As usual, after a day of hard work, Liu Meng packed up her things early, held up an umbrella, and walked on the way home.

But... she didn't expect that she would meet an unexpected person on the way home this time.

A person who had only met her once and should not have had any relationship with her——

"... Who is that?"

Looking at the man sitting against the wall of the alley, with his head down, bleeding, and washed by the heavy rain, Liu Meng opened her eyes wide, frowned, and looked at him in disbelief for a long time.

This alley... Logically speaking, basically no one would come here. It is a road dedicated to her home.

Why, there is someone here? And he looks like this...

After thinking for a while, she walked forward, squatted down, and saw the man's face clearly.

After taking a look, she was sure.

... There is no mistake, this man is the one she met at work last time, the one who customized a birthday cake for the magical girl.

I remember, it seems to be called Youyu.

Why, he appeared here?

And why is he in such a bruised state now?

Thinking so, Liu Meng looked at other parts of him, trying to find some clues.

Then, he saw a black crack on his arm, and there was a faint purple light in the crack.

Seeing this scene, Liu Meng was startled, and then as if he remembered something, he stood up instantly, stepped back a few steps, and took a few deep breaths, looking like he was scared.

After waiting for a while, Liu Meng calmed down his mood, looked at the crack on Youyu's hand, his expression sank, and he couldn't help muttering in his mouth:

"Why... this situation happened again?"

"Did the two magical girls fail?"


After a while of silence, Liu Meng tried his best to control himself from looking at him, then turned his head away, and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

However, after walking for a while, she found that her steps were still so slow.

She sighed, turned around, and looked at the place where Youyu fell.

He was still sitting there, without any movement.

"Hey, are you okay?"

After walking quickly to Youyu's side and holding an umbrella for him, Liu Meng asked loudly.

However, after a long time, Youyu did not respond at all, and still looked like he was unconscious with his head down.

"... Tsk."

Helplessly, Liu Meng looked at the yellow gem on her neck that was only emitting a little light, was silent for a moment, and then held it.


After holding it, the yellow light instantly spread throughout her body, and then there was no movement.

After feeling a force attached to her body, Liu Meng no longer hesitated, squatted down, grabbed one of Youyu's hands, crossed her neck, and lifted him up to a barely standing position.

Then, he raised the umbrella, dragged him, and walked towards his home step by step.



"Where am I...?"

In the dark.

After an unknown amount of time, Youyu, who had fainted, finally opened his eyes and saw clearly the environment he was in.

In an empty room with only one door.

This room was very dark... Only the chandelier above his head could allow him to barely see the environment around him.

Confused, when he wanted to walk towards the door, Youyu found that no matter how he wanted to move, he could not leave the chair he was sitting on when he woke up.

He lowered his head and looked down, only to see that his feet had been tied with iron shackles at some point.

And his hands were also tied behind his back and tied to the back of the chair.

"I'm being kidnapped?!"

Feeling that something was wrong, Youyu was startled at first, then quickly calmed himself down and began to think about how to escape from this bad situation.

And it was at this time.


The door of this room was suddenly opened.

Attracted by the sound, Youyu looked up in the direction of the door, and then saw a blonde girl with red eyes and a double ponytail holding a bottle of water in her hand.

"...Huh? Are you awake?"

Noticing that Youyu had woken up, the girl was stunned for a while, and after reacting, she came over, walked in front of him, handed the water to his mouth, and said:

"II know you have a lot of doubts now... But please drink this water first. You haven't drunk water for a long time. If you don't drink enough water, something bad will happen. "


Seeing that Youyu still didn't speak and looked alert, the girl tutted impatiently, and then her tone became irritable, saying:

"Hurry up, don't waste my time anymore."


Perhaps because he was afraid, or perhaps because he realized that the current situation did not give him a second choice, Youyu chose to open his mouth after a moment of silence, and drank all the water that the girl handed to him.

After watching Youyu finish drinking the water, her impatient expression eased a little. After staying there for a while, she brought a chair from outside, put it in front of Youyu, and then sat in front of him.

After seeing her sit down, Youyu was about to speak when he was interrupted by the girl's words:

"Wait a minute! Wait for me to finish asking you questions before you speak. ”

“What’s the problem?”

“I don’t know if you are really playing dumb or you don’t know… Go back and take a look at the thing on your arm.”

After hearing her words, Youyu turned back and looked at his arm, and then saw a black crack.

Looking at the crack, Youyu frowned, thinking for a long time, but still couldn’t figure out what it was.

Helpless, because he really didn’t know, so he could only turn his head back, look at the girl, and said:

“I really don’t know what that crack is, but I can feel that it is really bad… Do you know anything about these cracks?”

“Huh? You often act with those two magic girls, can’t you see it yourself?”

“…Magical girl? What are you talking about? I don’t understand at all? "


Looking at Youyu in front of her with a frown on his face and a puzzled look, the girl finally realized something and her expression became serious.

Then, she was silent for a moment, turned on her phone, and then changed a photo - a photo of a cake, put it in front of him, and said:

"Do you still recognize what this thing is?"

"This thing? Isn't it just an ordinary birthday cake? Of course I can tell."

"...This is the birthday cake you ordered at the cake shop before. I was the waiter. Don't you remember it?"

"...I don't think I have ever done these things?"

After listening to the girl's words, Youyu pondered for a while, and then said.

Seeing this scene, the girl finally confirmed it.

"Tsk! This kind of thing happened..."

"What happened?"

After sighing, the girl looked at him and said:

"In other words, you have lost your memory."

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