Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

026 Plum Blossom Tree (New Book Please Read!!!)

After arriving at the office of the advertising department, Li Yang directly signaled them to put down their work and have a small meeting.

After hearing Li Yang's words, several people in the advertising department sat together to listen to Li Yang's speech, and then Li Yang talked about the company's plan to launch royal jelly products.

After hearing the news, several people in the advertising department were very happy. After all, this shows that the company is getting bigger and bigger, with more and more products.

And from the day they joined Li Yang Biotechnology Co., Ltd., they understood that as long as the company develops well, the boss Li Yang will definitely not treat the employees badly, so they are very happy.

"Boss, okay, I heard that royal jelly is very valuable. If our company also sells it, it will help the company's image to be high-end."

"Very good, boss, the more products the better, what do you need us to do?"


After looking around for a while, Li Yang spoke directly:

"Our company's royal jelly is different from ordinary royal jelly on the market. It is some pure natural preparations added in our company's overseas laboratories. It has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying yang, and the effect is very strong."

The so-called overseas laboratory in Li Yang's mouth is purely to prevent these employees from making up nonsense. After all, it is also honey, and their company's honey has other effects. There must be a suitable reason for this.

So Li Yang made up this reason casually. Anyway, it has been said, overseas laboratories, who knows.

After hearing what Li Yang said, one of them became a little clever, and immediately reacted and said:

"Boss, I understand. Do you want us to increase publicity on the 'nourishing yin and nourishing yang' properties of our company's royal jelly product?"

After hearing what he said, Li Yang nodded appreciatively.

"Yes, and I can tell you one thing clearly, the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing yang is not what I said, nor is it an exaggeration."

When talking about this, Li Yang coughed dryly twice, and then said:

"Ahem... um... Let's put it this way, we are all men, I'll just say it straight, if you can last for five minutes in any aspect before, if you take our royal jelly for a long time, you can last ten minutes minute!"

After hearing Li Yang's blunt words, the few people were not at all embarrassed, after all, they were all men.

One of them even asked expectantly:

"Boss, really?"

After hearing what he said, Li Yang laughed a few times, and then said seriously:

"It's true, I promise, if you don't believe me, you can buy it when the time comes, and when the product comes out, if it doesn't have such an exaggerated effect as I said, I will personally refund you!"

After hearing what Li Yang said, others understood that the effect of the company's upcoming "royal jelly" is real.

Because if other companies launch a product, the public relations department will definitely exaggerate, do some "bragging" to a certain extent, etc., but their advertisers know that it must be fake.

The current situation is that Li Yang personally told them that the effect of the product is real, so they can let go of their hands and feet to boast a real "cowhide" in the advertisement to maximize the effect of the advertisement.

After all, as long as the promotional effect of the product is true, no one cares how exaggerated the advertisement is.

"Okay! We understand, boss, and we will be responsible for contacting the manufacturer about the packaging bottle. We will strive to quickly launch the advertising plan."

Li Yang nodded in satisfaction after hearing what the person in the advertising department said.

"Okay, work hard! When the time comes, I will give you a separate bonus for your department, and your department may move to the city to work."

After hearing the news, the three young men in the advertising department became more motivated, and immediately got busy, starting to search for relevant information, etc.


After leaving the office, Li Yang asked someone to contact the construction team. His factory in Baihuagu had to be expanded, that is, the assembly line and warehouse had to be expanded.

This matter is not difficult, as long as the money is in place, the construction speed will be fast.

After the negotiation, the person in charge of the construction team came directly to conduct on-site inspections with engineers, but Li Yang never went to ask about it.

He climbed up the mountain rarely, and came to the back slope of the forest land he contracted. Here, at a glance, he saw a large area of ​​various thorns and weeds. There were flowers in it, but very few.

Most of it is the kind of vines and herbs that don't do much for bee breeding.

Looking at such a large area, Li Yang already had an idea in his mind. He had to find someone to fill it up, and then plant trees, nothing else but plum blossoms.

Winter is about to enter, so I bought a batch of mature plum blossom saplings and planted them directly, which will bloom in winter.

At that time, I will directly brew plum nectar, and then make a single product and launch it on the market. The system should not disappoint me, and there should be special properties and effects.


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