Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 867 The little princess and her vampire empire (175)

"I won't let her see me like I am now."

Edgar smiled: "Edgar should always be perfect and flawless in her heart. Since this will be the last time we see him, it's better not to see him again."

Rusfan stood aside, leaning against the wall, his eyes becoming complicated.

In fact, he could understand Edgar's mood. If it were him, if he became like this, he would never appear in front of her again. He would find a quiet place and die alone and silently.

After all, nothing in this life can compare to Lester, not even this face.

Lester stepped forward and pulled up the quilt for Edgar: "Don't think so much."

Edgar looked at the four vampires in front of him with a smile in his eyes.

Edel, Rusfan, Lester, Lambert

"very nice."

They are all here, so just take it as she is here too.

In a daze, Edgar seemed to see the smiling little girl sitting there on the stool next to her, with her long black hair disheveled, holding tea in her hand, looking at him with a smile.

"The smile is so real and fake"

As he murmured, he reached out with difficulty to touch her cheek. He looked at her with a smile from the bottom of his heart.

Jiaoyang has been standing outside, waiting for a long time, from dusk to sunset, she looked at the western sky, the golden and hot sun was setting little by little, until there was no trace of light.

It's a dark night today, with no stars or moon.

It wasn't until an ancient bell sounded from inside the house, one after another, that the lights seemed to light up all around.

Jiaoyang raised her head in a daze and muttered alone.

"He really didn't even see me for the last time."

She turned and left.

Adel obeyed Edgar's dying wish and put his body in an airtight coffin without staying any longer.

Just as a group of vampires were putting spells on the coffin, a vampire from outside hurried in to report: "Oh no, just now Miss Sheng actually used her wings belonging to the vampire tribe and flew towards the human camp alone. !Looking at her current situation, it seems she wants to avenge Lord Edgar!"


All the vampires present were stunned.

The human camp was in chaos at the moment. Everyone looked at the camp in front of them, holding weapons in hand but not daring to approach easily. They all felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, while rivers of blood flowed all around and ruins were everywhere.

Human General Britton rushed over quickly. He was wearing uniform boots and a coat. He listened to his subordinates' reports: "What happened?"

The person who came to deliver the message had a trembling voice, "Yes, it's Sheng Jiaoyang. I don't know what happened to her. She turned into a half-human and half-ghost, flew to our territory, and started making noises without saying a word." She started killing, and now she has entered General Fossey's camp again. General Fossey is probably in danger!"

"What?" Britton paused, then hurried forward even faster, "Half man and half ghost?"

"No, that's not to mention how scary she looks. She has grown vampire wings and moves like a vampire, but her appearance is still that of a human being. The soldiers were all frightened."

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