Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 176 Ms. Jiao of the Republic of China: The enchanting second brother hugs one (66)

Cheng Jiuye turned around, the smile on his lips was as elegant as ever. And he frowned slightly and his heart fell on her, with a flash of confusion in his eyes.

"Master Jiu, don't forget, you still owe me an answer," Jiao Yang smiled, pointing the gun directly between his eyebrows, "Have I cleared the level yet?"

Cheng Jiuye was in a daze. The memory seems to go back to that day, that very beautiful and lively little girl came out of the dead pile of nearly a hundred people, came to him in a bouncing manner, and asked him: "Have I passed the level, Master Ninth?"

At that time, her eyes were full of self-confidence that she was strong enough, and the look in her eyes was a kind of conquest eager to try.

At that time. What was he thinking?

Master Jiu smiled, his face was gentle and elegant, as crystal clear as a piece of white jade.

At that time, he was thinking: This little girl is really a born spy.

So he didn't answer her. Instead, he smiled and said, "When you come back after completing the task, I will naturally tell you the answer."

But after letting her out, there was no reply.

Cheng Jiuye looked at her, his eyes gradually becoming a little dazed. He stretched out his hand to her, and he didn't know why, but suddenly wanted to touch her cheek.

The people around looked at each other in blank dismay, Master Jiu hadn't given the order to shoot yet. In addition to opium, there is kerosene around. Once there is a source of fire, all of them today, including the opium here, will be buried here together!

Jiao Yang looked at the tons of medicine bags around her, and she smiled.

Her hands slowly touched the things wrapped in paper. In the dim light, with black hair, snow skin and red lips, she was so beautiful that it made people trance:

"Opium is something that can make people lose their minds. It will corrode your mind little by little, and make you unconscious. You don't know when and what right decision you should make..."

Finally, she smiled slowly, took out a lighter from her bag and lit it. Under the jumping flames, her profile flickered, with a fatal beauty.

Everyone's eyes were stunned!

"So, have I cleared the level, Master Jiu?" Jiao Yang smiled, his eyes were dazzling.

In order to gain a person's approval, besides being perfect in what he confesses, there is another way, which is to defeat him. Beat him hard, let him lose completely.

Cheng Jiuye looked at the stubborn child in front of him, and finally, he smiled lightly. Calmly took a puff of the cigarette in his hand: "In my heart, you have already cleared the level."

Jiao Yang tugged the corner of her mouth in satisfaction, and threw the jumping flame in her hand to the ground. A raging fire ignited all around, as if it could sweep away everything, and was enough to swallow all sins and desires.

Then amidst the violent explosion of the building, Cheng Jiuye walked into her slowly, hugged her into his arms, kissed her on the lips, and smiled carefreely:

"Remember my name, my name is Cheng Sheng. Except for my mother, no one knows, and no one cares to know." But I just want to tell you, and I don't know why.

If you lose, you lose. On this road, Cheng Jiuye wanted to win, but he was never afraid of losing.

Cheng Jiuye doesn't understand love, and he doesn't know what love is. He just suddenly felt at this moment that it seemed not bad to die here with the child he raised and raised.

Jiao Yang looked at him with a smile.

Cheng Jiuye hugged her and looked back calmly.

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