After about ten minutes.

"Come here first, Youyu, there are some things... I need to tell you."

Liu Meng in the room opened the door, stuck her head out and said.


Nodding, Youyu stopped leaning against the wall and walked towards the direction of the room.

After entering the room, the situation inside was not much different from before. The only difference was... Liu Meng, at this moment, her face no longer had the happy look before, but a bitter expression instead.

Noticing Liu Meng's current appearance, Youyu frowned and asked:

"What happened, Liu Meng?"

"Your expression now doesn't look very good."

After hearing what Youyu said, Liu Meng sighed, turned her head to meet his gaze, and said:

"You should have seen the words on the bed just now?"

"The words on the bed? Well... I probably saw it a little bit more clearly."

After thinking for a while, Youyu replied.

"Really... Then, I have nothing to hide."

After hearing Youyu's answer, Liu Meng shook her head.

"So what happened, Liu Meng?"

"Those words are about my wishes and my power."

"I originally...didn't intend to tell you about these things, but now it seems that I can't hide them."

"After all, those words on the bed are derived from my wishes, and I can't clear them."

"Wishes? Are you referring to your sister?"


Nodding, Liu Meng glanced at the bed, then retracted her gaze and said to Youyu:

"Let's go out and talk first, I don't want to stay here anymore."

"When we get there, I'll tell you about my past."

"After all, I can't let you worry."



After locking the door of the room tightly, Liu Meng poured two glasses of water and placed them on Youyu and herself respectively.

After sitting down, she drank a sip of water, and then after thinking for a while, she said to Youyu:

"Do you remember what kind of things magical girls experience before they transform into 'magic girls'?"

"Well... let me think about it. According to what you said before, before they transform into magical girls, they will experience an attack by negative beasts."

"So, Liu Meng, the reason why you became a magical girl is related to the attack of negative beasts on your sister, right?"

After thinking for a while, Youyu asked.

"Well, that's right."

Nodding, Liu Meng said in a calm tone:

"The reason why I transformed into a magical girl and my desire to transform into a magical girl are related to my sister."

After saying that, Liu Meng paused for a while and continued:

"... Actually, until now, I don't really want to recall what happened at that time, so there are some places that I may not be very clear about. I hope you can understand, Youyu."

"No problem." Youyu nodded.

"Then I will continue."

"One night two years ago, my family and I went out for dinner, and on the way home... we encountered a centipede-shaped negative beast."

"At that time, there were no magical girls. My family and I were just ordinary people without abilities. When we encountered these monsters, our only choice was to run away."

"While running away, my sister fell down, causing her legs to be injured by the centipede-shaped negative beast, and she could no longer stand up..."

"I looked at her falling down, and wanted to carry her on my back and take her away, but the negative beast was faster, and it quickly blocked my way and blocked our way."

"My parents saw it and wanted to rush over to help my sister and me." , but the negative beast was huge, so it just swung its body slightly and they were knocked unconscious. ”

“So at that time... that voice appeared, it confirmed my wish and gave me the power of a magical girl. ”

“With this power, I protected my sister, my father and my mother, all of them.”

“Well... so your wish is to protect your family?”

“Yes, the wish I made at that time was to protect my family and others to prevent similar things from happening again.”

Nodding, Liu Meng continued:

“After the battle, we took my sister to the hospital and found that her legs were injected with some unknown toxin. If it is not handled properly,If I were to say that, the disability of both legs is a minor matter, and the more serious ones... may even endanger my life. "

"But fortunately, I still had the power of a magic girl at that time, so I was able to use my own magic power to suppress the toxins in my sister's body... Although I also wanted to eliminate it, I didn't have that ability. "

"Because when I turned into a magic girl, my sister and my parents fainted, so that time in order to treat my sister, I exposed my identity as a magic girl in front of her. "

"Until now... I can still remember her shocked and happy expression at that time."

As she said this, Liu Meng's mouth finally had a smile, but it was quickly suppressed and returned to the stable state before.

