Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 868 The little princess and her vampire empire (176)

Britton tightened his fists: "Before the matter has been decided, don't spread rumors, half-man, half-ghost, to shake the morale of the army!"

"Yes, yes," he nodded quickly to admit his mistake.

Britton took a deep breath: "Where is General Fossey's camp?"

In fact, on the battlefield that day, he and Calicia originally planned to capture Adel alive and capture him so that they could negotiate with Louis.

Although the vampires have gone back on their word many times, they will be more careful this time.

It was originally planned, but Fossey acted on the spot without permission and raided Edel who was being controlled by them. This caused his brother Edgar to block the attack and his life and death were unknown.


Britton's breath hitched slightly.

Is she here for revenge? To avenge Fossey for that vampire.

When Britton arrived at the scene, her eyes were frozen by the tragedy around her.

When the other human generals around him saw Britton, they all gathered around him as if they were seeing a savior.

"General Britton, Sheng Jiaoyang, she, she" shouted for a long time, unable to say a complete sentence.

Britton passed him and walked towards the tent in front of him with a dazed look in his eyes.

There were no more screams inside the tent. You could vaguely see the black shadow coming from inside. The tall man was lifted high by his slender wrists, as if he had done something. The two shadows overlapped and he couldn't see clearly. clear.

Britton opened his eyes wide, as if to see clearly, he walked forward step by step.

"General, it's dangerous," someone warned from behind, but no one dared to go up with him.

Britten seemed not to hear, and looked forward blankly.

He remembered that Her Highness Kalisia had told him not long ago that he could investigate clearly. The reason why she wanted to kill Sa'an was not because of her original intention, but because of Louis' order.

Lewis's purpose is to force her to completely surrender to the vampire clan, so that she will never have the chance to have a second heart. Jiaoyang had no choice but to take this path.

They were still deploying methods to rescue her yesterday.

Now it seems that they are still...

One step too late.

There were faint sounds of struggling inside at first, but then there was only dead silence.

Britton watched all this happen until the tent door was kicked open. The little girl who was still a normal human being with a smile the last time they met, now had only a look of indifference on her face.

Her mouth was stained with blood, and her skin looked even paler. She dragged out a bloody body in her hands, and then broke the neck of the body with her bare hands amidst screams.

"Sure enough, touching the blood of inferior and inferior people is still not very comfortable." The little girl's blood-stained lips curled up. Her pale face was seductive and strange, so beautiful that it was breathtaking. "But I can't help it. I just found a person who gained power." As for the new method, just overcome it temporarily."

Britton looked at her in confusion, unable to understand what he was feeling at the moment, and his mind was blank at the moment.

In the sky, two vampires waving black wings slowly landed next to her.

Lester looked around for a moment, then grabbed Jiaoyang's arm: "Are you okay?"

Jiaoyang shook her head.

Ruthfan was standing behind her, with his arms folded across his chest, and his bright red eyes always looking around vigilantly. When he saw Britton, he gave a sensitive pause and sneered.

his eyes

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