
"So that's the story."

After being shocked by Liu Meng's words for a long time, You Yu finally reacted and sighed with mixed emotions.

Then, he looked at Liu Meng sitting opposite him, opened his mouth, and finally said:

"Sorry, I made you mention the past."

"No, it doesn't matter."

Listening to You Yu's apology, Liu Meng, who had recovered, shook her head and said:

"Even if you don't mention it, I will occasionally think of that time. I'm used to the pain."


Looking at Liu Meng shaking her head, as if she really didn't care, You Yu sighed and said:

"Getting used to pain is not a good thing."

"But real life is like this, we can't change it, so we can only get used to it."

After saying that, Liu Meng was silent for a while, looked at him with some pity and envy, and said:

"Comparatively, you are now It might be a blessing to be able to forget what happened when you became a negative beast. "

"If you still have the memory now, you might still be struggling between the choice of whether to meet them or not."

"I really am... a little envious of you."


After listening to Liu Meng's words, You Yu lowered his head and thought for a moment, then drank a sip of water and said:

"Personally, I don't think this is a lucky thing."

"Selectively forgetting the pain and escaping is indeed what everyone does, but... people can't always be on the road of escape, and one day they will have to face it."

"Instead of letting the pain in the past memories catch up and tear themselves apart, it is better to take the initiative to find them and face them."

"For a lifetime... If you just run away and are locked in the shadow of the past, there will be no future. "


"What will you do then?"

"What will you do after you get your memories back?"

Meeting Liu Meng's eyes, You Yu said in a steady tone:

"Face them."

"Find the source of the pain."

"Then eliminate it."

"My answer... is that simple."

After hearing You Yu's answer, Liu Meng was silent for a while, then said:

"Do you really want to get your own memories back, You Yu?"

"Well, of course, and didn't you say before that you would help me?"

"I did say that, but--"

Recalling the information she had heard from Bai Yu and Wu Yue's conversation this week, Liu Meng thought After a while, he said:

"It's just that I'm not sure if you can really accept the memories you've lost."

"I've told you what they talked about these days."

"If you regain your memories, you might be even more miserable."

"You might even become a negative beast again."


"I did think about what you said."

"But blindly avoiding it won't solve the problem."

"Let's not talk about me, let's talk about the two magical girls——"

"Compared to living here like this, hiding here in the name of 'for their own good', watching them suffer there to find me."

"It's better to regain your memories earlier, understand what happened before and after, and face them head-on."

"Whether I die or live in the end, there must be a result."

"It's better than them living in self-deception lies forever now."

After sighing, Youyu continued:

"And what I hate most is lying. "


"Is that so?"

After listening to what Youyu said, Liu Meng was silent for a long time.

Finally, she raised her head, looked at Youyu, and said:

"Youyu, I have an idea."


"Maybe after a while... I will see whether to take you out."

"Then, find a way to get your memory back."



In a thunderous, unknown, and extremely terrifying place - the Dark Spire.

The evil cadres who had not gathered together for a long time were summoned here by the tower master this time to hold a meeting.

A meeting held for the Night Demon and the information controlled by Him.

"... Night, Night Demon, I have given you many, many chances... But every time you acted... it ended in failure."

"I will deprive you of your negative emotions... as punishment."

"And, your right to exercise the task... will also be transferred toAnother executor who is more suitable than you."

"You don't have the right to refuse."

"I understand, Tower Master."

After bowing his head to the existence on the top of the tower, Night Demon did not pay much attention to the Tower Master's gaze towards him, but focused on another existence with the same body as him - a white insect man.

This insect man is the existence that the Tower Master has given the new task execution rights. His name is... "Gray Shadow".

It is an existence with older qualifications than him and a longer time.

After Gray Shadow noticed Night Demon's gaze towards him, he also turned his head and said in a bad tone:

"Night Demon, what you are hiding and what you want to do, I have no interest in it. The only thing I know is that your action failed."

"A long time ago, their behavior has given us a conclusion that playing tricks will not end well, and direct attacks can get the best results."

"If you are still thinking about that kind of thing now... I will let you die. ”

“Don’t worry. After being deprived of negative emotions for a period of time, I can’t threaten you anymore.”

It was no surprise that Gray Shadow said he wanted to kill Him. After Night Demon scanned all the other cadres, he turned around and left.

Before leaving, He said:

“These are all the things I know. You don’t have to come to my place as a ‘guest’. If you still have questions… ask the tower master.”


After watching Him leave and disappear, the cadres paused for a while, and then set their sights on Gray Shadow.

Noticing their sights, Gray Shadow did not react, but just looked at them coldly.

It was not until more than ten minutes later that an evil cadre quietly disappeared, and the other “people” gradually disappeared.

They left the Dark Spire with strange thoughts in their minds.

After seeing them all leave, Gray Shadow looked up at the top of the tower, and then flew towards the top of the tower…

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