The two-month construction period is definitely a very short period of time for a project worth hundreds of millions.

Therefore, the solution that Futian Construction Engineering came up with was to work in three shifts, with people resting and machines not resting, and working 24 hours a day without interruption.

Moreover, a dedicated dispatch team ensures an uninterrupted supply of construction materials and building supplies, ensuring that work will not be forced to stop due to lack of something.

This kind of thing is actually very common on the construction site. When you are busy, you suddenly find that the cement you should have is gone, or it hasn’t been mixed well, and the rest of the workers can only wait.

When the cement comes, there may not be enough steel bars, and a lot of time is wasted in this way.

However, Futian Construction Engineering has specially set up a dispatching team to check the data of various materials on the construction site at all times to ensure that they are available when needed, so that kind of situation will not happen.

This is also the difference between emerging companies and those old-school companies. They know how to innovate and use various technologies to achieve the highest efficiency.

For example, an old-school construction company would never spend a high price to hire such a few top students in data research to add an additional "scheduling team".

In their view, the first principle is to save as much as possible.

Li Yang expressed his satisfaction after hearing what the boss of Foton Construction 717 said.

"Okay, then there will be people from Futian Construction Engineering who will help you next, and we are happy to cooperate."

After hearing what Li Yang said, the boss of Futian Construction Engineering smiled and stretched out his hand and nodded.

"Happy cooperation."

After leaving the construction base in Linye Town, Li Yang asked the driver to drive him to "Baihua Town".

The employees sent out before have already negotiated the acquisition with Boss Wang, and the contracts have been signed.

Now Li Yang wants to come and see for himself. The production of beehives has to be raised. When the spring begins, the two super large bee farms in Tianshui Town and Linye Township will need a huge demand for beehives.

Now we have to pre-production and stock up.

This time, Li Yang led the people directly through the gate of the side factory instead of going through the door of Boss Wang's house.

After entering, Li Yang found that the technical team was already in place, and many people were modifying the newly introduced assembly line according to the technical team's requirements, pretending to be various props on it.

We also have to program and design polyethylene materials, etc., so the technical team is all stuck in the factory.

Recently, they have to live and work in "Baihua Town".

There were five people in the technical team before, but now because of Li Yang's needs, two high-quality students in polymer materials and two graduate students in engineering machinery manufacturing have been brought in.

A total of nine people are all busy in the factory.

After checking to make sure there was nothing wrong with them, Li Yang "consoled" them for a while and then left the factory.

According to the leader of the technical group, within five days at most, the production line of the entire factory will be completely new, and new beehives will be produced directly through automation and manual production.

Li Yang has only seen the design drawings and concept drawings before, and he is still looking forward to the new beehive.

After leaving "Baihua Town", Li Yang still went to the "Hundred Gardens" bee farm this time. After all, it was only half an hour's drive away. If he didn't go to see Li Yang, he always felt that something was missing.

Today, the bee farm is still busy filling the "Hundred Flower Honey" again, and the filled "Hundred Flower Honey" must be poured out in a safe and sterile environment, and then refilled into the small bottle.

This is time-consuming, so there is still a lot of "Baihuasheng" in the warehouse that has not been refilled.

The workers were busy, and when Li Yang came to the gate of the beehive, he noticed that the company's Buick commercial vehicle was also parked here.

I don't know which department people came down to do business.

After coming to the beee farm, Li Yang knew that the financial person had come down. Tomorrow is the payday, so the financial person was confirmed.

When work is over, the people in the bee farm have to line up one by one to confirm the attendance rate, etc., and then sign the salary confirmation form, and then the finance department will transfer the salary to the salary card account provided by these people tomorrow.

Glancing at the time, he was about to leave work, so Li Yang simply asked someone to find a bench and sit down, intending to see what was going on.

Apiary office buildings, warehouses, and assembly line factories are all equipped with timing alarm devices. If there is no overtime work, they will leave work in a unified and orderly manner after hearing this sound.

All of them also received the notice today and went to line up in the office building to sign the salary confirmation form.

Seeing that people have already started to come over, Li Yang also became interested. Sometimes giving money to others is also a kind of joy, the joy of being rich...

The faces of the employees of these bee farms couldn't help but be filled with excitement. After all, they can add some new clothes to the children at home when they get paid tomorrow, or find a few friends for a few drinks.

When working in other places, it is normal to not get paid for several months, but now I can receive wages every month.

"Wang Erbao, you have been working for 28 days in total this month, so you asked for two days off, right?"

After hearing the financial inquiry, the man named Wang Erbao nodded with a smile.

"Sidi, the baby at home is sick this month, so she took two days off and works normally for 28 days."

Wang Erbao himself confirmed that the finance minister nodded and continued:

"After deducting two days' wages, your salary for this month is 3,920 yuan. An insurance company or something will pay it on your behalf. Check it out. If there is no problem, sign it and pay it to your salary card tomorrow."

After picking up the salary slip confirmation form, Wang Erbao smiled and signed his name directly.

"Next person!"

"Li Shuzhen, this month you have full attendance. The salary plus an additional full attendance bonus of 300 yuan, a total of 4,560 yuan. Make sure, right?"

Li Yang noticed that almost everyone was full of satisfied smiles, after all, the salary of this job is really good.

Even Uncle Wang from the cafeteria appeared in front of the financial manager with a smile on his face.

After seeing Li Yang here, he even said hello.

"President Li, you are here too."

Nodding with a smile, Li Yang responded:

"Yes. Uncle Wang, how much money do you get this month?"

"I don't know about this either. It depends on what other people's finances say."


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