Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 166 Ms. Jiao of the Republic of China: The enchanting second brother hugs one (56)

"You!" Sheng Xiao was mad with anger, his eyes were red, and he yelled almost hysterically, "Since there is retribution, why didn't you come after me! I did all these things, I am heinous, and I deserve death! But why move her, why! She's just a teenage girl!"

Teenage girl? But this little girl who was only in her teens, since she came here, has brought only disasters to all of them!

Such a person is not a disaster star!

Huo Xijun just smiled, with tears all over his face, and kept saying: "Retribution. Retribution." It's all retribution.

Sheng Xiao was dazzled by hatred, his face twisted, and he took out a pistol. The woman was shot several times in a row, causing countless holes and blood to flow...

Huo Xijun was crying and laughing, and opened his arms to welcome the bullets and the relief that had tortured him for the past few days.

"Jun'er—" Huo's father cried out heart-piercingly, his face pale and completely limp on the ground.

Only then did Sheng Xiao wake up. He was stunned for a moment, then looked at his elder brother: "It's too easy to die."

Sheng Cheng lowered his head and wiped the muzzle of the gun in his hand, "Jiaoyang and Sheng Zheng's matter, Huo Xijun's life, is even."

Sheng Cheng and Sheng Xiao left from the door, followed by the mighty crowd.

Father Huo's legs were weak, he knelt down from the ground, and crawled over step by step. The servants around him were crying and persuading him, but he ignored them.

Touching her daughter's already cold body with both hands, the hands were covered with scarlet blood: "Juner Juner, my poor daughter"

In the end, his eyes turned white, and he fell to the ground and passed out.


When the two brothers walked outside, Sheng Xiao looked at Sheng Cheng's serious face, and tentatively asked, "Brother, do you want to go back to Sheng's house?"

If they go back, it should be to deal with Jiaoyang and the second brother.

Sheng Xiao's ten fingers tightened unconsciously.

Sheng Cheng frowned, and looked at him sharply: "So, some time ago, Jiao Yang and Sheng Zheng. Or, and you, what is going on between you?!"

Sheng Xiao was shocked from the bottom of his heart, and after thinking about it, he felt that the eldest brother didn't seem so shocked, and seemed to understand all of this, and he even knew himself. He blinked his eyes: "Since the eldest brother already knows, why do you still embarrass my younger brother?"

Sheng Cheng looked at her with contempt, and after a long time snorted coldly: "Let's find Sheng Zheng first, and settle your affairs later."

Sheng Xiao blew a whistle, with a ruffian air: "Brother is wise!"

During this period of time, Jiao Yang seldom went back to Sheng's house.

She was walking on the road, looking up at the smoky sky, her eyes were flickering. All kinds of people around are still coming and going, but it is obviously much deserted than before.

She faintly felt that something, something very important to this world, was coming soon.

Jiao Yang has experienced many things in her previous life. But it has never witnessed the birth of a new era and the destruction and demise of the old era.

"Is everything going to change?" She stretched out her hand to the sky, her eyes were a little confused.

At this time, a hand beside her held her, and then she saw a face with a demonic aura that was burning with rage at the moment.

"Cheng Jue?" She blinked.

"Sheng Jiaoyang, something happened, something big happened!" Cheng Jue exaggeratedly screamed, but he had always been eccentric, so Jiao Yang just tilted his head calmly, in stark contrast to him.

"What's wrong?"

There are two more chapters today.

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