Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 184 Entertainment Circle: Neptune Game (6)

Jiao Yang smiled, a dazzling smile. When Su Meier said this, she was held up halfway by those security guards. What she said, even the faces of the security guards became angry.

It was clear that she seduced the man herself, and without any evidence, she still suspected Jiao Yang. What kind of character Sheng Jiaoyang is, they all know after so long, how could she do such a thing!

If she was really willing to commit herself to others for her own resources, then she would not have run around for one of her boyfriend's resources back then.

Jiao Yang stood up from the chair, tilted her head, her eyes fell on her messy hair. She blinked her eyes, and called out with some uncertainty: "Is it Su Mei'er?"


Su Mei'er raised her chin, and seeing her walking over, she stared at Sheng Jiaoyang with a sneer on her face.

Until Jiao Yang stretched out his hand and made several "slaps" and slapped her face four or five times.

Su Meier's face was turned to one side, leaving several red marks on her face. She was going to walk the red carpet later, and stared at Sheng Jiaoyang in disbelief: "You hit me?"

"A mad dog that loves to bite should be beaten." Jiao Yang shook her hands with a smile, seeing her scratched nails just after painting, her eyes turned cloudy in an instant.

"damn it"

She took a few steps forward, snatched Su Meier from the security guard, and pushed her to the ground.


Su Meier's feet in high heels were twisted, she stared at Sheng Jiaoyang with wide eyes. It was said that Sheng Jiaoyang's temper was weird, but she really didn't expect this woman to be so weird.

She was still smiling one second and then changed her face the next second. Could it be that this woman has been stimulated too much during this period, so her brain has become a little problematic?

"You go first."

Several security guards looked at each other in blank dismay. After all, their duty was to protect Ms. Sheng.

Jiao Yang glanced at them indifferently.

They quickly turned into a few steps and left.

"What on earth are you trying to do?" Su Meier stared at her, her ankle was bruised, her forehead was in a cold sweat.

"I should be asking you what you want to do, right?" Jiao Yang looked at her, gently stroked the red marks on her face with her fingers, and smiled, "It's so beautiful."

Su Meier's face instantly became even uglier, and a strange emotion arose in her heart. In order not to let that inexplicable fear disturb her, she hastily said:

"Yes, it is true that I deliberately asked Mr. Lu to transfer the resources that I gave you to me, but what was wrong with me! It is you who are wrong. You don't want to sleep with Mr. Lu while hanging him, and the resources he handed over If you don't refuse, why do you occupy the latrine and not shit!"

[Joke, is there any room for the original owner to refuse? Perhaps Su Meier imagined all this too naively, and Lu Tingwan imagined it too simply, no wonder later.]

As soon as the system raised its head, it silently shut up again. It complacently waits for the host to ask how it is doing.

However, Jiaoyang didn't seem interested in this, she smiled and lifted Su Meier's chin, and moved her face closer. That bright smiling face was magnified in front of Su Meier, but in this situation, her hair stood on end coldly.

"Actually, I wasn't very interested in fame and fortune in the entertainment industry because I used to be so soft on these so-called awards."

Jiao Yang curled her lips helplessly, as the so-called hero doesn't mention his courage back then.

There are two more chapters.

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