Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

059 Monthly Financial Statements

After finishing speaking, the village party secretary of Wangjiazhuang yelled directly at the bottom of the slope.

"Second Pillar! Open the water gate!"

Not long after speaking, Li Yang heard the sound of the motor starting, and then Li Yang came to the water reservoir they had dug in advance.

The entire cistern is very large, and it was a big hole they asked the excavators of the construction company to dig.

After digging, a large tarpaulin was used to cushion the ground so that no water would leak down, and a simple water reservoir was completed.

When the time comes, workers will plant saplings and fetch water directly on the spot, which greatly improves work efficiency.

And Li Yang noticed that there are such reservoirs every other distance, which is much more convenient.

When Li Yang was standing here and looking into the distance, the water pipe under his feet suddenly moved, and then the river water poured out of the water pipe directly.

It seems that the power of the water pump is not small, and the reservoir under the feet is estimated to be filled in less than ten minutes.

After this reservoir is full, the pipe will be put into the next reservoir.


Two hours later, a large truck with the logo of Jinlin Chemical Fertilizer Factory stopped on the side of the road.

After seeing this, Li Yang immediately asked the village party secretary to find dozens of young and strong men to unload the chemical fertilizer. This bag of chemical fertilizer is not as heavy as camellia saplings.

A rainproof shed was built here a long time ago, and a layer of bricks was built on the ground, and then covered with straw, which can effectively prevent moisture.

Although winter is coming soon, no one knows whether there will be light rain or sleet in these two days. If this greenhouse is not built, all the compound fertilizers will be destroyed in one rain.

The cement storage point of the construction company has the same structure as here.

The upper greenhouse is rainproof, and the lower bricks and straws are moisture-proof structures.

Seeing the workers laying out the compound fertilizer in an orderly manner, Li Yang took the time to ask the driver who came to deliver the goods.

"Do you still have a truckload of goods? Have you loaded the truck yet?"

After hearing Li Yang's question, the driver said politely:

"Boss Li, the car driven by my third child is behind me. I just called and is already on the way. It will arrive in an hour."

After the driver finished speaking, Li Yang nodded.

"Okay, tell him, pay attention to safety on the road, it's hard work."

After speaking, Li Yang went straight to the temporary work site.

Seeing Li Yang coming in, several staff quickly handed Li Yang a stool, and then gave Li Yang a bottle of water.

After receiving the water, Li Yang directly called the person in charge of the finance department and asked them to check it carefully, and then transferred the remaining 1.1 million yuan from the plantation today.

Li Yang has already paid for the goods at Jinlin Fertilizer Factory, so this is the only one left.

After finishing all this, Li Yang had nothing to do, so he booked on the construction site for an afternoon, and then told the section chief what to pay attention to when he left.

At night, someone has to be arranged to take care of the compound fertilizer and saplings.


It's another new month, and Li Yang also received the monthly income and expenditure report from the financial side.

This month, due to the successive opening of branches in several surrounding counties, the combined turnover has increased a lot.

The combined turnover of the three stores in Pingyang alone is more than 52 million, and the value is quite stable. Not surprisingly, the turnover forecast for the opening of next month should also fluctuate around this value.

The stores in other county towns that opened not long ago are not as low as expected in Pingyang, but the daily turnover is a little higher.

Although it has only been less than half a month, these four stores have created a total turnover of more than 31 million yuan.

After thinking about it, Li Yang decided that this should be the reason why there is no pressure for each store in the county, and the enthusiasm for opening is high.

But Li Yang is also very satisfied with the combined turnover of these seven flagship stores of 83 million.

This is in the absence of "royal jelly", if the second batch of "royal jelly" is put on the market, it is estimated that the total turnover will exceed 100 million.

Then Li Yang took a rough look at the expenses, and the large sum of expenses above was spent by himself.

For example, more than one million yuan for the plantation this time, as well as the official money given to Mayor Lin to build the library, as well as salary expenses.

Most of the rest is travel expenses for employees.

After all, the people in their headquarters need to go to other places and rural bee farms frequently.

Li Yang put down the list in his hand when he saw this.

It seems that it is necessary for me to buy a few Buick commercial vehicles that I thought about before, as the company's shared vehicles.

Then Wang Zhen also told himself that because of the business development in other surrounding counties, the trucks of their transportation team are simply not enough.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yang took a few people from the purchasing department and finance to directly plan to go to the auto market in Pingyang to have a look.

................................................... .

In the past, I often asked everyone for monthly tickets for flowers, which might be a bit annoying.

If you feel comfortable and have flowers, you can support yourself. This is the last time, and I won’t mention it again.

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