Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 831 The little princess and her vampire empire (139)

All it takes is an opportunity and the stimulation of a specific environment.

Or maybe she wanted to.

This barrier will be broken immediately, and the huge force will immediately rush out like a raging flood with huge waves.

Vaguely, Jiaoyang seemed to hear a voice coming out from behind, calling her name continuously.

But now she is upset and in no mood to deal with it.

The indistinguishable male and female voice in my mind is still ringing: "Did you just torture that woman like that? You should kill her. She was so offensive. If I did, I would kill her."

"Who do you think you are?" Jiaoyang twitched her lips coldly, "I need you to teach me how to do things. Whether you kill or not has nothing to do with me."

Soon, the weird voice continued to sound: "I am you, you are me, and what I say is your truest intention."

"Shut up you son of a bitch."

Jiaoyang couldn't help but cursed, and then she quickly continued to respond in her mind: "Why do you act like you know me so well? You are so ignorant and annoying."

Rusfan, who had been chasing him for a while, but didn't respond no matter how he called her, opened his bright red eyes.

She ignored him and actually called him a bastard!

"Hey, Sheng Jiaoyang!" Lu Sifan raised his hand and put it on her shoulder.

The voice in Jiaoyang's mind sighed, and then continued: "You will understand when you are completely integrated with me."

Who wants to be with you?

Halfway through the thought, Jiaoyang thought of something, and the corners of her lips curled up: "I will become one with you, but not now."

"Oh?" It will be doubtful.

"Wait until I get more power."

A bright smile appeared on Jiaoyang's face: "You will believe me, right? When the time comes, the power I gain will also be yours. After all, didn't you say, I am you?"

It thought for a while, then slowly fell silent.

At this point, the unstable power in Jiaoyang's body also returned to calm.

Jiaoyang twitched the corner of her mouth, then turned back to face Lu Sifan, with a face that didn't show much kindness to him.


Rusfan felt that he was in trouble. This was the first time he saw Jiaoyang losing control. What happened in the basement just now scared him a little. Because he was worried about her, Rusfan chased her out.

As a result, seeing Sheng Jiaoyang's attitude towards him now, combined with the attitude he had just seen towards Lester, Rusifan felt annoyed and aggrieved.

He grabbed Jiaoyang's wrist, curled his lips, and looked at her deeply.

"Sheng Jiaoyang, I have seen how quickly you change your attitude. Just now, you eagerly moved forward to kiss Lester, but then you turned around and spoke to me with this attitude? This is the so-called 'the other party tortures you thousands of times' , do I treat each other like first love?

What's so good about Leicester that you can't let go of him? It can be said that he is the one who hurts you the most, but what about you? You kept flirting with him in the basement just now. I tolerated it. Now your attitude towards me is too much. Am I so inferior to Lester? "

A hint of impatience flashed across Jiaoyang's brows, she glanced at him coldly, turned around and left.

Rusifan pulled her back from behind, and Jiaoyang threw her away angrily.

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