
You Yu was stunned for a moment when Bai Yu did not expect such a request, but then he reacted, frowning and asking:

"Fight? Bai Yu, why do you want to fight me? Are you worried that I will lose control? Or is there any other reason? We should not need to fight, right?"

"Or... did you find something special?"

After all, just now, Bai Yu should have noticed his "pulling" action, so she stopped transmitting magic power.

So she made this "fight" request now... maybe she found something.

If not, then there may be another reason in the speculation——


Bai Yu listened to what Youyu said, shook his head, and said seriously:

"I have never doubted you, Youyu. After all, everything you did... is true, and you have never concealed it. Therefore, I also believe that you have mastered your own power and will not lose control."

"The reason why I want to fight with you is because——"

After a pause, Bai Yu continued:

"I want to help you."

"And, help myself."

"Help me?"

After hearing Bai Yu's response, Youyu breathed a sigh of relief, but still put on a puzzled expression and asked:

"You mean... you want to help me by fighting with me? In the form of training?"


Nodding, Bai Yu acknowledged what Youyu said.

Then, seeing that he still had a puzzled expression, she sighed and explained:

"The reason... is because your plan just now failed, right?"

"So, I want to use another method to help you... become stronger."

"After all, your ultimate goal is to defeat those enemies, right? So as long as there is a better way, you won't have to use the risky one..."

"I understand."

After a few short sentences, Youyu understood what she wanted to express, so he said with a curious expression:

"So you want to improve my control of power through combat training, and teach me combat skills... and then make me stronger?"

"Well, And this way, the risks brought by that situation can be avoided. "

"So... what do you think? Youyu?"


Listening to Bai Yu's question, Youyu thought silently for a while, and then decisively agreed:


"Anyway, combat training... is necessary, and there is no problem in advance now."

"But my method can't be rejected so quickly. I decided to study it for a while."

"And before the results come out... I will rely on fighting with you to make me stronger."

Well... To be honest, Bai Yu's proposal of this "combat" thing did surprise him a little, but now think about it... It's not something unacceptable.

After all, taking advantage of this opportunity, he can observe her current strength "openly" and can also take this opportunity... Experiment with the tricks that have never been used before.

By the way, learn some ways to "manipulate" magic from her.

"Well... okay."

After seeing Youyu agreed - although he only agreed halfway, Bai Yu still breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Youyu is indeed a stubborn person... It is indeed not easy to convince him in this regard.

Then, rely on the subsequent battles and use "strength" to convince him.

Use this to change his mind and let him not use such a "painful" risky method to become stronger...

"Youyu... The place of the battle is in the large area that I took you to when we went out before. When I helped you "find your memory" before, Liu Meng should have taken you there."

"So... When do you decide to leave? Youyu?"

"... At least after lunch."

After thinking for a while, Youyu said.

Then, he suddenly remembered something, picked up his mobile phone, clicked on "Weather", and began to check the weather forecast in recent times.

Then he just saw that it would rain around four or five in the afternoon.

So he said to Bai Yu:

"The battle will take place around 4 to 5 in the afternoon. It just so happens that your ability is related to water... so at that time, you should be able to exert your full strength."

"... That's true, but in this case, can you bear it, Youyu?"

"Well, I think I can.After all, I am still quite strong now, right? ”

“Is that so…”

After seeing Youyu also said that it was okay, Bai Yu didn’t say anything more, nodded, and then lowered her head to look at the chat page on the phone, “starting to be in a daze”.

And Youyu did the same, and didn’t bother her anymore.

After all, Bai Yu is now…just like him.

They all just want to “do practical things”.


Time soon came to four or five in the afternoon.

Just as the weather forecast said, at this time, it really rained—a moderate rain that was not too small or too heavy, and it was difficult to leave any impression on people.

It’s just…when I’m here, Bai Yu can always recall the series of things that happened before.

Especially through the mirror leaning against the tree, which has been kept for some reason…it’s even more unforgettable.


“I don’t want to think about it…”

Looking at her expression in the mirror—an expression that Bai Yu herself couldn’t explain clearly, she thought so.

“Bai Yu, are you okay like this? "

However, before she had time to feel sad, Youyu's voice suddenly interrupted her.

"You walked into the rain without an umbrella... Is it really okay?"


Turning around, looking at Youyu standing far away from her with a black umbrella, Bai Yu shook her head and said:

"My magic power can prevent me from getting wet... So it's okay."

"Compared to this--"

"Come quickly."

"I'm ready."


After hearing what Bai Yu said, Youyu didn't say anything more, so he did the same as her-throwing away the umbrella in his hand.

Then, he took out the sword made of "wood" hidden on his body and placed it in front of him.

"Let me say this first, Bai Yu."

"I hope... you can go all out."

"Fight me in the way of 'must kill this enemy'. "

"Only in this way... can I become stronger."



After a moment of silence, Bai Yu answered.

Then, the next moment, light flashed on the bodies of the two at the same time - green and blue lights shone on each other in the gloomy rainy day, and finally revealed their true appearance.

One is the magical girl Lan Ye with a "mysterious" aura and clothes like a "sea god".

And the other... is a "weird man" with a strange appearance, wearing a hood, and not even worthy of a name.

And after the weird man appeared...

he raised the sword in his hand and pointed it at the magical girl Lan Ye...at Bai Yu.

And seeing his action, Bai Yu couldn't help but be stunned.



Because, for some reason.

A familiar feeling came out from Youyu's action.

But it should be...

It's just her illusion.

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