Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 175 Ms. Jiao of the Republic of China: The evil second brother hugs one (65)

But at this time, Jiaoyang changed her clothes, wore a lowered hat, and brought a group of brothers with guns in their hands. After a fight, they smashed Cheng Jiuye's largest stronghold in the Northern Department.

Since then, 'z' has completely rebelled against the southern faction.

She grabbed the leader, lifted the collar and slammed it to the ground. Jiao Yang smiled and pointed the gun to his neck: "Tell me, where is Cheng Jiuye hiding the opium?"

The man fell to the ground, his eyes full of resentment: "I said, Lord Jiu shouldn't have let you go last time, and chose to give you another chance! Sure enough, women will only be a stumbling block that affects a man's achievements!"

"Huh? What big event does he want to achieve and use war to make a fortune? Then he is really short-sighted. I told him to immerse himself in his dream of spring and autumn forever. See how good I am to Lord Jiu. No one is more loyal than me." He is a good subordinate, and he is still thinking about him in the end."

Jiao Yang grinned, and the gun gradually approached: "I'll give you one last chance."

"You traitor, you will not die well, you will die!" The man said in anger, and his words were already incoherent.

"You don't need to worry about whether I will die badly, anyway, you will definitely die before me."

Jiao Yang's smile became even brighter, and she withdrew the pistol under his confused gaze.

She clapped her hands, and a path was opened from the crowd behind, and they escorted several people up.

When the man saw it, his eyes instantly changed! The pupils were trembling faintly.

Those were the old man, his wife and children in his family.

"So, think it over"

Under his frightened eyes, Jiao Yang raised the corner of her mouth and pointed the gun in her hand at his wife. It was like a demon in his eyes.

"If you don't tell me where Cheng Jiuye's opium is, I'll kill them. If you don't answer if I ask you once, I'll kill one. If you don't answer if you ask twice, I'll kill two of them! Kill them all."

"Bad woman, bad woman!"

The child was crying, sobbing uncontrollably. He kept trying to kick Jiaoyang with his feet. On the way, they all said that his father was a bad person, a spy who betrayed the motherland, but how could his father be! His father is so good, they are the bad guys, they want to kill his parents and all his relatives, they should die!

Everyone ignored all the noise in the arena. The man stared at the gun in Jiao Yang's hands, his lips were trembling, his whole body was sweating, and his eyes were bloodshot. He doesn't believe he doesn't believe that this woman can really shoot...

Jiao Yang pulled the trigger at the last moment.

"I said!" The man shouted this sentence, and finally fell to the ground as if he had collapsed, gasping for breath.

"Very good," Jiao Yang hooked the corner of his mouth, retracted the gun, "Press it down."


Before leaving, the child hugged the mother and the old people together, weeping uncontrollably...

Jiao Yang came to the abandoned warehouse according to the location. This place is gloomy, and just in case, she ordered someone to pour oil on it first.

Finally, she kicked open the locked rusty iron door.

She saw the man with his back to her, wearing a long gown, with a handsome figure. And all around, there are densely packed guns aimed at her.

Cheng Jiuye did not return to the Southern Department, as she expected.

Jiao Yang smiled, as expected, it was right to make people throw fuel on the flames first. This man is not ordinary cunning.

"Hello, Ninth Master."

She didn't seem to be able to see the guns around her. She raised her gun to aim at his back and stepped forward.

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