So, Liu Meng took You Yu away from the gate of Rainbow Middle School and came to a place she had not been to for a long time - the pedestrian street in the center of Rainbow City.

Although she had not been to this place for a long time, it was still holding various activities as before, with people coming and going, and it was lively.

I hope that seeing this scene, You Yu's attention can be attracted, so as to eliminate the negative emotions that just appeared in his heart.

Thinking of this, Liu Meng turned around with a smile, looked at You Yu with a frown, and said:

"Let's take a walk here first, You Yu, if you have any place you want to go... or see anything you want to eat, just tell me, I will find a way for you."

"Now, don't think about the memory. Resting well is the most important thing, isn't it?"

After hearing her words, You Yu reacted, then sighed, and said helplessly:

"I naturally know the truth you said... But, how to say it, I am still a little unwilling, obviously I already know some clues."

"If you want to calm down, you may have to wait a while."

"Is that so..."

Looking at Youyu's depressed look, Liu Meng thought about it, then turned around, glanced at the shops on the street, and made a decision in her heart, so she stretched out her hand to pull Youyu's sleeve, pointed to a place, and said:

"Then let's go to that place first, Youyu."

"That place? ...Oh, it's a milk tea shop, do you want to drink it? Liu Meng?"

Looking at the place Liu Meng pointed to, Youyu asked.

"Well, I want to buy a cup of milk tea there. You should also want to drink it, right? Youyu, let's go pick it together."


After thinking for a while, Youyu temporarily stopped "observing" something, nodded, and chose to walk to the milk tea shop with Liu Meng.

Arriving at the milk tea shop, after waiting in line for a while, they both successfully got the milk tea, but in just a short while, the clouds in the sky had quietly drifted away, and the sunlight shone on the ground without obstruction.

Feeling the temperature outside the milk tea shop, Liu Meng squinted her eyes and looked at the sun shining high in the sky, and proposed to Youyu to go to the nearest shopping mall to sit for a while to avoid the heat.

Youyu readily agreed.

"The weather is still a bit hot recently."

After more than ten minutes of walking, after entering the mall, Liu Meng wiped the sweat from her forehead with her arm, then exhaled and said to Youyu:

"You should be okay, right? Youyu, after all, it's still very hot outside... Not to mention that we have been walking for a long time this morning."

"It's okay, I don't know if it has something to do with me becoming a negative beast, but I still feel a little cold."

"Well... I still envy you at this time."

Looking at Youyu's appearance of being fine, Liu Meng smiled helplessly and shook her head.

"Let's go first, don't stand at the gate, let's find a place to sit down first."

Then, she took Youyu to the nearest place with a stool and sat down.

After sitting down, Liu Meng didn't say anything, but drank milk tea, and at the same time, observed Youyu's reaction with her peripheral vision.

Seeing Youyu's relaxed expression after drinking milk tea, Liu Meng's mouth corners unconsciously rose a degree, and the depressed mood just because of the high temperature also eased a lot.

Sure enough, coming here is a good choice.

Thinking so, Liu Meng closed her eyes and began to enjoy the delicious milk tea.


After drinking for a while, Liu Meng took a long breath, put down the milk tea in her hand, and looked over to Youyu.

Then she saw...he was still drinking milk tea, and heard the "cooing" sound that had been in her ears and had never stopped.

Seeing him like this, Liu Meng frowned, sighed, and said:

"Youyu, if you drink too fast at once, it's not good for your stomach, right? And you drank so much... You will be in a hurry to go to the toilet later, right?"

"Well... Actually, because I am no longer a normal human being, this level is nothing to me, but I still listen to you."

After hearing what Liu Meng said, Youyu sighed and put down the milk tea in his hand.

Seeing him like this, Liu Meng felt embarrassed that she had just forgotten the fact that Youyu was no longer a "human", but she also felt a little relieved.

So, she coughed, pretended that nothing had happened, and saidSaid:

"No matter what, it's still right to take care of your health!"

"But... let's not talk about this for now, Youyu, how are you now? Are you feeling better?"

"Although I still care a little, but it's much better than before."

Laughing, Youyu shook his head and said:

"In fact, after thinking about it carefully... there is really nothing to worry about. After all, the more anxious you are, the more you can't maintain a good attitude, the more difficult it will be to deal with this kind of thing."

"Besides... you also promised to help me regain my memory."

"I think I can still trust you."

"After all, you are really reliable."

"Very reliable..."

After hearing Youyu's evaluation of her, Liu Meng couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and then murmured the words that Youyu just said to her.

After a moment of silence, Liu Meng said in a somewhat depressed mood for some reason:

"Reliable or not... I just did what I thought I should do."

"I can't bear it if you praise me like this."


Seeing her like this, You Yu casually picked up the milk tea that he had just put down, took another sip, and said:

"Although it may be a little strange... but I want to ask you a question."

"Do you believe that after I regain my memory, I can still maintain my mind and not be affected by negative emotions?"



"I believe it."

After thinking for a while, Liu Meng gave her answer.

"As expected."

Not surprised by her answer, Youyu continued:

"But I don't really believe in myself."


"... Liumeng, you are actually quite strange. You don't even believe in yourself, but you can easily believe in me. I am the biggest unstable factor, right?"

"Well, I have a way-"

"If you don't believe me, then believe in the you that I believe in."

"It's a good idea, isn't it?"

After listening to what Youyu said, Liumeng was stunned for a while, then shook her head, smiled helplessly and said:

"What... Your words are difficult to understand. "

"... But I do understand what you want to convey."

As she said that, Liu Meng sighed and continued:

"Thank you... Youyu."

"I also believe that you can live a normal life again."

After that, Liu Meng stood up and said:

"Then let's go back now, Youyu."

"Buy some vegetables on the way, and when we get home, we will--"

"Be careful!"

However, before Liu Meng could finish her words, Youyu in front of her suddenly stretched out his hand at an extremely fast speed and pulled her over.


The next moment! The place where they were just now was instantly hit by a huge object! Long cracks appeared on the ground, and the floor tiles and soil were all rushed out.

Then came... people's screams of fear.

"What happened?!"

After realizing that she was saved by Yuu, Liu Meng quickly recovered from her panic and began to look for the culprit who caused the current situation.

Then she saw...

It was the centipede Negative Beast that was more than 20 meters long crawling on the elevator inside the mall.

It was the first enemy that Liu Meng faced when she became a magical girl.

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