After the battle.

Youyu moved Wu Yue and Bai Yu, who had fainted, under a big tree to prevent them from continuing to soak in the rain.

After settling them, Youyu looked back at them for the last time and left.

Because he was going to start his next plan.


The rain was still falling.

After leaving the place where the battle took place, Youyu walked on the street, passing one place after another, until people's voices gradually became smaller and then disappeared, and he stopped.

He stopped in a small alley far away from the cake shop.

He walked to the wall of the alley skillfully and sat down against it.

Youyu began to call out to the Mamba in his body:

"The plan has been completed, Mamba."

"And just now it was as you wished... Let you possess me and fight with me for a while, how do you feel?"

"Not bad, Youyu."

Mamba said with satisfaction.

"In the past, I have always thought that I must defeat the magical girl once in the future! Unfortunately, I can't do it with my own ability..."

"If it weren't for you, I might not be able to fulfill this wish until now."


Listening to what the Mamba said in his body, Youyu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and said:

"If I can help fulfill your wish, that would be the best. After all, I have something to ask you for help next."

"What help, Youyu?"

"Help me investigate the information of your 'colleagues'. If you can do it now, or if you can recall anything useful, please tell me."

"Well !These things are not a problem for me. After all, I have been searching for their memories before. Now that my body has recovered, it is not difficult to investigate them..."

"But I still want to ask you, why do you suddenly want to do that?"

"Why do you want to do this..."

After a moment of silence, Youyu said directly:

"The main reason is that in the next plan, I may have to eliminate some things that are in the way."

"So, I want you to help me investigate how to kill them."


After hearing Youyu's answer, Mamba hesitated for a moment, and then agreed to Youyu's request.


"So what is your next plan?"

"My plan is to wait here first."

"See if I can wait for the third magical girl."

Looking at the direction at the other end of the alley, Youyu replied.

Just before, after the battle with Wu Yue and Bai Yu, he had already decided on the next course of action, which was that he would be found by them one day in a certain place after “losing his memory”, and then start his life from scratch.

After all, in the recent battles, the “night demon” had been causing trouble every day, whether it was small or big.

Moreover, He also focused his attention on him.

If he continued like this, it would definitely not work, because as an “ordinary person”, he had no ability to fight against it at all, and would be exposed to a very dangerous environment.

At that time, Wu Yue might have the idea of ​​“protecting” him again, even if it would not be as extreme as before, it would definitely not be much better.

As for Bai Yu… well, although Youyu could see now that her current actions towards him and Wu Yue were all out of “guilt” and “self-blame”, she took action.

But it was hard to say what she would become over time.

All these situations added up, and the final outcome was that he would stagnate in the "cultivation" plan.

This would never work.

Therefore, in this test, he simply used the trick and implemented the previous plan A that he had imagined in his mind - the plan to make "Youyu" lose her memory, become a weirdo, and then reconnect with them.

Once this plan is implemented, he will not only have a reasonable excuse to appear on the battlefield, but also have the opportunity to "reasonably" kill the enemy.

There will also be... a "cultivation" opportunity for Bai Yu.

After all, he has spent too much time on Wu Yue.

It's time for him to take care of Bai Yu's affairs.

But before that, he thinks he still has to try his luck and see if he can open a third route -

The route about the third magical girl, the magical girl Yantu.

He had previouslyIt has been investigated that Liu Meng passes by here every day on her way home from get off work... Although she occasionally does not go home because of the night shift.

But, if she can pass by here and "accidentally" find him lying on the ground, and kindly pick him up.

That would be great.

Even if she did not take such an action, but took other actions, he would not care.

After all, he has already thought of a plan to deal with it in his mind.

In addition to the setting of "amnesia", there are more plans...

"So this is your idea..."

After listening to Youyu's explanation, Mamba was silent for a long time, and then said with emotion.

Then, He looked at the sky through Youyu's perspective and said:

"But, does it have to be like this? Getting wet in the rain? It feels a bit... too stupid?"

"Well... after all, this is more atmospheric and miserable. If she can meet it, maybe I can bring it back to her."


Youyu said with a somewhat uncertain tone.

After all, this plan to contact the third magical girl is just a plan B, not the main plan.

If it fails, he will have to go back to his main plan A.

However, because Wu Yue and Bai Yu may not wake up so soon.

So, he decided to try his luck and see if his plan B can be completed.


After listening to Youyu's explanation, Mamba said earnestly:

"Then Youyu, if you have waited for almost the time and she hasn't come yet, leave here."

"After all, if you are exposed to the rain for a long time, you will catch a cold. I know this very well."

"Well, thank you for your concern, Mamba, but I am no longer a pure human being. In fact, I will not catch a cold..."


After hearing Youyu's explanation, Mamba closed his mouth and said nothing.

And Youyu, on the other hand, set his sights on the alley again, waiting for the arrival of the "protagonist".


So, after an unknown amount of time.

A figure with an umbrella and golden hair finally appeared at the entrance of the alley.

Seeing the appearance of that figure, Youyu breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself:

The official contact with the third magical girl is coming!

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