
Time passed quickly, and a week passed quickly.

During these seven days, which were neither long nor short, Youyu's life could be described as "returning to the past" again...mainly referring to the period after Liu Meng came back.

After all, on the day when Liu Meng first investigated the things before he became a negative beast, he failed to effectively detect her mood in time, which led to an accidental stepping on a landmine. Although it did not overturn, it was still not good to think about it.

So on the second day, knowing that he could not rush for success, he proposed a way to help her in another way - in simple terms, it was to look after the house, do housework or cook meals.

At first, Liu Meng still refused a little, but she couldn't stand the great principles he talked about, and after thinking for a long time, she agreed.

Then...the "nightmare" began. It's not that he really encountered a nightmare-like thing, but mainly since he proposed to help Liu Meng in this way, her attitude towards him has gradually become stricter.

It is not convenient to say how strict she was and what happened, because it is really indescribable...

If you have to describe it, you can recall the scene of being nagged by the old mother in the past.

It is really warm and tormenting...

"Although I am no longer a human being, I still can't stand it..."

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Youyu couldn't help but sigh.

"And she went out again early this morning, but I don't know what she is going to do."

"Let's wait and see."

After looking at the clock on the wall and seeing that it was almost the same time, Youyu closed his eyes and continued to wait.

Since today is a holiday, in the morning, Liu Meng said that she would bring him a surprise or something, opened the door, and ran out early.

When she ran out, she was still smiling.

Looking at her turning around and leaving, Youyu realized that now is a great opportunity.

After all, if he could figure out what made her happy on this day, then he would have more options for his future plans.

Now, he only had to sit and wait for Liu Meng to come back...


"I'm back!"

After a while, Liu Meng opened the door and returned home.

Hearing the sound of her changing shoes and walking into the living room, Youyu opened his eyes with a "sleepy" look, stood up from the sofa and said:

"Uh... you are finally back, Liu Meng."

"So, what did you do this morning? Are you so happy?"

"Well? Didn't I say that? I brought you a surprise?"

"Youyu, you are not awake yet, are you?"

"... That's right."

After thinking for a while, Youyu nodded "hard".

Seeing him like this, Liu Meng's excitement gradually subsided, and then she sighed and said:

"Come with me, I'll take you to that room."

"If there's a surprise... it's right there."


Listening to Liu Meng's words, You Yu followed her and walked to the door of the room where he was at the beginning.

After arriving at the door of the room, Liu Meng asked him to wait outside, and she went in, saying that she wanted to prepare some things.


So, after a while, You Yu noticed a sense of magic running in the room - it was the magic fluctuation caused by the magic girl when she used her skills.

"You Yu, you can come in now."


Looking at Liu Meng who opened the door and leaned out, You Yu pretended that nothing had happened and walked into the room as if nothing had happened.

"Huh? This is..."

After walking in, he saw a white bed leaning against the corner.

After seeing the bed, Youyu reacted, turned around, and asked Liu Meng in surprise:

"Liu Meng, this bed... did you make it?"

"Yes! I went to the mall this morning and bought this bed."

"Of course I know I bought it, but how did you get it here?"

"It's just a little bit of magic. You can't understand it for now. The main reason is that I want to save the money for assembly, and it's also troublesome to find someone to bring it up."

"Anyway, this is not the most important point--"

After coughing, Liu Meng looked at Youyu with a smile,Said:

"Let's try it first? How does this bed feel?"



Watched by her with an inexplicably happy look, Youyu walked to the side of the bed, then sat down and lay down.

Feeling the unprecedented softness after lying on the sofa for the past few days, Youyu took a deep breath and looked relaxed.

Then, he turned over and saw a line of black text in the corner of the bed in his peripheral vision, and was stunned for a while.

Looking at his "dazed" look, Liu Meng did not notice what he found, but couldn't help laughing.

After laughing for a while and noticing the look Yu Yu was looking at her, Liu Meng coughed and said with a smile:

"You may not remember it, but I agreed with you last time that I would buy a bed for your room."

"It's just that I've been busy with work these days and didn't have time to go to the mall to look at beds, so I kept delaying it until now."

"When you were resting at home these days, you basically lay on the sofa, and you were busy doing all kinds of work at home... Now that I think about it carefully, I was a little too strict."

"So today when I was on holiday, I went to the mall early to look at it and buy it for you. Which bed to buy? This one is the best I have tried to pick. "

"…Anyway, I can't say anything good. I hope you like it."

"No, I don't really need it."

Shaking his head, Youyu stood up, looked at a corner of the bed, and said:

"After all, having a bed to sleep on is a good thing, but I am a little confused..."

"Why are there those words written on this bed?"

"Those words? Are you talking about——"


After hearing what Youyu said, Liu Meng was stunned for a while, then reacted, walked around Youyu, climbed onto the bed, and took a look at the words on the bed.

After seeing the words on the bed, Liu Meng seemed to recall something, was silent for a long time, then sighed, and left the bed.

Turning back, looking at Youyu with a puzzled expression, Liu Meng said calmly:

"Go out first, Youyu."

"I'll find a way to deal with these words."


It was no surprise that Liu Meng would say this to him. Youyu nodded, turned around and walked out of the room.

After walking out of the room and leaning against the door, Youyu began to recall the text he had just seen -

"For our beloved sister..."


"There is a magical breath above those words."

Youyu thought:

"Although it was just an unexpected discovery, we now have a clue for the time being."

"Is her wish... related to her sister?"

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