Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 165 Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: The enchanting second brother hugs one (55)

You've predicted this day a long time ago, haven't you? He had even made preparations for her to leave at any time.

She already knew that when she saw a mature and beautiful man when she was just a little girl, how could it be true love. He has already felt it.

Now, she is finally leaving him, he should be happy, shouldn't he?

Sheng Zheng threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out. He lowered his head and grabbed his hair fiercely. Painful and depressed.

what can he do What else can he do! !

The landline rang.

After a pause for several seconds, Sheng Zheng stood up and went to pick it up: "Hello?" His voice was trembling and vacillating.

It was Sheng Cheng who called. After the incident happened, Sheng Cheng never had time to go home, so he only verbally taught him a few words. After asking the truth, Sheng Cheng was silent for a while, and told him to take good care of Jiao Yang, and then made him ready to be subject to family law.

Family law is a bit acceptable.

When Sheng Cheng knew about this, he might not tell his father, but the matter between him and Jiao Yang would never be allowed to continue. They will definitely be separated, and they may even be separated forever, and it will be difficult to see each other again.

Perhaps it was because he knew this would happen that Sheng Zheng allowed himself to be so crazy during this period of time.

But things in the barracks are getting more and more complicated, and a war is really about to happen. At that time, maybe everything will change completely.

"I know who the person who did that thing is now," Sheng Cheng's steady voice came from the other end of the phone, "Don't meddle in this matter, you go and contact Sheng Xiao."

Sheng Zheng was slightly startled.

The vehicles of the Sheng family drove towards the Huo family in a mighty manner.

"The writing with paint was done by Huo Xijun."

She didn't know where she got the news, and she didn't know if she had verified the authenticity, anyway, if she did it, she did it. In this day and age, the truth is not so important, and it can kill people if it is passed on from person to person.

Sheng Xiao couldn't imagine what his expression was when he first heard these words. He only knew the hatred in his heart, wishing he could rush to Huo's house on the spot and skin that bitch who dared to ruin his sister's reputation alive!

A group of people in black uniforms lined up, the Huo family was caught off guard and unable to parry, Mr. Huo had already been forced to kneel on his legs by four or five black guns. Sheng Cheng occupied the main seat of the Huo family, stroking the leather glove on his left hand, and crossed his legs.

There was only indifference in his eyes: "Those who dare to bully the Sheng family must be prepared to bleed."

Sheng Xiao tore at Huo Xijun's hair, a bloodthirsty sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were piercingly cold. He smashed the person to the ground heavily, and her head slid off in an instant, and Huo Xijun screamed in pain.

"If you want to kill or cut, give me a good time! Give me a good time."

Sheng Xiao approached with a distorted face, and pointed the gun at her forehead: "You dare to ruin my sister's reputation, how can you deserve to die so easily when you treat a simple little girl like that and do such vicious things."

Huo Xijun was about to be driven crazy, it was Sheng Jiaoyang and Sheng Jiaoyang again! As long as this name appears in her life, nothing good will happen!

"Sheng Xiao, do you think you have the right to accuse me so grandly?" She laughed, desperately and with the joy of dying!

"When you ruined the daughter of the Mo family, why didn't you think that she was just a little girl? Now that your sister is also ruined, it can only be said that it is a good reincarnation!"

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