Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

121 Shancheng Flagship Store Opened, Sales Statistics

Li Yang showed a satisfied smile after opening the email sent by the salesman on a business trip in Shancheng City on the computer.

Manager Liu in the business department of Xingda Plaza didn't fool himself, he just put up an advertisement to fool himself.

The picture in the email clearly shows the sincerity of Xingda Plaza's advertising layout.

Xingda will open soon, and the balloon banner has been pulled up.

It is printed with major international first-line brands entering Xingda Plaza, warmly celebrating the opening of Xingda Plaza.

It is said that the major brands are celebrating the opening of Xingda, but in fact it is an advertisement printed by Xingda Plaza's own people with money and effort.

However, the ones that Xingda can afford to hang on them are all big brands, many of which are luxury brands.

And Liyang Biotechnology is also on it.

There are also posters of Liyang Biotechnology in the picture, which are placed at the entrances of the Grand Plaza, which is very conspicuous.

Moreover, the advertisements of Liyang Biotechnology flashed on the big screens around the square from time to time.

After reading this, Li Yang sighed in his heart. It seems that Manager Liu is quite kind.

In comparison, what Li Yang himself and An Yitian did seems to be not very kind

After a few dry laughs, Li Yang ignored the matter, and asked his assistant to call Wang Zhen in, and asked about the situation of the transportation team.

The transportation team is already on the way out, and it is expected that the first batch of goods will be delivered to the flagship store of Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in Shancheng City tonight.

There is still one day left before the opening of Xingda in Shancheng City. At this juncture, no mistakes should happen to delay the opening.

After confirming that there was no problem, Li Yang called and explained to the business travelers in Shancheng City that they would follow up the whole process when opening and report at any time.

After finishing these, Li Yang left the company, and the next thing is to wait.

Two days later, Xingda Plaza in Shancheng City opened smoothly. The name of Xingda Plaza was very famous all over the country, and the opening day was accompanied by various activities.

So the flow of people is very large, and there are many people who choose to shop no matter whether they want to buy or not.

In the crowd, there was a small group of people who seemed out of tune with the people around them. They didn't look like people who would join in the fun when they opened the business.

People who buy luxury goods will not choose to buy at this time, for nothing, because there are too many people, and they don't want to lose their identity by crowding around.

So when they opened, those high-end stores and high-end stores were empty of business, which was in stark contrast to the scene of people coming and going around.

On the contrary, there are a lot of customers in those lower-grade stores at this time. After all, the consumption of those stores is very low, which is much cheaper than those luxury stores that are often tens of thousands.

So the employees of Xingda Plaza, who are used to marketing, are also very curious about the reason why these ladies squeezed the crowd into the plaza.

After all, not to mention the clothes, even the cars of these people parked in the parking lot outside Xingda Plaza can be seen.

The last ones are BMW, Mercedes-Benz Audi series, Maserati Rolls-Royce and other luxury cars.

These luxury cars have indeed attracted a lot of attention to Xingda Plaza.

With curious eyes, the marketing staff of Xingda paid attention to the destination of these people.

Although they didn't know each other, they seemed to have the same purpose. After seeing the navigation map of Xingda Plaza, they immediately went in the same direction.

For the convenience of customers, the square immediately basically displays the specific information of several buildings and several buildings on the navigation map.

Then, in the eyes of marketing, those people all went to a store in unanimous agreement, which is the "Liyang Biotechnology Mountain City Flagship Store" in the luxury area in the center of the square.

The identities of these people are not low, and things that circulate in the upper-level people (beed) group can easily spread in a circle.

The news that the noble ladies in Rongcheng are now popular to use "hundred flower honey" and "plum blossom honey" has also spread to the noble ladies in the mountain city.

Many of them have already used it from Rongcheng, and the effect is really amazing. Of course, most of them still don't know the specific effect. I heard that "Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd." also opened a flagship in Shancheng City. shop.

So come and buy it and try it out. In short, these people are the first group of customers in Shancheng City.

Waiting for a large number of urban white-collar and golden-collar customers will take a while to "ferment" and wait until the marketing of the advertising department is fully launched, which is the same as the marketing on the small ed book when the Rongcheng flagship store opened.

But we have to wait until the beginning of spring when the supply of goods is sufficient, now those stores in Rongcheng plus the one in Pingyang area, now there is another flagship store in Shancheng City.

The supply of goods barely reaches a state of balance between supply and demand. If there are a little more customers, this balance of supply and demand will be broken.

At that time, the flagship store will often be out of stock, which is the worst situation for the long-term operation of the store, so the company can only avoid this situation and do not do marketing for the time being.

After coming to the store, these so-called "ladies" are not relentless when buying things. The "plum blossom honey" that costs hundreds of dollars a bottle is at least two bottles, and the "camellia honey" is also bought by the way. Quite a lot.

Although there is no "hundred flower honey", these honeys can satisfy the shopping desire of these people.

And it can be clearly seen that the shopping of these people is clearly divided into two groups.

A small group of people are those who have used the products of Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. before, and they are more bold and buy more.

And most of them are people who have heard of the name of "Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.", these people have not experienced it, so they buy relatively less, but it may still be because of the large amount of money. I don't care much about thousands of hundreds.

At least it starts with two bottles, so the turnover of Shancheng City is justified.

At this time, Li Yang in Pingyang was staring at the sales data on the computer, thinking in his heart that he could not buy any more, and the sales volume should not be too much.

Otherwise, the supply of goods cannot keep up.

The current Li Yang is really weird, after all, there is no one who sells goods and prays to sell less, but Li Yang has no choice but to continue this embarrassing situation due to various reasons.

The day was soon over, and the sales of the flagship store of Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in Shancheng City were also quickly calculated.

After seeing this result, Li Yang was slightly relieved. .

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