red, and his nose became sore.

It's strange that they are starting to reminisce now. They have clearly just begun, and there will still be a lot of time in the future that can be used as material for memories.

The bull-faced man secretly wiped his tears.

Jiaoyang didn't bother to expose him and ordered the servants behind to bring up the things prepared this time. Some food, including gold and silver.

It's not expensive, it's very thoughtful. What could be more majestic than seeing a concubine out of the city and his legitimate son seeing him off? From then on, the rumors of discord between the two brothers in the Guangping Marquis Mansion were self-defeating, and those who secretly wanted to make a fuss about it had no way out.

The Guangping Marquis Mansion is still the Guangping Marquis Mansion, just like the copper and iron walls in the mansion, it is indestructible and indestructible.

Xie Beixi held the package in his hand. His eyes were getting redder and redder, his vision was blurred, and his tears could no longer be controlled.


This scene made the bull-headed man's skin crawl. The emotion that had just been aroused in his heart was completely gone. He waved his hand quickly: "Okay, okay, you have collected all the things. Hurry up and come from where you are." Go ahead. Young master, I am rushing to spend time with my Jiaoyang in the world of two people!

When you arrive at the border, don't hold anything back, and don't swallow it when you are angry. Guangping Marquis Mansion will always have your backing. "

"Brother." Xie Beixi kept crying. The eight-foot-tall man had never cried so hard before.

Before leaving, he turned his head one last time and glanced behind him, his eyes falling on the white figure.

He didn't know why, but he felt that the sun had changed. It seemed quieter than before, and it didn't seem quiet. It was an indescribable feeling, and that feeling seemed to be brought to him by his brother.

But he didn't say it, because if he said it, Jiaoyang would be angry. He intuitively felt that he would be angry.

He didn't want to make him angry.


Xie Beixi turned around and rode away in the dusk.

As the sun gradually set, he kept driving his horse and never looked back.

He didn't look back because he was afraid of looking back. In fact, he hoped not to see him more than seeing him off, because in this way he could lie to himself that he just went to another place where he was.

So the only thing he can do is not to look back, not to look back.

On the way back home, two horses galloped one behind the other, chasing the shadow in front of them. Everyone on the street watched in stunned silence.

"Ou-headed face, how about we compete with each other to see who gets there first, just like we did when we were little!" Jiaoyang asked with a smile, holding the reins in her hands.

Before she could answer, she had already sped forward.

Because she was as confident as she was a few years ago, believing that the bull-headed face would definitely come after her.

He yelled from behind: "It's a competition, but why do you still like to cheat like you did a few years ago!"

"What are you lying about? I'm just trying to save face for you so that your loss won't be so ugly!"

"Okay, okay, whatever the madam says is whatever it is." The bull-headed face caught up with him with a smile.

"Fuck you!" Jiaoyang threw a stone at him.

The bull-faced man tilted his head and dodged easily. He tightened the reins in his hands and galloped wildly, with a smile on his face: "You dare to be distracted in the competition with me, believe it or not, I won't let you go this time?"

Jiaoyang rolled her eyes: "Okay, you can come here once and not let me do it!"

The two horses, one behind the other, accompanied the dusk and the sunset, from when they were children to now as adults.

He kept chasing her horse, but he didn't expect that this chase would last a lifetime.

Xiao Beiheng stayed in the dark room, applied the medicine on his face for a while, and then took off the ugly and ferocious mask, revealing a completely unfamiliar face.

He looked at the thick layer of human skin mask in his hand, rubbing it inch by inch, constantly recalling and even reminiscing about the feeling when her fingers touched it bit by bit that day, and fell into a daze.

Over the years, she has been shouting in his ears, so much so that he almost forgot his name.

By the way, he is Xiao Beiheng.

Strictly speaking, he is not Xiao Beiheng. Over the years, even he himself has not been able to remember who he is.

Secrets that should have been buried deep in the earth long ago, and sleeping memories are awakened. The real Xiao Beiheng died in a fire when he was six years old. His face was completely disfigured when he died, and every inch of his body was missing.

And he, in the beginning, was just a puppet.

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