
Looking at the two cards, Youyu "put" them into his body without any hesitation.

Then, after watching them gradually merge into his body, Youyu exhaled, closed his eyes, and began to slowly feel the power brought by the two cards.

Then what he felt was...

A void.

No, that's not right. It may not be accurate to say it's a void... because that's still an exaggeration.

To be more precise... it's like two small stones thrown into the sea. Although there will be waves, it's still too small compared to the "infinite" sea.

"... How could this be?"

Feeling the very "tiny" magic in his body, Youyu couldn't help but frown.

His appearance was also noticed by Liu Meng next to him, so she asked:

"What's wrong? Youyu, you look frowning... Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"If something goes wrong, it's best to stop immediately."

While saying this, Wu Yue and Bai Yu also looked over worriedly.

And they seemed to have begun to prepare some kind of action, ready to rescue Youyu as soon as possible when something unexpected happened.

"...something is wrong, but it's not painful."

Shaking his head, Youyu opened his eyes, sighed, and said:

"The magic in these two cards...I don't know why, it was fine when I held it in my hand, but after putting it in my body, I felt it was very small, and I could hardly feel its existence..."

"And when I used the card you gave me before, Liumeng...this situation did not occur..."

After speaking, Youyu was silent for a moment, and then said:

"Wu Yue, Bai Yu, try to add more magic to this card. It may be because the magic is not enough...After all, you should know that it is impossible to perfectly control the magic. So it should be a bit biased. "" Add more magic to let me see how the effect is. "... Is there no problem with it?" One thing is that in the process of adding magic, they didn't get any obstacles to negative emotions. It was probably the reason why Youyu itself was quite special ... and they transmitted magic, as if when they poured the water in a "bottomless hole" ... Bai Yu suddenly realized something, and then the movements on their hands stopped and frowned. Without noticing it, he continued to transmit magic. In the next moment, Bai Yu seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem. He just wanted to stop the five -handed stop, but it was too late- "Boom!" "?! Youyu!" Because the magic reached the moment when the "critical value" was! Suddenly, red flames burned on Youyu's body, and the flames instantly illuminated the entire living room, scaring everyone!

Fortunately, the flames only flashed for a short second, and then were quickly compressed and extinguished.

But... you can still see tiny wisps of black smoke from Youyu's body.


"There was a little accident..."

"... I'm very sorry! Youyu! I... I didn't know that kind of situation would..."

Looking at the fact that Youyu's clothes were burned with several holes due to the flames... and even "burned", Wu Yue's voice suddenly became panic, her body couldn't stop shaking, she stood up, and wanted to apologize excitedly.

However, Youyu didn't have any special expression, but shook his head and pressed her to sit back.

"No, it's okay, it's not your fault, Wu Yue, after all, I made the request, and this accident... I didn't expect it."

Although in fact, this is not an accident.

Because just now, when they were transmitting magic power, Youyu found that the magic power transmitted into the card still did not move... So Youyu tried a little bit to see if he could use his own power to pull it and let it directly integrate into his body.

And the result was... Obviously, Wu Yue's magic power exploded directly in his body. Fortunately, he still had Liu Meng's magic power to balance it, so it didn't cause too much damage.

But this still made him confused.

Now... Which step went wrong?

"Sure enough, it won't be that easy..."

Speaking thoughtfully, after the conjecture in his mind and Yu Yu appeared simultaneously, Liu Meng spoke out first, saying:

"Yu Yu... maybe the fusion of your negative emotions and magic power before... was a very special accident, so it can't be done so easily."

"After all, according to my inference from your last transformation... it should require a special environment to make your body and the magic power of the magical girl completely merged."

"So what you mean is-"

After coming back to his senses, Yu Yu said:

"There must be a 'crisis' like the last time, right?"

"... Well, if my inference is correct, it's like this."

"Because only at that time... the 'wishes' in the hearts of the magical girls will become stronger, and those magic powers will be controlled by you under the drive of wishes."

"Although you have mastered some magic power now... but the magic power of each magical girl is not mutually applicable,"

"So it is inevitable that you will be rejected... ”

“I see.”

Yuyu nodded upon hearing this, but there was no disappointment on his face.

After all, it was impossible for them to obtain the power of magical girls so easily—he had already prepared himself mentally.

It was just that…he had originally thought of obtaining it in a “gentle” way, but now it seemed that he could only proceed according to the original plan…



Just as the four of them were silent because of the sudden incident and were thinking about it, a sudden cell phone ringtone attracted their attention.

And the ringtone of this cell phone came from Liu Meng’s cell phone.

“…Who is going to call me at this time?”

Listening to the ringtone, Liu Meng looked at the screen on the phone, and then froze for a while.

Then, he answered the call, put it to his ear, and chatted with the person on the other end of the phone.

The general content was: the store was short of staff, and she was urgently asked to come back to help…

“…Sorry, it seems that I don’t have time now. "

After sighing, Liu Meng put down the phone and said to them:

"Because of the sudden situation... you should have heard it, I have to leave here temporarily."

"So next... I'll leave it to you first."

"Well, no problem, the same situation as usual, right?"

Youyu nodded and said.

"Well, if nothing unexpected happens, I will work until very late."

"Pay attention to rest."


After a brief exchange with Youyu, Liu Meng picked up the things she brought when she came, and then prepared to leave here-

"Um, wait a moment!"

"What's the matter? Wu Yue?"

"It's just... I just happen to have something to do now."

Wu Yue quickly came to Liu Meng's side, looked back at Youyu, and then said:

"So now, I have to go back, it's just right for us to be together... Is there any problem?"


"No problem. ”

Guessing the reason why Wu Yue did this, Liu Meng agreed to her request without saying anything.

“That’s great.”

After a sigh of relief, Wu Yue looked back at You Yu again, and said to Bai Yu beside him in an inexplicably slow tone:

“Well, let’s go back now!”

“You guys… chat slowly!”

“…Okay, be safe on the way home.”


After nodding, Wu Yue followed Liu Meng out quickly, closing the door before leaving.

Then…You Yu and Bai Yu were the only ones left in the house.

Then it returned to the quiet atmosphere of earlier.


“It’s so sudden.”

After a long silence, You Yu broke the silence.

Then, he turned to look at Bai Yu and asked:

“So…do you have anything to say? Bai Yu? "

Listening to Youyu's question, Bai Yu hesitated for a moment, then seemed to have made up his mind and said:

"Youyu, I want to fight you."

"I will fight you as the magical girl Lan Ye..."

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