"So, it's really a pity~ Magical Girls."

Looking at their nervous expressions, the Snake Knight sighed as if he really felt sorry for them, then took the newly born sword in his right hand, held the dragon's head high in his left hand, and walked towards them while slowly saying:

"I may not be able to control myself in the state of King Snake..."



Before the Snake Knight finished speaking, in an instant, Wu Yue saw the Snake Knight rushing in front of her, and then slashed the sword in his hand at her.


Wu Yue was startled, and after reacting, she quickly raised the sword in her hand to resist the attack of the Snake Knight, but this time, she no longer felt that she could bounce his attack back, but instead, it was a feeling of equal strength!

Looking at Wu Yue, who was nervous, the Snake Knight smiled and said:

"So, at this time, I might kill you, you know? Magical girl..."


After saying this, the Snake Knight used the dragon on his left hand to push forward and hit Wu Yue's body.


Thanks to the protective shield formed by magic as a buffer, Wu Yue did not suffer much damage, but judging from the expression on her face at the moment, she was not much better.

After all, the attack of the Snake Knight just now was really painful!

"Don't think that you are the only ones who have the so-called power of the mind."

"I also know a little bit."

"Wu Yue! Are you okay!"

Bai Yu looked at Wu Yue, who was half squatting on the ground with her sword, and then glanced at the slowly approaching Snake Knight, gritted his teeth, rushed out, and ran to her side.

After raising an ice wall in front of her and helping her up, he said:

"You should be okay? Are you injured anywhere?!"

"... No, but the power of the snake knight is obviously much stronger."

"Really? That's good... But the snake knight actually has a new form, which we didn't expect. He is very strong now. I don't know how much chance we have of winning..."

"What do you want to do next, Wu Yue?"

Looking at Wu Yue who was silent, Bai Yu asked.

The current situation is that Wu Yue has gained a new and powerful power. Obviously, their victory is within reach.

However, as if it was a joke, the snake knight suddenly changed his form when he was at a disadvantage, making himself stronger.

Although she had long thought that their victory would not be so easy, at the moment when the snake knight changed his form, she still felt that their previous efforts were like a joke.

The enemy took out a stronger force and easily crushed it.

If they continue to persevere in the future...

Will they win?

"...Keep fighting!"

After taking a deep breath, Wu Yue shook her head and gave her answer.

Afterwards, she stood up again with her sword in hand, facing the snake knight in the distance.


Seeing this scene, Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, then sighed, shook her head, and also stood up and stood next to Wu Yue.

Afterwards, controlling the surrounding rain, with a serious expression, he looked at the approaching snake knight.

She was not surprised that Wu Yue could make the decision to continue fighting.

Anyway, it has come to this point...

Then just go to the end of this road!

Whether it is victory or failure, it depends on the next performance!

"It's really touching~ Magical girls."

"But, to be honest, I don't have the idea of ​​playing with you anymore..."



With a snap of his fingers, the snake knight didn't give them any chance to continue confronting him. The next moment, black and purple flames suddenly rose from around them and surrounded them.


Seeing these flames suddenly appear, Bai Yu activated the magic power in her body and wanted to put out these flames, but found that she couldn't control them at all!

It was as if her control over those raindrops was cut off!

"Bai Yu!"

Noticing Bai Yu's panic expression, Wu Yue just wanted to step out of this flame circle that posed no threat to her, but she shrank back and asked anxiously:

"Can't you leave here?!"

"Well! No, I don't know why! These flames seem to block my control of the rain outside! If I liquefy at this time..."

"Put the groundCrack! Then you can just liquefy and hide inside? ! "

"...You're right!"

"But unfortunately, you don't have that chance now~"

As the snake knight said this, a huge "dragon" roared and appeared behind him.

Then he jumped back and landed on the head of the snake.

"After all, you should die now."

The next moment, they turned their heads and saw the figure falling from the sky towards them.

And behind that figure, there was an extremely huge "dragon".

It rushed towards them with an unstoppable terrifying momentum.


After seeing the terrifying figure and looking at Bai Yu who could not affect the ground no matter how he attacked, Wu Yue gritted his teeth, raised his sword, and prepared to take the attack head-on.

"Go! Wu Yue! This space has been changed by the snake knight! I can't do any damage to this ground!"

"If you take his attack here... both me and you will die!"

"... There is no way that's possible!"

"I've already decided! I'm going to take Youyu back!"

"At the same time, I have to protect the people around me..."

"How can I be knocked down by something like this here! "

Although Wu Yue knew clearly that with the existing strength, it was meaningless for the Snake Knight who used a "cheating" method.

But she still had to do it!

If she was still determined to protect the people around her like before!

Then her defense this time might turn around!

"Humph~ It seems to be the end~"

Looking at them who did not dodge at all, but just stood there and used all the defensive means, the Snake Knight sneered, increased his speed, and kicked towards them.

As the Snake Knight got closer and closer to them, their heartbeats reached an unprecedented frequency.

However, the next moment——


"? ! "

Just as the Snake Knight was about to kick them, a huge green figure suddenly emerged from the ground in front of them.

Then, that figure - the plant-like monster, swung his fist and hit the Snake Knight.

"? ! Interesting! You actually woke up early!"

Feeling the powerful force under his feet, the Snake Knight's tone became irritable, and then he pushed hard and pushed down!

Seeing that the plant-like monster was trapped in the ground again because of his attack, the Snake Knight couldn't help laughing and said:

"That's perfect! I'm here... I'll take you on the road together!"

"Youyu! Is that you? ! Youyu! Answer me quickly! If you take this attack for us... you will probably die!"

"Huh? ! This negative beast is..."

After a moment of shock, Wu Yue quickly reacted and realized the identity of the strange man in front of her. She couldn't hold back her strong emotions and shouted in panic, trying to get him to leave this place.

Bai Yu was shocked by this sudden scene and couldn't speak for a while. She didn't know what to do next.

But... they didn't react in time.

Because just when the wrestling between the snake knight and "Youyu" reached its peak-


Purple, gold, and green light.

They completely lost consciousness.

This was the last time they saw "Youyu".

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