Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 183 Entertainment Circle: Neptune Game (5)

Sister Li was stunned for a while, and then helplessly stepped forward to rub Jiao Yang's head.

How should I put it, she is also a poor child. Other children are protected by their parents, but she grew up in an orphanage without parents, so she was forced to come out of the entertainment industry to make money and work hard.

After finally breaking out of his own small circle, he was followed by Lu Tingwan. He is as courteous as all the playboys who are full of enthusiasm, and the resources of flowers and luxury cars are continuously sent up. But Jiaoyang didn't respond all the time, he started to be tough when he saw that softness was not enough.

For a while, news of Lu Tingwan's disagreement with Xiaohua Sheng Jiaoyang spread like wildfire. Few directors dared to use her, and only one of them was blocked in the circle.

Perhaps this Su Meier incident was Lu Tingwan's ultimatum to her.

Jiao Yang rubbed against her palm, like a little furry animal.

Sister Li's eyes showed a bit of love. Why did you sign this child in the first place? Wasn't it just to appreciate the fire in her eyes?

She was unwilling to take the olive branch extended by Lu Tingwan, and Sister Li said it all, but when Jiaoyang really came to this point, she still couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

The entertainment industry is a big dye vat, no one can get in and come out clean. Even if you are pure white, there are people who will force you to put you in a vat and make you as dark as they are.

"Now that we have taken this step, there is no turning back," Sister Li comforted softly, "Don't you still have a boyfriend? Find a chance and break up quickly. Sooner or later, you and Mr. Lu will not be able to hide the matter Hold on, it's not good for anyone to drag it on."

Jiao Yang lowered her head and nodded, no one could see her face clearly.

"Next, you have to attend the party and walk the red carpet. I'll quickly ask the stylist to come out and touch up your makeup. You choose a dress yourself, and you must compare with that Su Meier." Sister Li instructed.

Jiao Yang raised her head, the corners of her mouth deepened, and her smile suddenly brightened: "Well, if you just want to compare that woman, you should do it casually, right?"

Sister Li was stunned, and scratched the tip of her nose with a smile: "I want to see you dressed up tonight."

Just as Sister Li walked out, Jiao Yang suddenly heard a commotion outside, and then a woman aggressively pushed away countless security guards and stumbled in.

When she saw Sheng Jiaoyang sitting on the chair, she was furious. She rushed over, but several security guards behind her stopped her.

She was cursing in the middle of the journey: "Sheng Jiaoyang, you bastard, seduce Boss Lu to grab other people's resources, a woman like you is destined to not go far!"

Her cousin told her that the last time Boss Lu left her place, he went to the hotel. She didn't find out exactly who was there, it was really strictly controlled.

However, Mr. Lu came out of it after going up three poles the next day, and he seemed to be in a good mood along the way, which in itself was enough to make people suspicious.

Besides, how can anyone talk about business in a hotel? Still talking about a day and a night, what kind of business is this talking about?

So Su Mei'er concluded that Boss Lu had raised other women besides her, and when the news came out today, she could basically conclude that that woman was Sheng Jiaoyang!

Su Meier sneered at Jiaoyang: "I thought it was a chaste and strong woman, she was not a prostitute who was played around with. She pretended to be innocent, and set up a memorial archway behind her back. You are completely different from those in the circle." Any woman must be dirty!"

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