Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1088: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (89)

After the accident, in order to conceal the incident and preserve her status, Concubine Jing searched for children of similar age and stature among her clan members. After many twists and turns, she finally selected him as her "prince." ".

A large group of people broke into their house, but it was his parents who betrayed him first. When his parents held his shoulders, the old him, the once weak and incapable of resisting, suddenly became quiet.

He was stupid at the time. He thought, even the only parents he had betrayed him, what good life could he have?

What caught his eye was his mother's twisted face. He couldn't remember whether it was the yearning for power or the instinct to survive that was reflected on her face. I only remember that my mother was holding a pill in her hand. According to the people next to her, if she takes this pill, the skin all over her body will gradually become burned and ulcerated. The final state is the same as being burned in a fire.

His mother scratched his face like a demon: "Yaoer, if you eat this, neither you nor your mother will worry about glory and wealth for the rest of your life. I believe my mother, she will not harm you."

Among so many people, he had no choice.

As the medicine slipped into his throat, he immediately felt a corrosive pain, and his whole body seemed to be on fire and dissolved by sulfuric acid.

He covered his face and fell to the ground, rolling in pain. It was like there were tens of thousands of poisonous insects burrowing through his internal organs. There was constant black water left on the body, leaving a patch of uneven pimples.

But Grandma was talking to Lady Jing, counting the banknotes and land deeds in her hands, grinning from ear to ear happily.

He fell to the ground and looked at her dying. It turns out that wealth and glory are really that important. Is Aniang really doing it for him? But it hurts, really hurts

At that time, he thought that as long as A Niang looked back at him, even if there was a little bit of distress or regret in her eyes, he would forgive her and assume that she was doing it for his own good.

But no.

From the beginning to the end, Aniang never looked at him again.

Except that he was carried away unconsciously in the end, Aniang looked at him again: "Yao'er, when you get to the palace, you must listen to Empress Jing and don't say anything nonsense, let alone talk back to Empress, you know? ?”

He was very calm when he was dying, accepting everything calmly and closing his eyes calmly.

So in the end, he killed everyone who knew about it and planted poisonous insects on his mother. When she was rolling on the ground in pain, he didn't even look at her until her mother died.

My mood was as calm as before.

Because you caused me pain, you will also feel pain, a thousand times or ten thousand times more painful than me before!

But before she died, Aniang grabbed his leg and told him that she didn't look at him at first, because she didn't dare to look at him or see him being tortured, because Aniang couldn't protect him.

Should he believe it? He would never believe her again. After all, it was because he believed her in the first place that he suffered so much pain. Wrong is wrong. No matter what the reason is, the damage has been done. After so many years, it is irreparable.

It was only later that he realized that it was not poison, but a poison. In order to calm down the poison in his body, he needs to take the antidote once a month to save his life. When he killed all those people, he had already found a way to get rid of the poison. His skin recovered little by little, but when he looked at himself in the mirror, he felt extremely strange.

So he put on that mask again, regained his ugly skin, and continued to be his ghost-faced evil king. After so many years, he has long been accustomed to wearing that mask. After all, what kind of soul should be matched with what kind of skin. Perhaps his soul was too hideous and ugly, so he felt uncomfortable when he saw his restored appearance.

That's good, everyone will stay away from him, and he doesn't need anyone to like him. He is not inferior to his past at all. After all, without that Gu, he would not be where he is today.

He controlled many courtiers at that time by relying on the poison he inherited. Such a good thing, "mother" only uses it for harem fights, it is really overkill.

But he never thought that one day he would also mind this ugly skin. She always called him "ugly, ugly", bright and bold, not caring about his scars, and then turning her eyes to others without hesitation.

In the beginning, he was arrogant and disdainful. Judging people by their appearance is the stupidest thing to do. If a person cares about your skin, is attracted to you when you are good-looking, and abandons you like a pair of shoes when you are ugly, is the relationship gained in this way a real relationship? He wanted her to see him, and he didn't need his appearance. What he wants is a true relationship, a firm choice, and he is not allowed to give up for any reason.

But as time went by, she still only had other people in her eyes, including her brother, Xie Nanning, and even the emperor's brother. He became more and more afraid, afraid that he would never be seen by her, and even more afraid that she was the kind of woman he thought.

Why can't she see him? Doesn't she know the difference? Could it be that her vision was so bad? Couldn't she see that among so many people, he was the only one who would always firmly choose her, and he was always waiting to be firmly chosen by her.

But as year after year slowly passed, he realized that it was not her who had poor vision, but him who had poor vision.

Xiao Beiheng looked at himself in the mirror and smiled bitterly.

"Why do I fall in love with you? Sheng Jiaoyang."

Are you that kind of woman? There will never be only one person in her eyes, she will never be sincere, and she will never walk towards one person firmly.

She should have thought of it earlier. Over the years, she has been able to play both sides between them and is always so lovable.

He still remembered that time when she grabbed his arm and told them that she cared about him the most. He really cared and was pleased.

At that time, he really had the illusion that he was special in her heart and was firmly needed by her.

It was impossible for him to let go, because he didn't have much to begin with, and he only wanted Jiaoyang to be alone.

not to mention.

Xiao Beiheng grabbed the face in his hand and fell into a daze, recalling the ridiculous scenes with her that day in his mind, like a dream.

Even if it was impossible for those people to do things, he could do them for her.

Xiao Beiheng pursed his lips and stood up from the chair.

He is going to find her.

Jiaoyang sat on the horse, looking at the bull-headed man in front of him who could quarrel with others even asking him to buy a candied haws, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Fortunately, she thought he had become mature and steady before, but now it seems that he has really not changed at all.

Eating candied haws on a stick was a last-minute idea, but now that she had been made to wait for so long, she no longer felt like eating it.

Jiaoyang dismounted, walked into the crowd, and pulled back the bull-faced man who was yelling and swearing louder and louder. His eyes were red with anger and he was about to fight with others.

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