Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 832 The little princess and her vampire empire (140)

"Yes, but you are not as good as Lester in my heart."

Jiaoyang looked at Lu Sifan with cold eyes, approaching step by step, "Why do you think you can compare with Lester? In terms of force, strategy, the righteousness of risking one's life for the entire vampire clan, and the broad view of the overall situation He is so broad-minded, tell me, who among you can compare to him?"

Rusfan was stunned: "What?"

"You can't compare with force and strategy, so even if you have never been convinced by Lester, you will not choose to confront him head-on. Instead, you will use some dirty tricks behind the scenes. Faced with this In the battle for racial interests, Lester rushed to the front regardless of his injuries, but what about you? Where are you?"

Jiaoyang's lips twitched: "You are only thinking about how to stand behind you at this moment and carve out a piece of flesh from Lester's body so that you can replace him. But even if you think of these things Even though Lester is still doing this, do you think he can't fight back? Is it because vampires like Lester don't fight back because they are cowardly?

Wrong, it's just because the current war situation is tense and tense. He knows that you are both five generals and from the same clan and cannot fight among yourself, so he has repeatedly tolerated it for the sake of the overall situation. And you, knowing this, are complacent about it. In terms of long-term vision, mentality, and structure, you are simply not as good as him. All you can see is your own interests, not even the most basic stance of being a lvb vampire.

How on earth could a vampire who didn't even have the most basic stance come up to me and say something like, 'I'm just not as good as Lester'? "

Jiao Yang sneered and pushed away Lu Sifan who was standing in front of her.

"Since you don't understand how you are inferior to Lester, then I can tell you that you are inferior to him at all."

Jiaoyang walked away without even looking back.

Rusfan stood quietly behind her, watching her back getting farther and farther away, his eyes reddened, and the scene in front of him became a little blurry.

He lowered his head and took a deep breath. His chest was shaking. He felt lonely, angry and aggrieved. His tears couldn't stop falling one drop after another.

Lambert walked out and saw Jiaoyang's leaving figure. He was about to call her out, but found Rusifan next to him.

He was stunned: "What's going on?"

Ruthfan looked at Lambert with red eyes, expressionless, raised his fingers, and silently wiped a few tears from under his eyes.

He spread his black wings and flew away without looking back.

Lambert looked at Ru Sifan's back and then looked at the direction Jiaoyang left just now, his eyes thoughtful.

Louis quickly convened a vampire meeting and planned to send a close subordinate to take the captive Sa'an to negotiate with humans represented by Calicia, with the goal of exchanging at least thirty vampire generals with LVC.

"Anyway, humans who don't live long, don't they value the so-called blood relationship the most, especially their own next generation?"

Louis sat on the throne, smiling deeply with unknown meaning. He did not feel that using such a useless domestic animal in exchange for so many generals was a big deal.

Jiaoyang thought for a while and felt that this was a great opportunity for her to take the initiative to get close to Kalisia. Maybe she could also have some unexpected gains with the young general Brereton whom she had never met before. This opportunity was not to be missed.

So she stepped forward amidst the surprised gazes of all the vampires below and took the initiative to ask for help.

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