Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

074 Warm Winter Gift, 'Royal Jelly' Returns To The Store For A Limited Time

"Boss, what's the matter with the bees in our bee farm? I see that half of the bees in the beehive are alive and kicking like before, but the other half are just like normal bees and won't come out of the hive in winter."

An old beekeeper in a bee farm couldn't help but asked Li Yang, after all, in his opinion, it is incredible that bees can still harvest honey in winter.

After thinking about it, Li Yang said:

"This is an optimized gene changed by our company's research laboratory, so some bees will not be afraid of the cold in winter."

Hearing Li Yang's explanation, although the beekeepers couldn't understand it, they still felt that it was amazing. Anyway, there is no laboratory, and the optimized gene sounds like a relatively high-tech thing.

The production of winter honey in winter must be lower than that of the previous "Hundred Flower Honey", so the workers in the bee farm also need to be rotated, so there is no need for so many people.

Regarding those assembly lines and honeycombs, Li Yang’s plan is to rotate, divide into groups, and work in rotation. The first group gets a month’s salary in the previous month, and then the other group gets a month’s work in the next month. salary.

This is more fair, Li Yang does not need so many people in winter, it is not to let them all come to the bee farm and wait for wages.

Li Yang went to the warehouse to check the reserves of "royal jelly" after giving instructions to prevent fire in winter.

After two months of "only in and out", the reserve stock of "royal jelly" has reached 10,000 bottles, and Li Yang will put the second batch of "royal jelly" on the market together

After such a long period of consumption recently, people who bought "royal jelly" before have consumed almost all of it.

People who have never used "royal jelly" are fine, but those who have used "royal jelly" can't live without it after realizing the abnormal ability of "royal jelly".

Especially the wives at home urged me to buy one by one.

But there is nothing in the store, and they have no choice but to urge the store again and again and give them some advice.

Li Yang has received many reports from the store manager below that the consumers' demand for "Queen Bee" and "Jelly" is much stronger than that of "Hundred Flower Honey", and they strongly demand that "Bee Jelly" be launched on the market again.

Li Yang can also understand this phenomenon. After all, "Hundred Flower Honey" is an auxiliary whitening product.

But "royal jelly" is a rigid demand for those men, and it is impossible to have it without it.

After thinking about it, Li Yang returned to the company and went to the advertising department.

Two days later, a man in a villa was being complained by a noble lady who was the first to buy "royal jelly" last time.

Listening to the nagging in his ear, the man looked helpless. Since the stock of "royal jelly" at home ran out, his wife and himself have returned to their previous appearance.

A little quarrel every day, a big quarrel every three days, any aspect of life that is not harmonious can bring so many problems.

The key point is that he himself feels that he can't do without "royal jelly", and his confidence in using that stuff has multiplied.

However, I have sent my assistant to visit several times. I have asked all three flagship stores in Pingyang, and the "royal jelly" is out of stock.

There has been no news since the last limited time limited sale.

This made him very annoyed, if it wasn't for the sake of face, he even wanted to find a relationship to meet the boss of Liyang Biotechnology in person, to see if he could go through the back door and buy a

"Can you stop smoking early in the morning? The smell of cigarettes is so strong, it stinks!"

After hearing the lady's complaint, the man looked helpless, tsk tsk, she was the one who lit his cigarettes when there was "royal jelly", but now the big room can't smell the smoke, she just finds fault.

The difference in treatment before and after this is also too great.

"No, I still don't believe it. I can't buy it at several times the price myself. Go and see for yourself. It happens to be able to avoid my wife and listen to her nagging.

After thinking about it in his heart, the man left the villa directly and drove to the city center.

After coming to the city center, the man found "Liyang Biotechnology Flagship Store NO1" with the electronic map of his mobile phone.

Ever since his wife bought it for him, he asked his assistant to ask him a few times, but he hasn't been here yet.

When he came to the door, without even thinking about it, the man opened the door and walked in.

When I went in, I saw a poster standing in the center of the store, and the shelves behind the poster were all empty.

Walking up to the poster, the man looked at it seriously, and then showed joy.

This poster reads "Warm winter gift, return to the store for a limited time."

This man is a bit confused by warm winter gift, winter honey? Can bees still collect honey in winter?

And is it plum nectar and camellia nectar? He knows these two kinds of trees that only bloom in winter, and the honey made from the nectar that blooms in winter?

And plum honey can nourish the skin? Can camellia honey soothe the nerves?

He was quite curious at first, after all, he had never heard of bees collecting honey in winter, and he had never heard of plum nectar or camellia nectar either.

But the men don't really believe in the advertising words. What nourishes the skin and soothes the nerves and nourishes the energy is just an advertisement, a gimmick.

This is a habitual reaction developed after watching advertisements for so many years. When you see these, you know that the name is not worthy of the name.

But the small line at the bottom dispelled his worries.

".~This product is produced by Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd."

This line of words made him decide to buy some winter honey when it comes out, so that his wife and family can use this winter honey.

After all, this company can develop such a perverted product as "royal jelly", and it is not surprising that winter honey has magical effects.

The key point is that the background picture on this poster is a plum blossom forest, with snow on the branches, but the bees are gathering honey in the air and on the flowers.

It shocked him that there were actually such bees collecting honey in winter.

After letting go of the shock and seeing the "return to the store within a limited time" behind, the man was immediately ecstatic.

It seems that my luck is really good, I have asked my assistant to go there so many times and there is no news, and I have "returned to the store within a limited time" as soon as I came.

The second batch of royal jelly will return to the store for sale for a limited time, and it will be launched together with "plum blossom honey" and "camellia honey" (winter honey), so stay tuned.

Although winter honey is introduced in a large part of the poster, this man still values ​​royal jelly more.

After reading the poster, the man came to the counter.

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