Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

\"Windmill Memorial Shop\" And \"Windmill Tower\" At 189 Fengchang

After walking around the construction site, the project leader of Foton Heavy Industries gave Li Yang an accurate date.

One week, one week, the "Pear Garden" bee farm can be officially built and put into operation.

This time is about the same as Li Yang estimated. Just now, I went around, except for the warehouse, which has already been built, and the rest of the construction, such as the staff dormitory, has begun to have electricians come in to lay circuit boards.

Also, the outside of the office building has started to be painted, and it took about the same week.

Li Yang and An Yitian also went to see the warehouse just now. All the facilities are well built according to the company's requirements. Many "vacuum storage tanks" in the warehouse have already been filled with "pear nectar".

And according to the agreed date, the manufacturer of the filling production line will also deliver the equipment here in these two days [and they will send technicians to be responsible for the installation and operation.

The bee farms here will have special people to take charge of it. Among the employees recruited before, there are ten people whose salary is a bit higher than that of ordinary workers. Those ten people are all college students, so-called 14 "high-quality talents".

They are responsible for connecting with the "filling production line" manufacturers on technical issues, and they will also be responsible for operating the production line when the "filling production line" is put into operation.

"Okay, then I will trouble you, Fukuda Heavy Industries."

"Mr. Li, where are you talking about, we also use money to do things, so don't worry about leaving it to us.

After saying hello, Li Yang and An Yitian returned to the car, and then the car set off to leave the "Pear Garden" bee farm.

After leaving the "Liyuan" bee farm, Li Yang and An Yitian did not choose to go directly to the company headquarters in Pingyang City, but went to the "Tianshui Town" bee farm.

The sea of ​​flowers over there is now in full bloom season, and I don't know how the "windmill" is built.

At Li Yang's request, the car made a special detour and drove in from the town of "Sweet Water Town" to the location of the bee farm and flower field.

The car drove very slowly along the way, and Yang also paid attention to looking out the window.

It seems that the officials of "Sweet Water Town" have really made great efforts to mobilize and subsidize the townspeople. Many shops facing the street outside the car window are undergoing redecoration. Li Yang alone saw chicken shops, taverns, Laozhen hot pot, glutinous glutinous rice shop, etc. These are shops with tourist characteristics.

Moreover, the "Sweet Water Town" officials also paid for the renovation of the road surface and many things. Bluestone bricks were also laid on the ground, so cars could not pass through, and the driver had no choice but to take a detour and go back to the bee farm and flower field.

"Yi Tian, ​​have you noticed? The tourist town of 'Sweet Water Town' seems to be able to rise. If it is completely rectified, it will probably be similar to the alley in Rongcheng, and there are many ancient towns in Shancheng City."

After hearing what Li Yang said, An Yi nodded sweetly.

"Don't tell me, it's really, quite similar, but tourist towns generally follow the model of an ancient town. Just now I saw that the earth temples in the town are being renovated.

"That's right, such temples can objectively increase the so-called 'cultural heritage' of a place, as well as bookstores."

After the car came outside the bee farm, Li Yang signaled the driver to stop the car.

There are still many tourists outside, and they have also noticed the "windmill tower" being built in the flower field.

Li Yang saw from the car that the spire of the "windmill tower" has been repaired. This small project is fast, and it is estimated that the windmill will be installed in two days. At that time, Ji Yan estimated that "Sweet Water Town" and the bee farm would be "popular" for a while.

"Go, Yi Tian, ​​go down and have a look."

After speaking, Li Yang took An Yitian and the two of them walked along the ridge road just like other ordinary couples who came here to play.

On the side of the road, Li Yang and An Yitian also saw the project introduction map of "Windmill Tower".

In the project introduction map, the conceptual image of the "windmill tower" was made in advance. A windmill moves slowly against the wind, standing in the middle of the endless flower fields, looking cautious but full of vitality.

It’s very beautiful, there are many people around, discussing the windmill tower under construction”


"It's so beautiful. If it is really repaired, I must take pictures here."

"Stop taking pictures, get married soon, the wedding photos can be taken here, the sea of ​​flowers, windmills, small towns, it's absolutely amazing

"Let me just take a photo of the unfinished project first."

"At that time, let's play again after this 'Windmill Tower' is repaired, and call more friends over.

"By the way, it seems that the 'Windmill Memorial Store' of 'Liyang Biotechnology' is just over there in the town, and it's pretty nice, let's go and have a look.

"Okay, let's go, I heard that the fully transparent structure is very beautiful, but it's a pity that it hasn't opened yet, otherwise I just bought a few cans of 'Hundred Flower Honey'

Hearing people talking about Li Yang, he remembered that he also approved a project of "Windmill Memorial Flagship Store" 320......

I almost forgot about it, and I don't know how the repair is going, so I just went over to have a look now.

The two walked along the side of the road and arrived in less than ten minutes. The "Windmill Memorial Shop" was built at the entrance of the town, and directly adopted the all-glass model [the whole shop is as transparent as a castle in the air.

There are only pillars and other materials where glass cannot be used.

There are still workers in the shop doing the final detailed decoration. The whole building looks like a small villa, which is quite interesting.

Li Yang bets that after the completion of the "Windmill Memorial Store", it will definitely be a "net celebrity check-in place".

Since you come to check in, there will be traffic, and if there is traffic, there will definitely be people who choose to enter the store to buy products under Liyang Biotechnology.

It seems that this "Windmill Memorial Store" has been repaired well. At first, Li Yang approved more than 3 million yuan to repair a flagship store in a town. I didn't expect their design to be so distinctive.

"Okay, let's go, Yi Tian, ​​we'll come back after it's repaired here."

Li Yang has already made up his mind, and An Yitian will be responsible for taking down the thousands of acres of orchards and cut walls in Gaojia Town, and he will go to the "barren hills" tomorrow to have a look and get in touch with the authorities. .

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