"I think I saw Youyu."

After school at noon, Wu Yue stopped Bai Yu and said this to her.

"...What did you say?"

Bai Yu, who was unlocking her bicycle, seemed to be unable to believe what Wu Yue said. She was stunned for a moment and stopped her hand.

Then, she stood up, looked at Wu Yue's serious eyes, was silent for a while, and said:

"You must have seen it wrong?"

"It can't be wrong."

Wu Yue shook her head and said affirmatively:

"This morning, because of some things, I came a little late. When I came to school and was about to park, I saw a person's back..."

"And after seeing that back, although I didn't know who he was...but, a familiar feeling came out in my heart!"

"I chased after him based on this feeling! Although in the end, I didn't see anything, but... the gem on my neck is brighter. "

As she spoke, Wu Yue lifted the gem on her neck with her hand, then took a deep breath and said:

"So, it must be You Yu!"


As if she remembered something, Wu Yue's tone became uncertain again:

"Although I don't know who the girl with golden hair standing next to him is..."

"But, it must be him!"

After listening to Wu Yue's words, Bai Yu remained silent as she watched her expression change from firm to wavering.

Just now, she was still in a positive tone, confirming that You Yu still exists.

But now it seems that even you are not sure...

Wu Yue, have you really not yet-



"Then maybe you can go and look for it."

After a long silence, Bai Yu finally failed to say what she was thinking.

Although she really wanted to tell Wu Yue the "truth" she wanted to say right now.

But what if the situation gets worse after she says it?

She doesn't want to see this happen again, and she can't bear the responsibility.

So... let's just say the same thing as before.

"Well, I will definitely go and look for it."

Nodding, Wu Yue's expression was noncommittal.

Then, she looked at Bai Yu's complicated expression, was silent for a while, then sighed and said:

"Bai Yu, do you still want to come with me to look for it?"

"...I can--"

But before she could finish her answer, Wu Yue interrupted her:

"But you have been working for a long time recently, right? And there are many tasks in school. If you come to help me look for it at this time...it will definitely be more tiring."

"So this time, you should have a good rest for a while. After all, we are looking for it every day, and this day is not bad...If you fall down before finding Youyu, it will be bad."

I didn't expect Wu Yue to say such a thing. Bai Yu didn't know what to say for a while, so he just stood there in a daze.

After seeing that Bai Yu couldn't speak anymore, Wu Yue was silent for a while, and didn't say anything. Instead, she sat on her bicycle and prepared to ride out.

Before leaving, she said to Bai Yu:

"Bai Yu, thank you for accompanying me to look for Youyu during this period of time."

"But... if you really don't have that idea, but you still look for him with a guilty conscience, it will be very tiring."

"If possible, I hope you can have a good rest."

After that, Wu Yue left, leaving Bai Yu standing there alone.

Looking at Wu Yue's back as she rode away on her bicycle, Bai Yu finally reacted, and then sighed deeply.

"Sure enough, it was discovered..."

Bai Yu was not surprised by this happening.

If she still had a glimmer of hope in her heart because of Wu Yue from the beginning, then after a long time, it can be said that it is completely gone now.

Especially just now... after hearing Wu Yue tell her that she saw Youyu.

She even felt that Wu Yue might not be able to hold on.


"Let's go look for it..."

Looking at the ground, after thinking about it, Bai Yu made a decision.

Just this time, for the last time, she should believe Wu Yue's words and go look for You Yu.

Even though she knew... she couldn't find You Yu.

But, no matter what the result is.

After this search, she must tell Wu Yue the truth and let her face the reality.

If she lets this lie continue... the situation may get worse.

She can't do it anymore.Let that bad thing happen.

If Youyu was still there, he would definitely not hope so.


Thinking so, Bai Yu unlocked the bicycle, pushed the bicycle, and walked out of the school gate.

After turning her head to look at the place where Youyu used to pick up Wuyue when he was free, Bai Yu sighed, rode the bicycle, and left the school gate.

And her series of actions after leaving the school gate...

Were all seen by Liu Meng and Youyu standing not far away at the door of the convenience store.

"It seems that Bai Yu didn't notice you like Wuyue just now..."

Looking at Bai Yu riding away on the bicycle, Liu Meng removed her hand from the gem on her neck and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she turned her head and asked Youyu next to her:

"How are you now, Youyu?"

"Do you remember anything now?"


After walking around here this morning, Liu Meng found that it didn't work, so she decided to take Youyu to other places to see if she could remember anything.

Unfortunately, after going to other places, Youyu still showed no signs of recovering his memory, so in the end, Youyu proposed to come here again to take a look.

Come here... take a look at Bai Yu and Wu Yue, even if it's just a look from a distance, maybe you can remember something.

So, after hearing his words, Liu Meng thought about it and decided to bring him here again.

However, he couldn't have direct contact with them to prevent something that she couldn't control from happening.

"It seems... I remembered something."

After a long silence, Youyu raised his head, covered his face, and said with a painful expression:

"But it's very blurry and unclear! The things I saw were just some fragments!"

"Obviously... I have tried my best to think about it, but I still can't see anything..."

"Obviously, I have been to many places this day..."


Looking at Youyu's painful expression, Liu Meng was silent for a while, then sighed and walked in front of him.

Then, as if she had made a decision in her heart, she took a deep breath, then stood on tiptoe slightly, put her right hand on his head, and said gently:

"You have tried very hard, Youyu, I can see how much you want to find your memory... After taking you to those places just now, you always looked like you were trying your best to think, I think... you also want to know the truth quickly."

"But now, we can't be anxious. If we keep going like this, we will be tortured by this "frustration" of not doing anything, and we will not be able to do anything."

"So-we have to calm down."


Just after Liu Meng finished this sentence, she paused for a moment, saw that Youyu's expression was better, then smiled and continued:

"Youyu, we will have a long time to find our memories later. If you are tired now, you should take a rest."

"So... don't worry."

"I will always be with you until you find your memory."

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