"After I exposed my identity, my sister always cared about my physical condition and reminded me not to be too impulsive or anxious. If there was anything, I must tell her or my parents."

"Although I verbally agreed, I didn't do it."

"One of the reasons is that I didn't want them to worry, and the other reason... was because at that time, I didn't realize how powerful the enemy was. ”

“In the battles that followed, I was able to deal with them calmly at first, but as time went on, the negative beasts created by the enemy became stronger and stronger, and even in the end, those evil cadres personally went to the battlefield.”

“…After a long battle, after I defeated one of them, my physical injuries had reached a terrifying level, so I couldn’t hold on and fell down after the battle.”

“When I opened my eyes the next day, I was already in the hospital, surrounded by my parents who looked serious and distressed, and my sister who was inconvenient to move but still insisted on seeing me.”

“My sister told my parents about my situation, so they said a lot of words to me... In the end, they told me that no matter what happened, I couldn’t just let myself hold on. I must tell them, let them understand, and then solve the problems I encountered together.”

“In short, let me rely on them more.”

“I had no choice at that time, and I knew they were doing it for my own good, so I accepted their request to me. ”


“The situation has indeed improved a lot.”


“You should drink some water first, Liu Meng.”

Seeing that Liu Meng’s expression had not changed, but her eyes had turned red unconsciously, You Yu put the cold water in front of her aside and replaced it with a bottle of hot water.

“Thank you.”

After drinking a sip of water, Liu Meng took a deep breath, looked at You Yu with a complicated expression, and said bitterly:

“After my family knew my identity as a magical girl, I thought that I would be able to spend the rest of my life in a little pain but beauty.”

“But then something happened... It proved that I was too naive.”


After a moment of silence, Liu Meng continued:

“That day, when my parents and I went to the hospital to visit my sister... I found that the centipede negative beast appeared again, and next to it, there was an evil cadre standing. ”

“That cadre threatened my sister’s life and my parents’ lives, and wanted to kill me under the pretext of ‘ensuring the safety of hostages’.”

“I did not accept His conditions, because I knew He would not abide by them, so I chose to fight and tried my best to save my family from His hands.”

“But… I was not able to perfectly ‘protect’ after all, because my sister’s injuries became more serious in that attack.”

“I was panicked and desperate at that time… I wanted to use all my magic power to heal her, but the more I did that, the more serious her injuries became.”

“Later, I discovered that the power of a magical girl is directly linked to the mind. At that time, I blamed myself for not protecting my sister, which led to… my power decreasing, and I could no longer effectively suppress the toxins in her body.”

“After the power decreased, the negative beast continued to appear, and I continued to fight, but the more I fought, the more failures I encountered, and my faith… was further lost. "

"In the end, the toxins in my sister's body became more and more difficult to control. "

"At that time, I wanted to apologize for her and do something for her... but I didn't know how to do it. I just heard her complain about the uncomfortable bed in the hospital, so I didn't even think about it and developed a magic trick to make the bedBring it to her and change it for her, even though it was impossible. ”

“But after I got to her...she had completely fainted and never woke up again.”

“Although she still had a trace of life, she was already on the verge of death.”


“At that time, watching my parents crying and my sister unconscious, I was struggling in my heart, not knowing what to do.”

“Until I experienced the evil cadre turning people into negative beasts, I made my decision.”

Speaking of this, Liu Meng took a deep breath:

“…I chose to give up fighting and stop being a magical girl.”

“After all...I am not a selfless person.”

“If I keep fighting, one day, I will fail.”

“Once I fail, my sister will not be able to survive.”

“After making the decision, I used half of my own magic power to create a rock puppet and guarded them.”

“And I left them and came here. ”

“After all, I can’t involve them anymore.”

“I can only rely on myself.”


“Is that so…”

After listening to Liu Meng’s explanation, You Yu looked at her, who turned her head away and trembled a little, and nodded thoughtfully.

“Unlike Wu Yue and Bai Yu…”

“Is she a magical girl who doesn’t want to fight anymore because of fear?”

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