Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

107Acquired Beehive Factory

After the car drove into "Baihua Town", Li Yang came directly to the gate of the beehive manufacturer Boss Wang's factory.

It is said to be a factory, but in fact it is just a workshop with a relatively large area. Boss Wang's home is here, and the factory is behind the house.

After arriving at the door, Li Yang got out of the car and went in and shouted twice.

"Boss Wang, Boss Wang!"

He heard someone yelling from inside.

"Come here, come on, what's your name!"

Saying that, Boss Wang walked out of the house, only to see Li Yang standing at the door.

Seeing that it was Li Yang, Queen Wang's expression immediately changed, and then he said with a smile:

"Mr. Li, who am I, come here, please come in, I~ will pour you tea.

After speaking, Boss Wang welcomed Li Yang in immediately.

Smiling, Li Yang can be said to be his God of Wealth. If the previous attitude was normal, that is, the seller’s friendly attitude towards customers, then the attitude of Boss Wang now is tantamount to a bit of "lu-fai".

Sitting down, he took out a cigarette from his pocket. Li Yang took out one and handed it to Boss Wang. Boss Wang smiled and stretched out his hands to take the cigarette. In front of Yang.

"Come on, Mr. Li, fire."

After nodding, Li Yang leaned his head over to light a cigarette, then took a puff and said:

"Boss Wang, I think the new Volkswagen at your door is not bad, it costs hundreds of thousands."

After Li Yang finished speaking, Boss Wang greeted him with a smile:

"Damn, it's a means of transportation. It's nothing compared to your big G. It's thanks to you that I changed the car."

Li Yang nodded after listening to him, and then said:

"That's it, Boss Wang, let me just say it straight, I plan to buy your factory, and we, Liyang Biotechnology, plan to add a beehive manufacturing factory under our banner."

After Li Yang said these words, Boss Wang was shocked. If the factory is acquired, then Liyang Biotechnology must produce all beehive needs by itself.

There is no need for me to do anything, so I naturally have nothing to fish for.

Seeing Boss Wang's face changed, Li Yang paused for a moment and continued:

"Of course, I'm not an unreasonable person. As for the purchase fee, you don't have to worry about it. It will definitely satisfy you. Next, you can change your voice.

After taking a deep breath of the cigarette, Boss Wang decided to give it a try.

"Mr. Li, it's not that I don't want to sell it. It's because my family members rely on this factory for food, and these skilled workers have a good relationship with me. Do you think I can bear them to lose their jobs?"

After Boss Wang said this, Li Yang's eyes narrowed. Boss Wang didn't expect Ji Yang to threaten him.

The subtext of his sentence, "The skilled workers in the factory have a good relationship with him, and he can't bear to lose their jobs" is to threaten Li Yang with those workers. If Li Yang makes a forced acquisition, he will dare to make those workers quit.

Leave a factory empty for Li Yang, and he will not be able to find so many skilled carpenters for a while.

After laughing twice, Li Yang threw the cigarette butts in the ashtray, and then said:

"That's right, Boss Wang, you locals must have a good relationship, right?"

Hearing what Li Yang said, Boss Wang nodded and said with a smile:

"That's for sure, Mr. Li. Many people in the factory are my relatives. Do you think the relationship can be bad? Everyone sees you when you look up."

After Boss Wang said this, Li Yang put away his smile. It seems that Boss Wang really wanted to toughen himself up, keep the beehive factory and keep the profits in his own hands.

But Li Yang is destined not to give him this chance.

"Boss Wang, do you think that in today's society, do you rely solely on relationships? Or do you depend on money?"

Boss Wang is also a fine person, and he immediately recognized Li Yang's voice-over.

If he disagrees, Li Yang may have to spend money to buy someone, and he will know better than anyone else whether his "good relationship" brothers will go with the people or with the money.

This sentence made Boss Wang hesitate for a while, and Li Yang's next words undoubtedly "added weight" to his heart.

"Boss Wang, and now that the technology is so advanced, I really don't need so many people. If I can put it on the assembly line, I will definitely not use manpower. It saves money and improves efficiency.



It's not that Boss Wang hasn't thought about building a simple assembly line to produce beehives.

But the cost problem made him directly dispel this idea. He is a small workshop, and it would cost a lot to introduce even a simple production line. If there is no guarantee of stable demand for beehives, he will suffer a lot.

So now he can only use this human method to slowly build as much as he wants.

He doesn't have that ability, but Liyang's Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is definitely not afraid of the cost investment. If the time comes to straighten it up, he may not have a list.

And you can't get a penny of the purchase fee. Rather than waiting until the bankrupt factory closes down, it's better to sell it to Li Yang now to find another way out.

Thinking of this, Boss Wang gritted his teeth and said:

"Then how much will Mr. Li plan to pay me for the acquisition?"

After hearing what Boss Wang said, Li Yang laughed, and it would be much easier to talk about money next.

"Okay, Boss Wang, since you're in such pain, I'll take it easy. The equipment and space in your factory belong to me, and I will continue to use the employees. I won't dismiss them. I will give you the land price plus the equipment. A whole, two million."

Boss Wang's equipment is worthless at all, and the wood and other things are worth more than 200,000 yuan. The main reason is that the place is quite big.

In the countryside, such a large piece of land is worth one or two million yuan, which is not a disadvantage.

After hearing the price from Li Yang, Boss Wang wanted to raise it even more.

"Mr. Li, it's not easy for the young and old in my family. Can you see if we can increase the price?"

After listening to what Boss Wang said, Li Yang said directly:

"Boss Wang, how about this, you should understand in your heart, and I understand that two million is considered a very high price for you. If you don't want to, forget it. My beehive factory will be built in a few days." Get up, you won't have a chance once the work starts."

After Li Yang said this, Boss Wang smiled wryly, and could only say:

"Okay, Mr. Li, I'll sell you.".

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