Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 167 Ms. Jiao of the Republic of China: The evil second brother hugs one (57)

Cheng Jue pulled her clothes and was out of breath, and it took a long time before she said, "Master Cheng Jiu didn't protect the good news, there was a mistake in him. And according to my investigation, the Sheng family had already been investigated half a month ago. Your information, that is.

There is at least one member of the Sheng family who already knows your identity and knows that you are not the real Sheng Jiaoyang! "

"What?" Jiao Yang was stunned for a moment, his mind was already spinning rapidly. Sheng Zheng is impossible, Sheng Xiao is impossible, Sheng Dashuai is even more impossible, then only

At this moment, the Sheng family fell into a state of silence, only the sound of the pendulum clock could be heard in silence.

Everyone had a serious face, even Sheng Xiaoshao, who was not in good shape on weekdays, suppressed his face and stood beside Sheng Cheng with a serious face.

Sheng Zheng pushed open the door of the office, and when he saw the scene inside, he gave a wry smile. Now this place has become his criticism meeting.

"Kneel down." Sheng Cheng said.

If it were someone else who dared to speak to Sheng Zheng who was fearless like this, he would definitely make him look good and dig out all eighteen generations of the other party's ancestors to greet him.

But now it is Sheng Cheng who speaks, the eldest brother is like a father. The most important thing is that Sheng Zheng has a little hope, hoping that Sheng Cheng can help hide the matter between him and Jiao Yang from his father.

He gave a wry smile and dropped his knees to the ground.

"Tell me what's going on between you and Jiao Yang." Sheng Cheng's eyes were cold, and Sheng Xiao's eyes were filled with jealousy and condemnation.

In the end, he was a total villain. In fact, it was indeed Jiao Yang who deliberately seduced him on the day they had sex. But of course Sheng Zheng couldn't say that.

He had long ago decided to bring all the responsibility to himself: "I can't control it, even though I know I shouldn't, but I still can't control it. I'm sorry for Jiao Yang, I'm not as good as a beast. Brother, punish me."

"You bastard! I think you lost your head playing outside!"

Sheng Cheng stood up, with anger in his indifferent eyes at this moment, "It's not counting playing with women outside, but what's the difference between a man who can't even control his own body and a beast when he comes home to play with women on the head of his own sister! "

Sheng Zheng lowered his head and remained silent. Because he felt that Sheng Cheng was right. There is only despair and desolation in my heart...

"Say," Sheng Cheng sighed helplessly, and sat back on the chair, "Which step have we reached?"

Sheng Zheng lowered his head, biting his lips, knowing that there was a fishy smell, so he didn't say a word.

Sheng Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood what was happening. In a rage, he picked up the glass next to him and threw it on his head:

"Is this fucking thing done by a human? You are a man, you can't feel anything, do you know what kind of harm this is to Jiaoyang?"

Sheng Zheng dug his ten fingers into the flesh, and lowered his head: "Brother, please use family law against me, don't hurt Jiaoyang."

Sheng Xiao nodded repeatedly, he had been upset with his second brother, a man who didn't know what to do, for a long time.

Pushing Jiaoyang away all the time breaks her heart, she refuses, but she is not willing to refuse decisively, she knowingly commits crimes against her time and time again, and does not allow other men to approach her. After giving her hope, she said "There's no way between us" when it's over. Isn't this a disease of the brain?


Quickly move home! It's best to beat him half-dead and paralyzed, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart!

Sheng Cheng sneered: "Don't worry, of course I hit you. Jiaoyang is right, you didn't guide her well, she is just a child, and it's all your fault. You can't escape any of the Sheng family's laws."

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